Headlines Premiums as well as non-premiums are welcome.
You should enter as a
double team , but it is possible to try to get a partner here.
You will be in one game at the time and in total you have to play 7 games.
All games will be with 4 double teams.
After the 7 games your team will have played against all other 15 teams; 9 of them once the other 6 teams twice.
Planning show
First invitations for games to send on 2 April. You need to be able to start your game(s) at that moment. I will reconfirm that date latest 27 March. This mix of puzzles with a tournament doesn't seem to work. I will give it another week to see if people start joining.
Puzzle Mix In its basic idea it is just a bit more then only games to play.
This is the first puzzle magazine at conquer club As a start we made it double thick and mixed in all kind of different types of puzzles. In total everybody will join in making 7 puzzles. Each puzzle we start with 8 persons; four teams of two. And there will always be four comparable puzzles. You always have to start with one of the games within 48 hours after I send a specific puzzle to you. Solving the puzzle correctly will show what is the correct game to join. In this first puzzle magazine the used puzzles will be simple; an example of the first puzzle is in post 3. In case you enter by mistake the wrong game, you will get a zero score for that game. Also in case you are in the correct game but not with your teammate you get a zero score. In case your correct game is already started you better join one of the other games. After the first 48 hours you will get a reminder and another 48 hours to join one of the games. In case you haven’t joined a game by that time, you will be replaced by a reserve. In case anybody join more then one game at the same time, he or she will be replaced by a reserve and if needed some games will be remade for the tournament; giving the rest a pass on the puzzle part. In case you and your teammate join correctly the correct game you will get a number of tulips depending on how good your team played the game. Last teammate eliminated counts for the team position in the game. In case you are not correctly in a game you still influence the score of the teams that are correct in that game: therefore you should still make the best of it. Used is standard Windmill score and mixing up the teams over the games. In that way you will meet during this tournament every other team once or twice in a game (assuming everybody will always join the correct game). We will start with relatively simple puzzles like connect-the-dots and spot-the-difference. After that we go to slightly more complicated puzzles like maze-puzzle; crossword-puzzle and a tangram. For the real thinkers we also have a chess-problem-puzzle and a classic-logic-puzzle (known as “Seven Bridges of Königsberg”). .
The games show
The puzzles are directly related to CC-games. With the planned simple puzzles your team mostly has to puzzle how to win each game. In post 3 you can find how I came to the following games: 1) Connect-the-dots: Classic shapes , doubles, sequential, flat-rate, adjacent , sunny 2) Spot-the-difference: Classic art , doubles, sequential, flat-rate, chained , sunny 3) Maze: Draknor Level1 , doubles, sequential, flat-rate, unlimited, fog 4) Crossword: Crossword , doubles, freestyle , flat-rate, unlimited, sunny 5) Tangram: Greater China , doubles, sequential, no cards , unlimited, sunny 6) Chess-problem-puzzle: Chinese checkers , doubles, sequential, escalating , unlimited, sunny 7) classic-logic-puzzle: Soviet Union , doubles, sequential, flat-rate, unlimited, sunny.
Score show
As score we use the windmill score. You will get more tulips in case you leave a table later. You will get for each game 21, 17, 13, 9, 7, 5, 3 or 1 tulips depending on your position. In fact it will be a team-score, so the winning team will get 21+17=38 tulips. Second team 22 tulips; third team 12 tulips and fourth team 4 tulips. The fourth team is the team from which both persons are first eliminated. In this tournament you will only get your number of tulips in case you and your teammate are correctly in that game. Your position also counts in case you are not correct in that game, but you only get zero tulips in that case. If there is at the end of the competition a tie in number of tulips collected, the results of game(s) in which those teams where together will show there relative position. This makes a tie unlikely. Only remaining ties for the first and last place will be solved by extra game(s) if needed. In case I need a single reserve I cannot give the remaining person a better position in this tournament, but the reserve will bring one bonus tulip. In case I need to replace a complete team then that reserve team will take over the tulips of the leaving team, however in case the leaving team had a bad position the reserve team will get the same number of tulips as the team at position number 7. In all cases of a complete reserve team, it will get on top of that start score two bonus tulips (one each).
Predictions show
Predictions like this are easily not 100% correct, see some of my earlier tournaments with predictions: link , link , link . The problem is that they really are only predictions. • Invitations for first games at 2 April. • Expected start last game on 9 September • Expected the very last game to be finished at 1 October.