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2slw4u and BIG-B69 [blocked]

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2slw4u and BIG-B69 [blocked]

Postby rauloncho on Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:31 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 4551511

To me its seems pretty obvious. Green is kicking ass and Red helping by focusing on something else... Anyway I thought maybe he's just learning the game... Until I notice they take are not playing at the same time... I mention something and then Green stops attacking and accumulating armies on one territory, giving red the chance to conquer everything...
Corporal rauloncho
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Re: 2slw4u and BIG-B69

Postby king sam on Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:48 pm

rauloncho wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 4551511

To me its seems pretty obvious. Green is kicking ass and Red helping by focusing on something else... Anyway I thought maybe he's just learning the game... Until I notice they take are not playing at the same time... I mention something and then Green stops attacking and accumulating armies on one territory, giving red the chance to conquer everything...

I'm on travel and don't have all the means necessary to me that I usually do when i post my additions to accusations in here, but can provide a lil bit.
Here goes

At the time you posted anything in chat everyone was taking turns simultaneously as they had done every round, so not quite sure what you saw that I didnt in the "not playing at the same time" category. Also the game was yet to be decided at the time of your post, you had South America and 5 regions, Green (BIG-B69) had Asia & Australia and 22 regions, & red (2slw4u) had 12 regions and was just making his move to grab the North America bonus and use it in the next round to eliminate you, cash a set and go after Green the stronger player

Game 4551511 Game Chat wrote:2009-03-27 02:12:04 - rauloncho: wtf red dont u see green is about to win

That was right before round 6
At that time Green (BIG-B69) had just grabbed Europe, and held Asia, & Australia with 24 territories, he saw you get eliminated from the game and deployed all 22 troops that round on O4 and then reinforced O4 with 36 troops. With this being a foggy game I suspect he was trying to put a stash away that red (2slw4u) wouldn't know about.

It definitely is fishy for him to break down his borders on Europe and Asia like that, but everyone has their own strategy. After red (2slw4u) eliminated you he immediately went after the Asia bonus.

In round 7
Green (BIG-B69) held Europe & Australia he deployed all 15 troops this round on O4 again, and then moved all his troops he was accumulating their to A5. Once again not sure why but maybe thinking that when red (2slw4u) came through trying to claim the Asia bonus that he would be off guard by seeing his 70 plus troops there.

Red claimed the Europe bonus and now owned the game.

Green (BIG-B69) attacked red (2slw4u) twice and cashed an escalating set of 15 and deployed in the remaining 3 rounds but stood no chance against red (2slw4u) and his 4 bonuses and 30 plus territories.

Maybe a hunter can spot a diplomacy here, but I cant. It appears to me that it being a foggy escalating game that Green (BIG-B69) saw you get eliminated by red (2slw4u) and saw him claiming bonuses and changed his tactic to deploy a stack somewhere and try to cash at a good rate to put him back in the game and wasn't able to do it.

The multi accusation I believe to not be true due to the fact that all game they were taking turns simultaneously like what I have posted below:
Game 4551511 Game Log wrote:2009-03-27 02:24:08 - 2slw4u receives 13 troops for 41 regions
2009-03-27 02:24:08 - BIG-B69 cashed in a group of S2, N1, and A11 worth 15 troops

Seeing as these 2 have played 10 games together 8 of them being non teams games and the fact that the victor is always one of them in those non-teams games this does stand the chance to be Noted.

For the mere fact that:
The gameplay at the end was questionable by Green (BIG-B69). Everyone has their own tactics and the one he employed after the 3rd player (you) was out of the game can be viewed in several different ways.

The mods will have to look at the other non-teams games they were in to determine if this is a trend that these 2 have used secret diplomacy to win.
Here are some games for them to view:
Game 4551649 (2slw4u won)
Game 4551565 (2slw4u won)
Game 4538095 (2slw4u won)
Game 4551359 (BIG-B69 won)
Game 4550277 (BIG-B69 won)
Game 4500310 (BIG-B69 won)
Game 4538039 (BIG-B69 won)

I think this will be cleared for Multiple Accounts with the slight chance that this can be Blocked or Noted for Diplomacy barring the analyzation of the other games. But looking just at this one game I would say that Green BIG-B69 just used a poor tactic in the end that lost him the game.

Best of Luck.
King Sam
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Re: 2slw4u and BIG-B69

Postby rauloncho on Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:22 pm

Wow, Thanks King Sam!... That was quite fast and very complete...I see your point... Agree completely, sorry about the multi accusation. We will see about the other one. Thanks again!

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Re: 2slw4u and BIG-B69

Postby king achilles on Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:54 am

Some things are just too hard to ignore. 2slw4u and BIG-B69 are blocked.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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Re: 2slw4u and BIG-B69

Postby king sam on Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:20 am

king achilles wrote:Some things are just too hard to ignore. 2slw4u and BIG-B69 are blocked.



(I got a good record going right now.. I think im 4 for 4 on all the ones ruled upon just now by you KA)
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