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Multi longboreder, Ruben [Cleared]

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Multi longboreder, Ruben [Cleared]

Postby nanny on Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:10 pm

Subject line: longboreder and Ruben Cassar

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance: one or the other really aren't sure

Suspect users: longboreder and Ruben Cassar

Game number: [url] number here 174959

Comments: I looked back into the game activities and these two only attacked each once or twice in the beginning of the game and then beat on the rest of us. just seemed kind of funny since Ruben was the strongest player in the game. It just seemed a little strange.

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Re: Multi or secret alliance

Postby Ruben Cassar on Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:40 pm

nanny wrote:Subject line: longboreder and Ruben Cassar

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance: one or the other really aren't sure

Suspect users: longboreder and Ruben Cassar

Game number: [url] number here 174959

Comments: I looked back into the game activities and these two only attacked each once or twice in the beginning of the game and then beat on the rest of us. just seemed kind of funny since Ruben was the strongest player in the game. It just seemed a little strange.


Are you crazy? In the game chat you never complained and said gg to all and then you go backstabbing like this? I am from Malta, the other guy is from the US! How can we be multis???

Checking the game log it's not true that I never attacked him as well and I even offered you a truce because he was much stronger!!!

Also if you think I like losing games and points think again. Longboreder just beat us all, plain and simple. Accept defeat with honour like I did. Enough said.
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Postby longboreder on Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:59 pm

the charge is absurd, here is the game if anyone is interested:

red and i attacked each other just about every round. yellow got caught too thin after taking out green. i swooped in with a set, took yellow out, and turned the game. there was no alliance involved, just good strategy and good dice. sorry if you're unable to believe one person alone can defeat you, nanny, but that's what happened.
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Postby AAFitz on Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:00 pm

theyve only played two games together....multi impossible, secret alliance should take another look at the game
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Game 174959

Postby nanny on Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:32 pm

Oh, I can believe that one person can beat me and plenty have, but check the game, you didn't attack each other except once or twice before I took out green and then when I complained about longboreder watching out for Ruben Cassar, then you wanted to make an alliance with me. I don't generally complain about anything, but I thought that things seemed a little strange in this game.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:35 pm

I really don't see where you draw the complaint from, it looks pretty straight up to me
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Postby utastud09 on Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:49 pm

omg all of yall shut ur damn mouths kearn to take abeating./...if u were good u would have won
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Postby podge on Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:53 am

If somebody has suspicions they are well within their rights to report it here, and shouldn't be slated for doing so. If they are wrong they are wrong, but better that than a multi or secret go undetected. If people continue to receive abuse when using this room, they will stop using it, and that can't be good for the game or the site.

please feel free to abuse me, I'm not going away.
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Postby longboreder on Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:13 pm

well, i'm not against anybody's right to report suspicious behavior. but with that right you have a responsibility to use it judiciously, you can't just call somebody a cheater because you're unhappy.

for the record:
in first 4 rounds, red (Ruben) and blue (me) took 2 territories from each other. in round 5 yellow eliminated green for cards and held Queensland. red broke yellow's continent and took over Northern Territory, and on my next move i took over 4 places from red. red took 4 back from me on his next turn. after yellow points at me in the chat and red offers an alliance, i cash cards and eliminate yellow, and go on to win the game. red and blue attacked each other in 7 of 9 rounds, so where is this "secret alliance"?

podge, you wouldn't appreciate being called a cheater when you won with shrewd maneveurs and good dice, and check our games together, i've won both 6 player games so you should know i don't need to cheat to win :P
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Postby podge on Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:39 pm

If you read the original post again longboreder you will see that you were not called a cheater, the poster said she "suspected" that is a completely different thing. And if reporting judiciously means only reporting when you are certain that someone is cheating, we wouldn't have a need for a cheats board, because nobody would post.
And yes I can understand how you feel about being suspected, but then everybody who is accused, and then exonerated feels the same way. I feel it is a small price to pay if it keeps the real cheats out of the game. which bring me back to my original point. If posters continue getting abused for voicing their concerns, they will simply stop posting and the real cheats will thrive.
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Postby longboreder on Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:02 pm

oh, so i'm a "suspected cheater"? is that supposed to make me feel better?

