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t_dowg deafkeri bernooch [noted]

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t_dowg deafkeri bernooch [noted]

Postby xelabale on Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:23 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):4453026

Don't know but it seems odd they only picked on me. They seem to take their goes very fast as well. Especially, blue attacked me for no reason in Africa, it didn't seem to his advantage. I don't mind losing, but to not even be given a chance to play is not on. No chat in the chat box yet they seem to be coordinated
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Re: t_dowg deafkeri bernooch

Postby Mr.Brix on Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:35 pm

Well I agree that you've been picked on quite a bit, but I also must admit, that I don't really see anything suspicious in that game. I'm no expert of course, but I know that sometimes, when I'm being picked on a lot at the beginning of the game, the conspiracy theories start coming to me, but then when a litlle time passes, I see clearly, that my vision was a bit clouded by the frustration. Could that possibly be what's happening here?
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Re: t_dowg deafkeri bernooch

Postby dezzy26 on Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:49 pm

i agree taking a glance at the log while you were probs attacked slightly more than the other players it seemed like you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time

i didnt study the log in depth so i may be wrong but it does seem like mpre frustration than anything
this does happen a lot

like i said i could be wrong without complete study of the logs but i doubt it

probs chalk it up to experience and move on
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Re: t_dowg deafkeri bernooch

Postby xelabale on Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:30 am

I'm inclined to agree to some extent, but they suddenly turned on me together which prompted my disbelief - I wasn't in anyone's way and then everyone took a turn together to attack me - ho hum, I don't think there's enough proof anyways.
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Re: t_dowg deafkeri bernooch

Postby king achilles on Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:31 am

Currently, they have 3 games active right now, which includes this one where you were in it. It's hard to say if they had some secret agreement to eliminate you. This is noted until we get further evidence from other games.
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