islas malvinas is the falkland islands, which is not only a british territory at the moment, but will remain so for the foreseeable future. since there is no realistic prospect of the islands coming under argentine administration, it's better to exclude them from the map.
i see that u've based ur map on provinces. select a major city from each province and name each territory after that city, since city names are normally much better-known than provincial names. some provinces, such as
buenos aires, have more than one major city, so there's an opportunity to grow the map by creating more territories.
i'd like to see
buenos aires, which is so dominant culturally and financially, to the extent of containing 30% of the population of argentina, be split into perhaps 10 or 11 cities and put into an inset, like
battle for iraq's baghdad or
mexico's anillo central. u have the room because the playable area is tall and thin: just increase the width of the map to make more space.!.S.jpgviewtopic.php?f=242&t=42232&start=0edbeard wrote:To gameplay, I think you'd be better served trying to make this a classic sized map. there seems to be space for it.
small maps of countries, unless the graphics are amazing (
iceland springs to mind) tend not to be among the most popular, for example
portugal. this is because maps below classic size usually have limited strategic possibilities.