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Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

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Do you think Flame Wars should return?

Poll ended at Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:24 am

Yes - We have to have somewhere to share our honest and brutal opinion about other members
Maybe - I didn't really care before, but all this hype about it being gone is annoying me, so I kind of want it back just to shut them up
Maybe - I didn't mind it before but now that it's gone, I am kind of liking the idea of it not coming back
No - Good riddance! Let it dieeeee. It was unnecessary and caused more problems than it solved.
Other - Please state opinion in a reply!!
Total votes : 114

Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby PLAYER57832 on Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:17 am

mpjh wrote:You have free speech. Start your own site, join an adult site, get a megaphone, or buy an ad in a newspaper are just a few examples of your options.

Really now, you're silly [I hope I don't get a suspension for that], this topic is about restoring FLAME WARS. Stick to the subject!

Sorry, I'd like to be more direct with my answer to your absurd posting, but I'm on my last WARNING from Night Strike.

Careful everyone, just a little rant will get you a suspension.

I starting having no opinion, except maybe it would stop people from flaming/trolling elsewhere.

After reading all the "debate"... I say "good riddance!"

But I do hope they keep the regular forums. 8-[ 8-[

(as a minimum, give folks a chance to close down various threads before shutting it).
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Falkomagno on Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:26 am

I dont think that a suddenly forum remove can be good in general to the site. Even if that forum was Flame Wars. It's just a unfair freedom restriction, wich can just raise the flaming in other post in the site, a witch hunt along the posters and a lower level of freedom. Besides, the Flame wars was thinking as a place where you can vent all those bad fellings, but with a straight lineguides...
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby mpjh on Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:32 am

Evolve; adapt; learn the wonders of an expanded vocabulary and the use of satire, sarcasm, humor, analogy, metaphor, simile, and all the other wonderful tools of description. Flame wars was a limiting factor, not a freedom factor. With it gone, we have an opportunity not a loss.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby The Neon Peon on Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:34 am

mpjh wrote:Evolve; adapt; learn the wonders of an expanded vocabulary and the use of satire, sarcasm, humor, analogy, metaphor, simile, and all the other wonderful tools of description. Flame wars was a limiting factor, not a freedom factor. With it gone, we have an opportunity not a loss.

Make this post into a new topic, then ask a mod to sticky it.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Mr Changsha on Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:10 pm

Very interesting thread...

Is it about the 'moral majority' influencing the CC staff to think 'clean', 'tasteful', and 'unoffensive'?

Or is it about just piss-poor service; not just for the flamewars regulars and readers (of whom I am one) but also for the readers of GD who have to read such a trite response?

Remember that just because NOW they are fucking with something that doesn't affect you doesn't mean that they won't start on something YOU like. Maybe the management will present the loss of freestyle to you in such a way one day?
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby timmytuttut88 on Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:25 pm

If this would have happened a year ago I probably would have been mad about it, but as of right now I don't care too much. I mean, some of the threads in there were gold and had so much history of CC that it's a shame to get rid of them.

Also, contrary to what some might think, FWs always seemed to get blamed whenever someone flamed outside of FWs even if that person wasn't a FW regular. I think FWs has been used as a scapegoat here when the facts are, there is going to be flaming no matter what you do.

Now take into consideration the good things about FWs. People think about FWs with one perspective: "all it is, is a bunch of swearing with no point". Although a lot of this is true, FWs is also a place where you can get the cold hard opinions of what people think unmoderated. People post whatever they feel like in FWs and for that reason, I thought FWs always had more truth then a lot of this forum did.

Number three, I would say that flamers don't usually flame outside of FWs. How many times do you see a FW regular get permanent forum banned for flaming outside of FWs? I'll tell you how many! NONE!*

This is how the most noteworthy flamerposters have gotten banned from CC:

Suggs: Multis/personal info
Norse: Racism (Racism is not allowed no matter where you post it, therefore it wouldn't matter whether he posted it in FWs or not)
Interfacer PH: Personal info
The_Lion: Personal info
AlbertQ: Multis
Reminisco: Multis

As you can see, most Flamers were perma-banned for posting personal info. Although you might say "hey personal info could be counted as a flame outside of FWs!" Consider this:

1. Most of the people who were banned for that were around before that rule came and weren't used to it
2. These people mostly posted personal information inside FW
3. Personal info isn't allowed no matter where you posted

The only people perma-banned for flaming outside of FWs that I know are DaGip and T-O-M. Those people WERE NOT FW regulars. I mean even Prowler, who has been a flamer on this site for over a year, I think only got one or two warnings for flaming outside of FWs. I have over 1000 posts in FWs and i've been active there for over a year, wanna know how many times i've gotten a warning for flaming outside of FWs: ONCE. And that was from flaming inside a clan forum. Not even in public.

So, as you can see, FWs isn't nearly as bad as you guys think it is. If you don't like it, just stay out of it. No one forces you to go in there. Now that you understand that, would a mod mind telling me what is going to happen to all the threads in FWs? Can we still see them?

