Conquer Club

2010 Skilled Diversity [Winners: See 1st Post]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

2010 Skilled Diversity [Winners: See 1st Post]

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:40 pm

(2010 TOURNAMENT of the YEAR
(Skilled Diversity on Complex Maps)

Tourney Champs are: bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Drew483

Welcome to CC's Greatest + Most Versatile Skilled Players on Complex MAPS, QUAD tournament hosted by Blitzaholic!

ALL FREEMIUM + PREMIUM PLAYERS ARE WELCOME as there will only be 3 games @ at time! This is for BRAGGING RIGHTS to BEST on CC, all that join are BRAVE, the last few teams that survive are HEROIC and truly skilled with Versatility, and the Winners of it will be LEGENDARY

The tournament will feature 20 Quads teams who can have up to 6 players per team (in order for all 6 to get a MEDAL for Winning it all all 6 players MUST participate in @ least 1 game, 80 to 100 players counting 2 reserve teams if needed; who will face off in 6 Rounds. Each round you will play 9 Games, there will be about 250 Games played in combined tourney!!!!! Your team may play in a Total of 54 Games if you are skillful enough to get to last few rounds. Each team Win is Equal to 5 points. 1st round of games in the tournament with 20 Teams will be on the Age of Merchants Map, the 2nd round will feature the Top 16 Teams out of the 20 with the most points (as 4 teams will be knocked OUT). If there is any tie (they will face each other in 1 game on IRAQ map. The top 16 teams that are left will then all play 9 Games on American Civil War, 3rd round will consist of 12 Teams and 9 Games played on King of Mountains, 4th round will host 8 Teams with 9 Games played on Seige, again, 4 teams TKO'd or knocked out, 5th round will host the Final 4 teams on Solar System map and finally the CHAMPIONSHIP will be the final 2 Teams with the most points and will face off in 9 Games on WWII Ardennes map. ALL points carry over and the team with the most points in the very end is crowned LEGENDS--Champions of the Tournament of the YEAR 2010.

MAPS will have the following settings: 9 total games each round
3 Games: Sequential, Escalating, Adjacent, Sunny
3 Games: Sequential, Flat rate, Chained, Sunny
3 Games: Sequential, No cards, Unlimited, Sunny.

Sign Ups:
Signing up is very simple, all you have to do is post with your name and the names of your partners with a Captain for your team, and a team name. * will symbolize teams Captains. ALL Foes must be taken off for this tourney. If you or your team needs a sub, simply post it ASAP.

When we have all the teams needed I will set up the games and then send them in a PM. Games will be according to the sign ups. Team 1 will play team 2, 19 plays 20, etc. in 2nd round: team 1 will play 16, 2 plays 15, round 3, 12 teams left-most points play least points, etc., round 4-team 1 vs team 8, 2 vs 7, etc., round 5: team 1 plays team 4, and team 2 plays team 3, final round, last 2 teams face off, most points win. You will have 24 hours for your team to join when the PM is sent out or your team will be penalized -1 point for each member NOT in, after 48 hours, each team player not joined -2 points, after 72 hours your team forfeits. If a team forfeits, I will look for a replacement team if needed to finish up any unfinished games to be fair. It is important to note: You are allowed to sign up your partner to join the tourney, this is within the CC rules (to avoid the 24 hours or penalty IF needed. There will be 0.5 point BONUS for each game that any team defeats another team under 10 rounds, however, the Captain of your team will NEED to post in this thread with the game number to receive this bonus. No 2 teams can face each other 2x unless unavoidable. I will be reviewing all games and constantly updating, but it will be your Captain's responsibility to post in thread if you want the half point. So all try to remind each other if you like, this is optional. After 72 hours when game is complete, if you have not posted the game win in rounds, you will not get the 0.5 bonus if you win under 10 rounds.

