Scores updated. The Narcissists have closed out Terminator, the Histrionics have completed all games, the Antisocialites are 2 off, and the Psychotics...still have 14 to go. After the strong showing by two of the Histrionics in Terminator, negoeien blew them all out of the water with 49 kills and 3 Overkills.
Hopefully things will be close to complete enough for me to get Round 3 information out there in the next week or two.
Scores updated for the first time in forever. The Antisocialites have closed out all their games, with a fairly even spread on terminator kills (20 on NoobX2000, 21 on blockhead15, lots of mid-teens). The Narcissists are closing in on completion, and the Psychotics maybe, just maybe, will be done in the near future. Expect me to post the Round 3 point system in the very near future.
Scores updated. With a slew of stalemates and a few completions, a mere 7 games remain to be decided in this round, and everyone who's going to advance has been decided. A Round Update PM will be sent out shortly. Already updated are the Settings Breakdown, Point System, and the 3rd Round groups.
Scores updated for the first time of Round 3. Another Round 2 game has completed, and there are a total of 6 rounds left between the remaining two to finish them up. Triples is proceeding fairly quickly, and only 60 games remain to be joined.