*Although it looks like that may turn to one judging by how stoneham is handling this...
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby The Neon Peon on Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:53 pm

timmytuttut88 wrote:The only people perma-banned for flaming outside of FWs that I know are DaGip and T-O-M. Those people WERE NOT FW regulars.

So... since there is a higher concentration of people getting banned (for whatever reason) who regularly post in flame wars...
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby salr15 on Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:55 pm

Well, holy shit, I fell asleep and woke and suddenly CC turned into a nursery school. So we are trying to improve the CC image? Wtf is this, a prep school? Let's not get all high and mighty, this is a game website infested with 10-18 year olds venting out their frustrations (many times sexual) or some of us older members who get a kick out of logging into the forums during the work day and taking out frustrations on poor souls like Stoneham.

Not exactly sure what the new mods ultimate plan is, but keep in mind what this site really is.

One thing I did notice is that some of the so called "thick skinned" flamers would get their feelings hurt and would troll on the other sections of the forums but they would also get their due punishment. But I think for the most FW posters, they realized it was just a joke and had fun with it. I personally liked logging in and getting a few laughs rather than reading the monotnous posting in GD. But just because I didn't like the boring conversations in GD, didn't mean I ran out crying to shut it down.

One thing I can say I have learned in business is keep it simple and stick to what got you here. When the site first started, there were a handful of good maps and what really attracted me to it was people had the freedom to do what they wanted, of course within some limits. But if anyone broke the rules, they would get banned. But I can see as it grows, things change. They are trying to change the image to some "holy" website which will eventually motivate some computer geek to go out and start his/her website, which will ultimately, no pun intended, bring down CC in "flames".
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by jalen45
on Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:47 pm

Hyasri wrote:Dont panic, I am here and active :)

Just taking my time to get familiar with everything rather than just rushing in and making some rash decisions.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby The Neon Peon on Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:00 pm

If you enjoy a good laugh in the morning:
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby timmytuttut88 on Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:06 pm

The Neon Peon wrote:
timmytuttut88 wrote:The only people perma-banned for flaming outside of FWs that I know are DaGip and T-O-M. Those people WERE NOT FW regulars.

So... since there is a higher concentration of people getting banned (for whatever reason) who regularly post in flame wars...

Wrong. Those 6 people were banned over a period of one year and three months. I doubt that is a "high concentration".

And actually, if you really want to get into this, only one of those people were actually FW regulars. Norse, Suggs, and I think reminisco (not sure because FWs has been removed) all had "Much Ado About Nothing" As their most active forum and AlbertQ only had about 100 posts in FWs.

Really the only two people from FWs to be banned are the_lion and interfacer PH. I just thought that those other four contributed once and awhile and none of them were banned for flaming outside of FWs so I thought I would include them. If you think about it, off-topics has a much higher number of banned members then FWs does.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby The Neon Peon on Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:30 pm

Sorry, false assumption I should not have made.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby azezzo on Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:52 pm

Mr Changsha wrote:I'd imagine that the CC 'powers that be' are relying on the fact that a very small minority of users even notice, never mind care about, flamewars.

They are probably right on this.

In terms of customer service though it did come across as immature, weak and, to be perfectly honest about it, sneaky.

same as the way they got rid of the old feedback system
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Timminz on Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:18 pm

azezzo wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:I'd imagine that the CC 'powers that be' are relying on the fact that a very small minority of users even notice, never mind care about, flamewars.

They are probably right on this.

In terms of customer service though it did come across as immature, weak and, to be perfectly honest about it, sneaky.

same as the way they got rid of the old feedback system

Not at all. There was a much more public lead-up to the removal of feedback. The removal of FW was only seen coming by a few people. Feedback was known to be a goner by almost all forum-goers.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby jiminski on Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:05 pm

Timminz wrote:
azezzo wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:I'd imagine that the CC 'powers that be' are relying on the fact that a very small minority of users even notice, never mind care about, flamewars.

They are probably right on this.

In terms of customer service though it did come across as immature, weak and, to be perfectly honest about it, sneaky.

same as the way they got rid of the old feedback system

Not at all. There was a much more public lead-up to the removal of feedback. The removal of FW was only seen coming by a few people. Feedback was known to be a goner by almost all forum-goers.

that's half true.
The forum-debate on Feedback only came after the discussion was made and the structures were already in place.
It was simply 'a mistake' by Wicked which asked for opinion prior to the final change-over to the wonderful star system.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Woodruff on Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:36 pm

jiminski wrote:FlameWars demise is great for the moral majority! well done our Christian brothers who say 'sugar' when they mean 'shit'! but walk in another's shoes for a while and you will see that imposition of anothers will, without consultation or course for remission, is a larger point of frustration!

I am not a Christian (or even religious at all), yet I found Flame Wars to be repugnant and I am thoroughly pleased to see it gone.

However, I must admit that I do tend to agree with the second part of your statement. The method for it's removal does leave something to be desired.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Woodruff on Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:39 pm

mpjh wrote:You have free speech. Start your own site, join an adult site, get a megaphone, or buy an ad in a newspaper are just a few examples of your options.

Really now, you're silly [I hope I don't get a suspension for that], this topic is about restoring FLAME WARS. Stick to the subject!