Teams: The ordered signups
1. *blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividedbyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------------Horsemen
2. *FireStar, InsomniaRed, MrBenn, SuicidalSnowman-------------------------------------Eternal Empire
3. *Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall, danfrank, ralphcptc---------------------------Rangers of the North
4. *aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters----------------------------------------------Four-Skins
5. *daryth, chariot of fire, jpeter15, shatners bassoon----------------------------------- JPDaryth's Chariot of Shat
6. *WPBRJ , Meggy, Hacx5nine,Riskier than you-------------------------------------------Block Heads
7. *bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Drew483-----------------------------Bigragooch and His Immortals
8. *Natascha, dragon dor, pascalleke, ronc8649, wilco------------------------------------Hun buns
9. *Marfski, MEK, speed, gcwca_4_life------------------------------------------------------Death from Above
10.*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano--------------------------------------------The Von Trapp Family Singers
11.*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier--------------------------The Gray Matters
12.*taxmanjle, shaneramma, JockDoc, Supposesublys, SC MAN-------------------------Magic City Maruaders
13.*iambligh, littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid, hiddendragon, andy1975------Black Sheep Squadron
14.*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc-------------------------------------------------The TeePees
15.*Theotherone, desmondI08, jmelovesGod, brentalexander---------------------------Bruce Brothers
16.*Bigballinstalin, Nola_Lifer, Bigus_Dogus, Amish Ninja, Scottyboymck, jefjef-----1 Brit & Crescent City Conquerors
17.*Woodruff, jlduff, Bolo XXXV, Armadillo-------------------------------------------------Name to be Determined
18.*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd--------------------------------------Outsiders
19.*King sam, Gold Knight, jpcloet, murphy16, BluU---------------------------------------AOD
20.*rbelgrod, paddy the cat, the true north, phantomzero--------------------------------Regulated Sexahloics

1. SOW *Magiw, Kilazul, Captain101, Kalano Sanchin
2. THOTA still working on a team
3. Flame Whores still working on a team
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:16 am, edited 70 times in total.
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General Blitzaholic
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:40 pm

First Round:

Games 1-9: Game 4662314, Game 4662315, Game 4662316
Game 4718506, Game 4718507, Game 4718509
Game 4759813, Game 4759820, Game 4759821
1. *blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividebyzero, nephilim----------------4 Horsemen
Won 4662314, 4662315, 4662316, 4718506, 4718509, 4759813, 4759821, 4759820 44.0
2. *WPBRJ , Meggy, Hacx5nine,Riskier than you--------------------Block Heads
Won 4718507 5-3=2.0

Games 10-18: Game 4638806, Game 4638808, Game 4638809
Game 4718510, Game 4718511, Game 4718513
Game 4759823, Game 4759824, Game 4759826
3. *Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall----------------------------Rangers of the North
Won 4638808, 4638809, 4718510, 4759824 21.5
4.*aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters----------------------Four-Skins
Won 4638806, 4718511, 4718513, 4750823, 4759826 25-3=22.0

Games 19-27:
JP Darths Chariot of Fire forfeited -18 OUT
Eternal Empire forfeited -18 OUT

Games 28-36: Game 4638813, Game 4638814, Game 4638815
Game 4718514, Game 4718515, Game 4718517
Game 4759827, Game 4759837, Game 4759838
7. *jgalioto, bigragooch, geoe, Haggis_McMutton-------------------Bigragooch and His Immortals
Won 4638813, 4638814, 4716514, 4759838, 4718517, 4759837, 4718515 35.5
8. *Natascha, dragon dor, pascalleke, ronc8649---------------------Hun Buns
Won 4638815, 4759827 10-3=7.0

Games 37-45: Game 4638816, Game 4638817, Game 4638818
Game 4718519, Game 4718520, Game 4718521
Game 4759841, Game 4759842, Game 4759843
9. *Marfski, MEK, speed, gcwca_4_life-------------------------------Death from Above
Won 4638817, 4718520, 4759843 15-6=9.0
10.*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano----------------------The Von Trapp Family Singers
Won 4638816, 4718521, 4638818, 4759841, 4759842, 4718519 31.5-9=22.5

