Welcome to The Medal Heads Invitational 6.
This tournament will take place on the USA.
This is a 1vs1, 16 person tournament that consists of 8 first round games.
Game Settings:Standard, Sequential, Chained, Sunny, No Soils.
Deadbeats in the first round will be replaced by a reserve. Deadbeats in any other round will be marked as Eliminated.
Celticknight Mad Pineapples wrexham neanderpaul14 psychobkrazy MoB Deadly WPBRJ Puresutesu keybladeboy Dr.killitz HighlanderAttack jricart DJ Teflon peanutsdad b00060 Woodruff RESERVES ppgangster astronautg117 Quack. scottishleaf show: ROUND 1
game 1 MoB Deadly vsCelticknight Game 4720560 game1 Game 2: 3. Dr.killitz 4. HighlanderAttackGame 4722020 game 1 Game 3: WPBRJ b00060Game 4722022 game 1 Game 4: WoodruffPuresutesu Game 4722026 game 1 Game 5: psychobkrazy jricart Game 4722028 game 1 Game 6: keybladeboyDJ Teflon Game 4722030 game 1 Game 7: wrexhamMad Pineapples [RESERVE] ppgangster Game 4722032 game 1 Game 8:neanderpaul14 [RESERVE]scotishleaft peanutsdadGame 4722034 game 1
show: Round 2
Round 2: Game 1: MoB Deadlyb00060 Game 4722035 pw game 2 Game 2: keybladeboyWoodruff Game 4825298 pw game 2 Game 3: wrexhampsychobkrazy Game 4825327 pw game 2 Game 4 peanutsdad HighlanderAttackGame 4825361 pw game 2
show: Round 3
Round 3: HighlanderAttackMoB Deadly Game 4886855 game 3 Game 2: wrexhamkeybladeboy Game 4886857 game 3
Round 4 (Finals): Highlanderattack
Game 4926968 the big game