Yet you're not sticking to the subject. You continue to bring up Free Speech, when that is thoroughly irrelevant to this topic.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Woodruff on Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:48 pm

salr15 wrote:Well, holy shit, I fell asleep and woke and suddenly CC turned into a nursery school. So we are trying to improve the CC image? Wtf is this, a prep school? Let's not get all high and mighty, this is a game website infested with 10-18 year olds venting out their frustrations (many times sexual) or some of us older members who get a kick out of logging into the forums during the work day and taking out frustrations on poor souls like Stoneham.

From my perspective, it would be great if those 10-18 year olds would learn to vent out their frustrations in more productive ways that would benefit them for the rest of their lives.

salr15 wrote:One thing I can say I have learned in business is keep it simple and stick to what got you here. When the site first started, there were a handful of good maps and what really attracted me to it was people had the freedom to do what they wanted, of course within some limits. But if anyone broke the rules, they would get banned. But I can see as it grows, things change. They are trying to change the image to some "holy" website which will eventually motivate some computer geek to go out and start his/her website, which will ultimately, no pun intended, bring down CC in "flames".

Or, in contrast, this site may thrive thanks to its' new reputation and clientele. The result is yet to be seen, of course.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Eliminator15 on Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:47 pm

We need both Flame Wars and Peace and Love back. At least that way maybe they will help cancel each other out. Anyways, if you don't bring flame wars back, people will begin making flame war topics in places like general discussion or other forum sections.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Woodruff on Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:57 pm

Eliminator15 wrote:We need both Flame Wars and Peace and Love back. At least that way maybe they will help cancel each other out. Anyways, if you don't bring flame wars back, people will begin making flame war topics in places like general discussion or other forum sections.

That won't last long, as they'll quickly lose their ability to do so.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby Simon Viavant on Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:59 pm

Personally I don't care much, but as several people here have said, it's removal method was so downright sneaky that it's something to be justifiably tweaked off about.

Those who say only a few are angry about this don't realize how all the things that only alienate a few people add up, for example the classic map, feedback and ratings, various bans, general moderator actions, and meddling with the forum.

Eventually a lot of people end up getting pissed off.

And mainly, if all of those events were managed competently and openly, people would just suck it up and say "oh well, they're doing their best", but when everything happens sneakily and bumblingly, with the response to any negative feedback being "f*ck off, no one cares", people start to get mad after a while.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby King_Herpes on Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:09 am

Simon Viavant wrote:Personally I don't care much, but as several people here have said, it's removal method was so downright sneaky that it's something to be justifiably tweaked off about.

Those who say only a few are angry about this don't realize how all the things that only alienate a few people add up, for example the classic map, feedback and ratings, various bans, general moderator actions, and meddling with the forum.

Eventually a lot of people end up getting pissed off.

And mainly, if all of those events were managed competently and openly, people would just suck it up and say "oh well, they're doing their best", but when everything happens sneakily and bumblingly, with the response to any negative feedback being "f*ck off, no one cares", people start to get mad after a while.

Not me, I just go punch my cat in the stomach and everything's peachy again...
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby oVo on Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:39 am

Simon Viavant wrote:Eventually a lot of people end up getting pissed off.

Much like a roll of the dice, life isn't always fair. I won't miss the mindless drivel, revelling in petty spite
and pointless vitriol generated by Flame Wars. Better pissed off than pissed on.

On the upside, we now can see GENERAL STONEHAM's subliminally intoxicating icon all over this forum
while reading his thoughtful personal opinions about Canadians, web moderators, fictional aliens and
the many benefits of having a decent place to vent our frustrations.

Life is good. Maybe we should all gather at the public house and get really pissed.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby salr15 on Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:44 am

Simon Viavant wrote:Personally I don't care much, but as several people here have said, it's removal method was so downright sneaky that it's something to be justifiably tweaked off about.

Those who say only a few are angry about this don't realize how all the things that only alienate a few people add up, for example the classic map, feedback and ratings, various bans, general moderator actions, and meddling with the forum.

Eventually a lot of people end up getting pissed off.

And mainly, if all of those events were managed competently and openly, people would just suck it up and say "oh well, they're doing their best", but when everything happens sneakily and bumblingly, with the response to any negative feedback being "f*ck off, no one cares", people start to get mad after a while.

There is nothing secret about it. I think a few "sensitive" mods have been waiting in the wings for Twill and some older mods to disappear and they would immediately remove FW. It was all about timing. They have been crying about flame wars for awhile now.

Isn't it funny a few weeks after Twill leaves, FW goes down? :-k Mod abuse at it's best,mod edit
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by jalen45
on Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:47 pm

Hyasri wrote:Dont panic, I am here and active :)

Just taking my time to get familiar with everything rather than just rushing in and making some rash decisions.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby GENERAL STONEHAM on Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:33 pm

I'm back after my 24 hour banning by the sensitive administrators of C.C.

Careful boys, post as if you're walking on thin ice.
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Re: Share Your Opinion! -- Flame Wars, Gone For Good?

Postby mpjh on Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:40 pm

Get some skates.
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