Games 46-54: Game 4638822, Game 4638824, Game 4638825
Game 4718524, Game 4718525, Game 4718526
Game 4759844, Game 4759845, Game 4759846
11.*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier----The Gray Matters
[b]Won 4638824, 4638822, 4638825, 4718525, 4759846, 4759845, 4759844
12.*taxmanjle, shaneramma, JockDoc, Supposesublys-------------Magic City Maruaders 10.0
Won 4718524, 4718526

Games 55-63: Game 4638827, Game 4638829, Game 4638830
Game 4718527, Game 4718528, Game 4718529
Game 4759847, Game 4759848, Game 4759849
13.*iambligh,littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid---------------Black Sheep Squadron
Won 4718527, 4718528, 4759849 15.0
14.*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc--------------------------The TeePees
Won 4638827, 4638829, 4638830, 4718529, 4759848, 4759847 32.5-3=29.5

Games 64-72: Game 4638831, Game 4638832, Game 4638833
Game 4718530, Game 4718531, Game 4718534
Game 4759851, Game 4759852, Game 4759854
15.*Theotherone, desmondI08, jmelovesGod, brentalexander----Bruce Brothers
[b]Won 4638832, 4638831, 4638534, 4639854, 4718530
16.*Bigballinstalin, Nola_Lifer, Bigus_Dogus, Amish Ninja--------One Brit and the Crescent City Conquerors
4638833, 4718531, 4759852, 4759851 21.5

Games 73-81: Game 4638834, Game 4638835, Game 4638837
Game 4718536, Game 4718537, Game 4718538
Game 4759855, Game 4759856, Game 4759857
17.*Woodruff, jlduff, Bolo XXXV, Armadillo-------------------------Name to be Determined 0.0
18.*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd----------------Outsiders

Won 4638837, 4638834, 4638835, 4718537, 4718536, 4759855, 4759856, 4718538, 4759857 48.5-3=45.5

Games 82-90: Game 4638838, Game 4638839, Game 4638840
Game 4718539, Game 4718541, Game 4718542
Game 4759859, Game 4759861, Game 4759863
19.*murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet, King sam------------------------LOD
Won 4638838, 4638839, 4718539, 4718542, 4759859 25-3=22.0
20.*rbelgrod, paddy the cat, the true north, phantomzero---------Regulated Sexahloics
Won 4638840, 4718541, 4759861, 4759863 20.0

Second Round:

Games 91-99:
Game 4944621, Game 4944624, Game 4944626
Game 4995299, Game 4995302, Game 4995303
Game 4995336, Game 4995340, Game 4995341
*blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividebyzero, nephilim----------------4 Horsemen
Won: 4944626, 4944624, 4944621, 4995336, 4995302, 4995303=33.0
*rbelgrod, paddy the cat, the true north, phantomzero---------Regulated Sexahloics
Won: 4995341, 4995299, 4995340=15.0

Games 100-108:
Game 4944627, Game 4944628, Game 4944631
Game 4995307, Game 4995308, Game 4995309
Game 4995343, Game 4995344, Game 4995345
*Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall----------------------------Rangers of the North
Won: 4995309, 4944628, 4995308, 4995307=22.0
*murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet, King sam------------------------LOD
Won: 4944627, 4944631, 4995343, 4995344, 4995345=26.5

Games 109-117:
Game 4944634, Game 4944635, Game 4944636
Game 4995310, Game 4995311, Game 4995313
Game 4995349, Game 4995351, Game 4995352
*aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters----------------------Four-Skins
Won: 4944636, 4995349, 4995351, 4995352=20.0
*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd----------------Outsiders
Won: 4944635, 4944634, 4995313, 4995310, 4995311=27.5

