Conquer Club

Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Winner: Linksniper]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:55 am

I've made the most urgent things - sent reminders and will get everything back on track (including scoreboard update and new games if needed) by the end of this week. Don't know when exactly but hopefully as soon as possible. Thanks for the patience, real life is a pain in the butt right now :P
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:10 pm

Scoreboards have been updated!

First of all, I've renamed the Round 1 of finals into semi finals. Format stays the same, just made the naming more clear (no idea how I didn't come to it before 8-[ ).

3- and 4-player events have finished and we have our first 7 semi-finalists from these groups. Though, they must wait for a long time before their games can begin so keeping slots open isn't needed.

8-player event has moved into Round 2 in Qualifying and first games are waiting hardlywork to join them. If he hasn't done it in the next 48 hours then martyn will take his place.

6-player events are mostly in Qualifying 2 and I've made new games to those who needed them. Still waiting Shooting Q1 to end so we could move on to Q2 with that event (1 group has 2 games left: Game 3872092 & Game 3872094).

In Rowing, Q2, csiguy79 has been kicked out and second place winner of group 5 gets his spot, therefore hun1 has received a message to join the games.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:36 am

Made some new games, sent out some reminders :)
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:24 pm

Checked waiting/active games today and sent out some new games to groups who needed them.

Shooting group has until round 70-75 to finish the games and if they don't manage it by that time then the last 2 games won't count in the tournament and everybody will get 0-points from those games.

I won't be updating scoreboard right now because nothing that interesting has happened in the games so scoreboard will probably get an update in a week.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:35 pm

Scoreboards have been updated!

No change in 8-player Qualifying 2.

In 6-player Q2 I've made some new games and updated scoreboard with finished games.

Also, good news! SHOOTING has finished with Qualifying 1 (they didn't manage to end their last 2 active games before round 70 so Game 3872092 and Game 3872094 will give 0 points to everybody). Therefore, checkmated wins Group 5 of SHOOTING and advances to Q2 in that event. I've also made first games for them.

For now, that's it. Keep the games going and don't forget to post results! :)
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:47 pm

superkarn has decided to forfeit because of personal reasons so his place is given to the player who was second in his group. Unfortunately it seems that Hellmans has left CC so I've decided that SHOOTING Qualifying 2 will be played as 5-player games (Scoring: winner = 5 points, second place = 4, third = 3 etc).
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1 & 2; UPDATED March 19]

Postby dawatts17 on Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:45 pm

Game 4440280
2009-03-20 21:11:00 - Keebs2674 eliminated Aussierager from the game
2009-03-22 21:10:42 - Yokle eliminated Linksniper from the game
2009-03-25 07:44:43 - dawatts17 eliminated Keebs2674 from the game
2009-03-25 07:45:39 - dawatts17 eliminated Yokle from the game
2009-03-25 14:38:22 - dawatts17 eliminated AzureX from the game
2009-03-25 14:38:22 - dawatts17 won the game
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:14 pm

Sent out some games and reminders. Fortunately SHOOTING players agreed to play all their games at once so there's hope that they'll catch up with other events :)
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:49 pm

Scoreboards have been updated! :)
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1 & 2; UPDATED March 30]

Postby hun1 on Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:30 pm

Rowing, Game 4, Game # 4501605

hun1 6
brad5 5
nooksack 4
napolean47 3
aaelite 2
bfunny27 1
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:34 pm

Thanks for the result, keep them coming everybody!

Made some new games and sent reminder.
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Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:45 pm

Reminders sent to several people.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1 & 2; UPDATED March 30]

Postby hun1 on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:46 pm

Results for Rowing, Game 5 # 4568448

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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 1 & 2; UPDATED March 30]

Postby dawatts17 on Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:03 pm

I don't see results on the first page for the last 3 Mod Pent games so here they are

2009-04-01 07:11:21 - Aussierager eliminated AzureX from the game
2009-04-01 21:08:59 - Linksniper eliminated Aussierager from the game
2009-04-06 14:00:13 - Yokle eliminated Keebs2674 from the game
2009-04-07 11:43:45 - Linksniper eliminated Yokle from the game
2009-04-07 13:50:03 - Linksniper eliminated dawatts17 from the game
2009-04-07 13:50:03 - Linksniper won the game

2009-04-01 21:12:10 - Linksniper eliminated Yokle from the game
2009-04-03 08:39:24 - Linksniper eliminated dawatts17 from the game
2009-04-03 08:40:02 - Linksniper eliminated AzureX from the game
2009-04-04 10:37:53 - Linksniper eliminated Keebs2674 from the game
2009-04-04 10:38:51 - Linksniper eliminated Aussierager from the game
2009-04-04 10:38:51 - Linksniper won the game

