iancanton wrote:if u were starting from scratch, then i'd have urged u to eliminate maple ridge and langley and concentrate ur map on the best-known and most interesting parts of the city. other than the transit lines, ur current map currently takes much the same approach as the neighbouring puget sound map: perfectly good in most respects, except that it doesn't quite have enough to grab the attention and make people want to play it more than some other map. someone else tried to make a london (uk) map that was based purely on its administrative divisions; not surprisingly, people lost interest before it hit the main foundry.
Ian has it on the dot. The map looks good, but it really is missing enough pizazz or uniqueness to keep interest going throughout the process. I wasn't around when Puget Sound hit Forge, but I heard that Tisha's map got utterly obliterated by feedback and only through tons of improvements did it get quenched. To avoid this, I would definitely suggest bringing in more of Vancouver into the map. Right now it's a more or less factual layout of the neighborhoods and boroughs of the city. Rose City takes advantage of what makes Portland its namesake. Build those into the map, either with visual cues, outright bonuses, or otherwise. You might end up having to redesign the map entirely, but make it so that when we look at your map, we can't help but be reminded "you know, that is Vancouver."