Games 118-126:
Game 4944640, Game 4944641, Game 4944642
Game 4995314, Game 4995315, Game 4995316
Game 4995353, Game 4995354, Game 4995355
*jgalioto, bigragooch, geoe, Haggis_McMutton-------------------Bigragooch and His Immortals
Won: 4944640, 4944642, 4995315, 4995316, 4995354, 4995355, 4995353=36.5
*Bigballinstalin, Nola_Lifer, Bigus_Dogus, Amish Ninja--------One Brit and the Crescent City Conquerors
Won: 4944641, 4995314=11.0

Games 127-135:
Game 4944646, Game 4944648, Game 4944649
Game 4995318, Game 4995320, Game 4995321
Game 4995356, Game 4995359, Game 4995360
*Natascha, dragon dor, pascalleke, ronc8649---------------------Hun Buns
Won: 4995321, 4944648, 4944649, 4995318, 49953204995356, 4995360=35-20=15.0
*Theotherone, desmondI08, jmelovesGod, brentalexander----Bruce Brothers
Won: 4944646, 4995359=10.0-6.0=4.0

Games 136-144:
Game 4944651, Game 4944653, Game 4944654
Game 4995323, Game 4995324, Game 4995325
Game 4995361, Game 4995362, Game 4995363
*Marfski, MEK, speed, gcwca_4_life-------------------------------Death from Above
Won: 4944653, 4995362, 4995363=15.0
*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc--------------------------The TeePees
Won: 4944654, 4944651, 4945323, 4995324, 4995325, 4995361=33.0

Games 145-153:
Game 4944655, Game 4944657, Game 4944658
Game 4995327, Game 4995328, Game 4995330
Game 4995364, Game 4995365, Game 4995366
*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano----------------------The Von Trapp Family Singers
Won: 4944657, 4995366, 4995364, 4995365=21.0
*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier----The Gray Matters
Won: 4944655, 4944658, 4995327, 4995328, 4995330=27.5

Games 154-162:
Game 4944660, Game 4944662, Game 4944663
Game 4995331, Game 4995333, Game 4995335
Game 4995367, Game 4995368, Game 4995369
*taxmanjle, shaneramma, JockDoc, Supposesublys, SC MAN----Magic City Maruaders
Won: 4944662, 4995335, 4995368=15.0-12.0=3.0
*iambligh, littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid---------------Black Sheep Squadron
Won: 4944660, 4944663, 4995331, 4995333, 4995367, 4995369=30.0

Third Round:

Games 173-181:
Game 5203803, Game 5203806, Game 5203807
Game 5246980, Game 5246981, Game 5246983
Game 5277142, Game 5277143, Game 5277144
*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividebyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------Horsemen
Won: 5203806, 5203807, 5203803, 5246981, 5277142, 5277143, 5277144=38.5
*Bigballinstalin, Nola_Lifer, Bigus_Dogus, Amish Ninja, Scottyboymck-One Brit & Crescent City Conquerors
Won: 5246983, 5246980=11-6=5.0

Games 182-190:
Game 5203808, Game 5203810, Game 5203811
Game 5246984, Game 5246985, Game 5246986
Game 5277145, Game 5277146, Game 5277147
*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd----------------Outsiders
Won: 5203808, 5246986, 5203811, 5277146, 5277145=27.5
*rbelgrod, paddy the cat, the true north, phantomzero---------Regulated Sexahloics
Won: 5203810, 5246984, 5246985, 5277147=20-9=11.0

Games 191-199:
Game 5203812, Game 5203813, Game 5203814
Game 5246988, Game 5246989, Game 5246990
Game 5277148, Game 5277149, Game 5277150
*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton--------------Bigragooch and His Immortals
Won: 5246988, 5246989, 5203814, 5203813, 5203812, 5277150, 5277149, 5277148=42.0
*aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters----------------------Four-Skins
Won: 5246990=5.0

