Moderator: Cartographers
captainwalrus wrote:YOU NEED IMPASSIBLES! Right not there are way to many boarders. Nothing is easy to hold.
captainwalrus wrote:I now se several things that would make the map much better.
1 Impassibles (as mentioned before) A new version is working on that.
2 A better background I have a much better background in the a new update that will come soon but I havbe a slight problem that I don't know how to fix so I will have to ask around before finishing that.
3 a more evident theme. (ading a picture of a norse worrior or sheild or something would do wonders for it) I am considering getting rid of the norse nations and then adding nust denmark and perhaps a picture of something norse-ish
4 Get rid of the nordic nations and add just denmark with tribes and such (There is a map of midevil denmark going on now, perhaps the author would know a thing or two about the teritories.) That was suggested but I want some more debate.
5 different font for the outside text (something less plain) Will be done
MrBenn wrote:Your drafts are certainly improvingThanks
The borders still feel quite pixelly, and the whole map feels a bit squished (ie compressed vertically). Unfourtunently I think that it is a bit too large mabey 20 pixels on each side larger than the size requirements but I will see what I can do.
You'll need to be really careful with your attack lines and the boat... the boat in the Bristol channel appears to border a couple of places, and I'm not too sure where it lands? The boats in the Irish sea seem a bit of a mystery... where do they come from? The map still feels a bit disparate, and you've lost the Viking invaders theme... for me, that was the unique selling point of this map! It should be better when the either the Nordic countries or Denmark is added after the poll gets some more votes.
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
sailorseal wrote:My big boy banana was out the whole time
AndyDufresne wrote:Forever linked at the hip's-banana! (That sounds strange, don't quote me.)AndyDufresne wrote:Many Happy Bananas to everyone, lets party...with Bananas.
ustus wrote:You have an extra a in border.
Are the red lines impassible? If so, you may want to extend the red border of Breknoc and Hereford a bit past the Breknoc - Monmouth border. i'm having a little trouble telling if there's a border there or not (or i might be wrong and there is, in which case the line moves the other way...). Keep an eye out for such places, that's the one that stands out to me as a little confusing, but other ppl might have trouble with other borders.
mm... that's all i see. looks good!
miniwally wrote:What about including the penines?
LED ZEPPELINER wrote:if I am correct, then your map is over size restrictions. That needs to be fixed sooon.
pridekiller wrote:i dont know i guess ill attack
Haggis_McMutton wrote:2. Anyone else find it kind of funny that naxus is NK'd right after insisting that we're all paranoid?
sailorseal wrote:come on, now i am all sticky
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