podge, don't put words in my mouth, judicious means with evidence strong enough to warrant a serious concern, such as:

- NEVER attacking each other all game
- leaving borders open w/o alliance in chat
- 2 singles working as a team
- playing lots of noobs,
- playing from the same isp

something more concrete than "they only attacked each other half the time". if you want to start a topic about your point, feel free, but if the flip side is that honest members don't like to be the reciprients of baseless accusations.
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Postby Evil Semp on Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:40 pm

podge wrote:If you read the original post again longboreder you will see that you were not called a cheater, the poster said she "suspected" that is a completely different thing.

Whats the difference in saying "You cheated" and "I suspect you cheated"?
If you step in shit does it matter if it is dog shit or cat shit? Siht is shit.

podge wrote:And if reporting judiciously means only reporting when you are certain that someone is cheating, we wouldn't have a need for a cheats board, because nobody would post.

Shouldn't the accuser have some evidence?

podge wrote:And yes I can understand how you feel about being suspected, but then everybody who is accused, and then exonerated feels the same way. I feel it is a small price to pay if it keeps the real cheats out of the game.

So the rights of the innocent should be ingnored? Yes, I do think they are inocent. It's a small price to pay as long as someone else is paying the price.

podge wrote:If posters continue getting abused for voicing their concerns, they will simply stop posting and the real cheats will thrive.

Did you read the game log? Yellow could be accused of the same thing as she is accusing red and blue of. She only attacked blue in round 2.
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Postby Fircoal on Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:46 pm

1) I looked at the game and it doesn't look like they are multis. There isn't anything that justifies that they are multis.

2) Also, I know longboreder, and I know he's not a multi.
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Re: yeah

Postby sfhbballnut on Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:11 pm

utastud09 wrote:omg all of yall shut ur damn mouths kearn to take abeating./...if u were good u would have won

I would like to point out that multi's and cheaters are possibilities and realities on this site and the main way they are caught is through reports, so yes in this instance it looks as though there is nothing wrong, but it coud have been.
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:02 pm

the idea behind the forum is we post suspected cheaters

we catch them, and harrass them so all know that will happen

also, it allows non cheaters to explain their situation and others can add input so all can judge objectively

i believe there should be a little more evidence than this game showed, so i posted expecting she might retract it...

it wasnt too little evidence to post...but too much to not retract with an apology...(you would never get through the posts id have made if i reported every game that looked like this one)

had i been accused in this game id have been a little annoyed too, so all ruben is looking for is a sorry, looked suspicious, and we can all go on waiting to catch the next cheater

obviously some mistakes will be made, and i completely advocate researching games before posting cheating accusations...saves everyone some time...but when they are made, it would be nice to have the accuser acknowledge it and give an apology

in this way, we nail the cheaters and dont disgruntle the honest players...
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To All Game Players

Postby nanny on Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:55 am

Enough is enough, you are all right I apologize for calling longborder and Rueben for cheating or being multi's and will never do that again. I hate cheaters and I made a mistake. So please ecept my aplology.
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Re: To All Game Players

Postby Ruben Cassar on Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:29 am

nanny wrote:Enough is enough, you are all right I apologize for calling longborder and Rueben for cheating or being multi's and will never do that again. I hate cheaters and I made a mistake. So please ecept my aplology.

Of course I accept it. No worries. Everyone hates cheaters. I have reported 3 myself a few days ago and I am still waiting for due action to be taken. They even admitted they had a secret alliance in the chat window after they killed me 3 on 1! :shock: I hope they get banned or something...
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Postby Wisse on Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:06 pm

just w8 and let andy clear you :P
why all the sad faces :P
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Postby what,me worry? on Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:41 pm

I got $20 that they will clear the check. any takers?
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Postby longboreder on Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:55 pm

nanny, apology accepted, no hard feelings
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Postby Master Bush on Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:25 pm

longboreder and Ruben Cassar are cleared of being multis. As for Secret Alliance, feel free to leave feedback for these players if you wish.
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