Games 200-208:
Game 5203816, Game 5203817, Game 5203818
Game 5246991, Game 5246992, Game 5246994
Game 5277151, Game 5277152, Game 5277153
*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier----------The Gray Matters
Won: 5203818, 5203816, 5203817, 5246992, 5246994, 5246991, 5277152=38.5-6=32.5
*Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall, danfrank, ralphcptc---------Rangers of the North
Won: 5277151, 5277153=10-3=7.0

Games 209-217:
Game 5203820, Game 5203821, Game 5203822
Game 5246995, Game 5246996, Game 5246997
Game 5277156, Game 5277157, Game 5277158
*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc--------------------------The TeePees
Won: 5248995, 5277156=10.5-3=7.5
*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano----------------------The Von Trapp Family Singers
Won: 5203821, 5203820, 5203822, 5246996, 5246997, 5277158, 527157=38-3=35.5

Games 218-226:
Game 5203824, Game 5203825, Game 5203826
Game 5246999, Game 5247000, Game 5247001
Game 5277160, Game 5277161, Game 5277162
*iambligh, littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid, hiddendragon--Black Sheep Squadron
Won: 5203824, 5247001, 527760=15-6=9.0
*King sam, murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet------------------------LOD
Won: 5203825, 5203826, 5246999, 5247000, 5277162, 5277161=32-4.5=27.5

4th Round:

Games 227-235:
Game 5516144, Game 5516145, Game 5516146
Game 5589881, Game 5589883, Game 5589884
Game 5648796, Game 5648798, Game 5648799
*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividedbyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------------Horsemen
Won: 5516144, 5516145, 5589884, 5589881, 5648798, 5648796=33.0
*King sam, murphy16, Gold Knight, jpcloet, Bluu------------------------------------------AOD
Won: 5516146, 5589883, 5648799=16.5

Games 236-244:
Game 5516148, Game 5516149, Game 5516150
Game 5589885, Game 5589887, Game 5589888
Game 5648800, Game 5648806, Game 5648807
*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Blindmatt, Drew483----Bigragooch and His Immortals
Won: 5516149, 5516150, 5589888, 5589887, 5648806, 5589885, 5648807=37.0
*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd--------------------------Outsiders
Won: 5516148, 5648800=11.0

Games 255-266:
Game 5516151, Game 5516152, Game 5516153
Game 5589890, Game 5589892, Game 5589893
Game 5648810, Game 5648813, Game 5648815
*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier-------------The Gray Matters
Won: 5516153, 5516151, 5589893, 5589890, 5648815, 5648813=33.0
*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc------------------------------------The TeePees
Won: 5516152, 5589892, 5648810=15.5-3.0=12.5

Games 267-278:
Game 5516154, Game 5516155, Game 5516156
Game 5589895, Game 5589897, Game 5589898
Game 5648819, Game 5648826, Game 5648828
*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano--------------------------------The Von Trapp Family Singers
Won: 5516155, 5516156, 5516154, 5589898, 5648828, 5648819=32.0
*iambligh, littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid, hiddendragon, andy1975----Black Sheep Squadron
Won: 5589895, 5589897, 5648826=15.0-3.0=12.0

5th Round:
Games 279-287:
Game 5801472, Game 5801473, Game 5801474
Game 5842295, Game 5842296, Game 5842297
Game 5842307, Game 5842308, Game 5842312
*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Blindmatt, Drew483----Bigragooch and His Immortals
Won: 5801472, 5801474, 5842297, 5842296, 5842295=26.5-6=20.5
*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier-------------The Gray Matters
Won: 5801473, 5842312, 5842307, 5842308=21.5-4.5=16.5

