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reverend_kyle wrote:Cojones came from a foreign word you dumbass.
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.
jay_a2j wrote:reverend_kyle wrote:Cojones came from a foreign word you dumbass.
As do MOST words idiot.
DIRESTRAITS wrote:how has Bush made terrorists attacks more likely?
Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
kclborat wrote:Jay, im surprised that I agree with you on anything, but I agree with you about NAFTA.
mandalorian2298 wrote:DIRESTRAITS wrote:how has Bush made terrorists attacks more likely?
By ordering them? I mean isn't it a BIT suspicius to you how Al Quaida threats allways come when Bush is loosing support. Remember during the last ellections, when Bushes popularity sliped, there came the tape of Osama (who is an ex(?)-CIA cooperant) threatening Americans if they vote for Bush. Now, when everyone (sane) in USA, including a good part of the Republican Party, is against sending adittional troops to Iraq; NOW Al Quaida feels the need to send another taunting and treathening tape.
It all reminds me how we used to manipulate dumb kids, back in pre-school.I just hope at least those kids became a little smarter
vtmarik wrote:mandalorian2298 wrote:DIRESTRAITS wrote:how has Bush made terrorists attacks more likely?
By ordering them? I mean isn't it a BIT suspicius to you how Al Quaida threats allways come when Bush is loosing support. Remember during the last ellections, when Bushes popularity sliped, there came the tape of Osama (who is an ex(?)-CIA cooperant) threatening Americans if they vote for Bush. Now, when everyone (sane) in USA, including a good part of the Republican Party, is against sending adittional troops to Iraq; NOW Al Quaida feels the need to send another taunting and treathening tape.
It all reminds me how we used to manipulate dumb kids, back in pre-school.I just hope at least those kids became a little smarter
The only part of that particular conspiracy theory I like is that Osama Bin Laden was paid by our government for shooting down drug traffickers planes are part of our ineffective war on drugs.
It can be argued that the war on drugs caused (or at least contributed to) the war on terror, because Osama used the money from the anti-drug operations to fund the 1993 WTC bombing and 9/11
Knight of Orient wrote:vtmarik wrote:mandalorian2298 wrote:DIRESTRAITS wrote:how has Bush made terrorists attacks more likely?
By ordering them? I mean isn't it a BIT suspicius to you how Al Quaida threats allways come when Bush is loosing support. Remember during the last ellections, when Bushes popularity sliped, there came the tape of Osama (who is an ex(?)-CIA cooperant) threatening Americans if they vote for Bush. Now, when everyone (sane) in USA, including a good part of the Republican Party, is against sending adittional troops to Iraq; NOW Al Quaida feels the need to send another taunting and treathening tape.
It all reminds me how we used to manipulate dumb kids, back in pre-school.I just hope at least those kids became a little smarter
The only part of that particular conspiracy theory I like is that Osama Bin Laden was paid by our government for shooting down drug traffickers planes are part of our ineffective war on drugs.
It can be argued that the war on drugs caused (or at least contributed to) the war on terror, because Osama used the money from the anti-drug operations to fund the 1993 WTC bombing and 9/11
So, Osama doesnt want Bush in makes me ponder....why does half of america agree? maybe the mongoose(bush) was uncaged on the cobra(osama)in the last2 elections, anyone ever thought of that? I think we all should think on this 4 a bit.
Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
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