2009-04-14 13:29:21 - dawatts17 eliminated Linksniper from the game
2009-04-14 13:33:11 - dawatts17 eliminated Yokle from the game
2009-04-15 12:38:01 - dawatts17 eliminated Keebs2674 from the game
2009-04-15 12:40:22 - dawatts17 eliminated Aussierager from the game
2009-04-15 12:41:14 - dawatts17 eliminated AzureX from the game
2009-04-15 12:41:14 - dawatts17 won the game
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:04 am

I'm sorry, just haven't had time to update the standings. I'll try to do it in the next 2 days because quite a bit has happened and we have a few new semi finalists :)
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:30 pm

Scoreboards have been updated!

I've updated scoreboard with all games that have finished and one that hasn't yet but will surely end before round 66.

Besides semi finalists from 3- and 4-player events who will be listed below for once more everybody to see, we have some players from 6-player events who have got a place in the semis.

3- and 4-player events (semi finalists):

6-player events (semi finalists):
dawatts17 (winner of MODERN PENTATHLON)
Tommy Tucker (winner of SAILING)

Most games have finished though we have still a month or two before we can move to semis. ROWING will be over in a week or two, currently AAElite and brad5 are playing best out of 5 series to know who gets to semi finals. All 6 SHOOTING games are active but will take some time before they end (or reach to round 66 when they won't count) because they are appr. at round 10 and no spoils games. SWIMMING is stuck at their 2nd and 3rd game (Flat Rate) and they are playing carefully. If one of those games end, I'll ask if they agree to play games 4-6 all at once to speed up the process a bit. TRIATHLON is at its last game but it won't start before April 27th because Doss has asked for it as he will be away from CC for a bit.

For now, that's it. Another update in a week or two, depends when something interesting happens.

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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:04 pm

Just wanted to say that I'll be quite busy during summer so sadly the tournament that moves slowly will most likely move even slower. Hopefully it won't but it's just a warning that I might not react fast enough so messaging me/posting that game has ended is very helpful :)

Right now checked active games and made new/sent out to troops that needed them.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun May 03, 2009 3:33 pm

Scoreboards have been updated!
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Mon May 11, 2009 12:27 pm

Medals for Event Winners have been updated with 3 newest winners in 6-player events: dawatts17 (MODERN PENTATHLON), AAElite (ROWING) and Tommy Tucker (SAILING).

We have still 4 events active.

6-player events
SHOOTING /No Cards/ 3 games active around round 30.
SWIMMING /Flat Rate/ 2 games active and 3 need to be played.
TRIATHLON /Escalating/ last game active,

8-player event
WEIGHTLIFTING /Escalating/ 2 games active and 2 need to be played.

Patience, patience. That's all I can say because I predicted a long tournament, I understand that I didn't make it clear enough for the players but that's how things are. Hang and keep an eye on the thread to know when semi-finals might begin.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Wed May 20, 2009 3:43 pm

Scoreboard updated!

WEIGHTLIFTING still has 2 active games and 2 waiting to be played.
TRIATHLON has ended, congrats to Doss, our newest semifinalist!
SWIMMING just finished a game so they have 1 waiting for players to join, 1 active (which is a deadend and nobody will get points from there) and after that 2 more games need to be played.
SHOOTING is playing their last 3 games, which one is almost over and 2 others seem to be in a state where they will reach round 66 and just won't count.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun May 24, 2009 4:18 am

Scoreboard updated!
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Mon May 25, 2009 5:21 am

Weightlifting event has got their last 2 games of qualifying 2.
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Sun May 31, 2009 11:02 am

Scoreboard updated!

Lets see what interesting has happened in a week.

First I can congratulate checkmated, our newest finalist (SHOOTING event) =D>

SWIMMING event has a "zero game" which means that Game 4327761 gives 0 points to everybody because it didn't end before round 66. I also made new game to them and we have to wait them to play 2 games before we can start playing finals :D

WEIGHTLIFTING, our only 8-player event has 2 last active games which should be over in a few weeks and then we know who gets to final from this event.
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Re: Olympics Part 3: Fortius [Qualif 2; UPDATED May 31]

Postby amazzony on Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:52 am

I have to cut back from CC for a week or so because of an eye infection so no updates, new games nor anything before June 10 or so. Sorry about any delays!
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UPDATE - Olympics Part 3: Fortius

Postby amazzony on Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:59 pm

Not much has changed - WEIGHTLIFTING is still playing their last 2 games and SWIMMING has 2 active games and one needs to be started when one of those end.
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