Games 288-296:
Game 5801465, Game 5801466, Game 5801467
Game 5842292, Game 5842293, Game 5842294
Game 5842314, Game 5842315, Game 5842316
*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividedbyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------------Horsemen
Won: 5801466, 5801465, 5842292, 5842314, 5842315=27.5
*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd--------------------------Outsiders
Won: 5801467, 5842293, 5842294, 5842316=21.5

6th + Finals Round Ongoing:
Game 6005328, Game 6005329, Game 6005350
Game 6050537, Game 6050538, Game 6050539
Game 6050541, Game 6050543, Game 6050544

Games 297-305:
*Blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividedbyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-------------Horsemen
Won: 6005328, 6005350, 6050537, 6050541=21.5
*bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Blindmatt, Drew483----Bigragooch and His Immortals
Won: 6005329, 6050539, 6050538, 6050544, 6050543=26.0
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:28 pm, edited 158 times in total.
User avatar
General Blitzaholic
Posts: 23050
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:57 pm
Location: Apocalyptic Area

Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:40 pm

Teams: The ordered signups The Tremendous 20

1. *blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividebyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza-----------Horsemen
2. *FireStar, InsomniaRed, MrBenn, SuicidalSnowman-----------------------------------Eternal Empire
3. *Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall, danfrank, ralphcptc------------------------Rangers of the North
4. *aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters------------------------------------------Four-Skins
5. *daryth, chariot of fire, jpeter15, shatners bassoon------------------------------- JPDaryth's Chariot of Shat
6. *WPBRJ , Meggy, Hacx5nine, Riskier than you---------------------------------------Block Heads
7. *bigragooch, jgalioto, geoe, Haggis_McMutton, Blindmatt, Drew483-------------Bigragooch and His Immortals
8. *Natascha, dragon dor, pascalleke, ronc8649, wilco---------------------------------Hun buns
9. *Marfski, MEK, speed, gcwca_4_life----------------------------------------------------Death from Above
10.*easy n dirty, vexx, paulg, goggles paisano-------------------------------------------The Von Trapp Family Singers
11.*Iccinot Nabrus, kingkoswyn, Phil Gates, LaughingCavalier-------------------------The Gray Matters
12.*taxmanjle, shaneramma, JockDoc, Supposesublys, SC MAN------------------------Magic City Maruaders
13.*iambligh, littlebrother2k7, scorpion86, Iron Maid, hiddendragon, andy1975-----Black Sheep Squadron
14.*sour, gehrem, blockhead15, popeyelvc------------------------------------------------The TeePees
15.*Theotherone, desmondI08, jmelovesGod, brentalexander--------------------------Bruce Brothers
16.*Bigballinstalin, Nola_Lifer, Bigus_Dogus, Amish Ninja, Scottyboymck-----------1 Brit & Crescent City Conquerors
17.*Woodruff, jlduff, Bolo XXXV, Armadillo----------------------------------------------Name to be Determined
18.*ultraman, reahma, magneto_acolyte, elmerfudd-----------------------------------Outsiders
19.*King sam, Gold Knight, jpcloet, murphy16, BluU------------------------------------AOD
20.*rbelgrod, paddy the cat, the true north, phantomzero-----------------------------Regulated Sexahloics

point standings for round 1 and the Sweet 16 that advanced, congratzzz
Teams: The ordered signups
1. Horsemen 44.0
2. Rangers of the North 21.5
3. Four-Skins 22.0
4. Bigragooch and His Immortals 35.5
5. Hun buns 7.0
6. Death from Above 9.0
7. Magic City Maruaders 10.0
8. The Gray Matters 38.5
9. The Von Trapp Family Singers 22.5
10. Black Sheep Squadron 15.0
11. The TeePees 29.5
12. Bruce Brothers 27.0
13. One Brit and the Crescent City Conquerors 21.5
14. Outsiders 45.5
15. AOD 22.0
16. Regulated Sexahloics 20.0

point standings totaled for round 2
Teams: The ordered signups
1. Horsemen 33.0
2. Rangers of the North 22.0
3. Four-Skins 20.0
4. Bigragooch and His Immortals 36.5
5. Hun buns 15.0
6. Death from Above 15.0
7. Magic City Maruaders 3.0
8. The Gray Matters 27.5
9. The Von Trapp Family Singers 21.0
10. Black Sheep Squadron 30.0
11. The TeePees 33.0
12. Bruce Brothers 4.0
13. One Brit and the Crescent City Conquerors 16.5
14. Outsiders 27.5
15. AOD 21.0
16. Regulated Sexaholics 15.0

and the Final 12 or the DIRTY DOZEN that advanced, congratzzz

1. Horsemen 77.0
2. Rangers of the North 43.5
3. Four-Skins 42.0
4. Bigragooch and His Immortals 72.0
5. The Gray Matters 66.0
6. The Von Trapp Family Singers 43.5
7. Black Sheep Squadron 45.0
8. The TeePees 62.5
9. One Brit and the Crescent City Conquerors 38.0
10. Outsiders 73.0
11. AOD 43.0
12. Regulated Sexaholics 35.0

point standings totaled for round 3
Teams: The ordered signups

1. Horsemen 38.5
2. Rangers of the North 7.0
3. Four-Skins 5.0
4. Bigragooch and His Immortals 42.0
5. The Gray Matters 32.5
6. The Von Trapp Family Singers 35.5
7. Black Sheep Squadron 9.0
8. The TeePees 7.5
9. One Brit and the Crescent City Conquerors 5.0
10. Outsiders 27.5
11. AOD 27.5
12. Regulated Sexaholics 11.0


1. Horsemen 115.5
2. Rangers of the North 50.5
3. Four-Skins 47.0
4. Bigragooch and His Immortals 114.0
5. The Gray Matters 88.5
6. The Von Trapp Family Singers 79.0
7. Black Sheep Squadron 54.0
8. The TeePees 70.0
9. One Brit and the Crescent City Conquerors 43.0
10. Outsiders 100.5
11. AOD 70.5
12. Regulated Sexaholics 46.0


1. Horsemen 115.5
2. Bigragooch and His Immortals 114.0
3. The Gray Matters 88.5
4. The Von Trapp Family Singers 79.0
5. Black Sheep Squadron 54.0
6. The TeePees 70.0
7. Outsiders 100.5
8. AOD 70.5

Point Standings round 4-completed

1. Horsemen 33.0
2. Bigragooch and His Immortals 37.0
3. The Gray Matters 33.0
4. The Von Trapp Family Singers 32.0
5. Black Sheep Squadron 12.0
6. The TeePees 12.5
7. Outsiders 11.0
8. AOD 16.5

TOTAL COMBINED FINAL POINTS after 4 Rounds completed


1. Horsemen 148.5
2. Bigragooch and His Immortals 151.0
3. The Gray Matters 121.5
4. Outsiders 111.5

Point Standings round 5-ongoing

1. Horsemen 27.5
2. Bigragooch and His Immortals 20.5
3. The Gray Matters 16.5
4. Outsiders 21.5

Point Standings Totals counting round 5-completed

1. Horsemen 176.0
2. Bigragooch and His Immortals 171.5
3. The Gray Matters 138.0
4. Outsiders 133.0


Horsemen of the Apocalypse 197.5


Bigragooch and His Immortals 197.5

Last edited by Blitzaholic on Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:29 pm, edited 78 times in total.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:41 pm

blitzaholic, big whiskey, dividedbyzero, nephilim, andrewb, incandenza in
blitz team captain
team name the Horsemen
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Optimus Prime on Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:48 pm

It isn't 2010.......
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:51 pm

Optimus Prime wrote:It isn't 2010.......

I realize this sir, however, by the time this tourney is completed, we will be well into 2010 or at least a part of it.

THIS may be the last tourney I create for a long time, so wanted to go big, even bigger than last years one ;)
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby SC MAN on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:14 pm

Thanks Blitz!...I will put a team together and let you know as soon as possible who they will be. Thanks again for the invite Sir....
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby FireStar on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:16 pm

Save me a spot for a team.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:30 pm

SC MAN wrote:Thanks Blitz!...I will put a team together and let you know as soon as possible who they will be. Thanks....

no problem

just post your team when you got 4
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:30 pm

FireStar wrote:Save me a spot for a team.

ok firestar


and nice rank ;)
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Lindax on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:36 pm

Don't save me a spot yet panacke, I don't know if my team is brave enough :lol:

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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby InsomniaRed on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:41 pm

FireStar's team will be the same as last time!

FireStar*, InsomniaRed, MrBenn, and SuicidalSnowman

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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:44 pm

Lindax wrote:Don't save me a spot yet panacke, I don't know if my team is brave enough :lol:


pm natascha and get in it, she will hold your hand 8-)
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:45 pm

InsomniaRed wrote:FireStar's team will be the same as last time!

FireStar*, InsomniaRed, MrBenn, and SuicidalSnowman

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insomniared =D>
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Natascha on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:47 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
Lindax wrote:Don't save me a spot yet panacke, I don't know if my team is brave enough :lol:


pm natascha and get in it, she will hold your hand 8-)

Haha sure.
Save me spot I will announce team later, yes pm'd Lindax to join me too.
Will post when I have teamname & 3 mates.

Off course we are brave enough Lindax?????? :shock:

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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:55 pm

Natascha wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
Lindax wrote:Don't save me a spot yet panacke, I don't know if my team is brave enough :lol:


pm natascha and get in it, she will hold your hand 8-)

Haha sure.
Save me spot I will announce team later, yes pm'd Lindax to join me too.
Will post when I have teamname & 3 mates.

Off course we are brave enough Lindax?????? :shock:


no cheating on me with lindax the amigo por favor or please, gracias

i see u dos teaming together mucho :( :lol:
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Natascha on Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:12 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:
Natascha wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:
Lindax wrote:Don't save me a spot yet panacke, I don't know if my team is brave enough :lol:


pm natascha and get in it, she will hold your hand 8-)

Haha sure.
Save me spot I will announce team later, yes pm'd Lindax to join me too.
Will post when I have teamname & 3 mates.

Off course we are brave enough Lindax?????? :shock:


no cheating on me with lindax the amigo por favor or please, gracias

i see u dos teaming together mucho :( :lol:

Haha off course not. you said to me to hold hands with amigo Lindax.... It wasn't me :lol:
Sure my King, never cheat on you ;) with nobody. Good girl O:)
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:26 pm

FireStar wrote:Save me a spot for a team.

your team added

insomniared confirmed it


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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Lindax on Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:09 pm

We ain't teaming together, just decided to play a couple of dubs games :P

Anyway, here you go:

*Lindax, seamusk, Daviedoo, downfall


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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Nephilim on Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:19 pm

i'm in, baby
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Mageplunka69 on Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:05 pm

reserve me a spot, i will have 4 mates real soon
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby aspalm on Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:22 pm

age of merchants? ugh. but we'll still give it a whirl! the Four-skins are in:

aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone, vicmasters
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Optimus Prime on Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:06 am

Blitzaholic wrote:
Optimus Prime wrote:It isn't 2010.......

I realize this sir, however, by the time this tourney is completed, we will be well into 2010 or at least a part of it.

THIS may be the last tourney I create for a long time, so wanted to go big, even bigger than last years one ;)

Ah, I see. Well that makes some sense then.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Natascha on Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:33 am


Lindax plays in another team, so far my team is dragon dor, pascalleke & me.
Will find p4 soon & come back to you again.

So think you need information from me: player 4, teamname & captain? Then you have all I guess.

later & cheers
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:54 am

Chariot of Fire (capt)
Shatners Bassoon

JP Daryth's Chariot of Shat

Thanks Blitz :D
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