Ruben Cassar wrote:Thanks for the quench Andy.
And I'd also like to thank Yeti and Ben for helping me with the XML and all the people who supported me and contributed with their ideas in this thread.
No worries Ruben - a pleasure as always.
Moderator: Cartographers
Ruben Cassar wrote:Thanks for the quench Andy.
And I'd also like to thank Yeti and Ben for helping me with the XML and all the people who supported me and contributed with their ideas in this thread.
thenobodies80 wrote:just in time....
i'm italian and i'm pretty sure that the correct word is LEGENDA, not leggenda.
Leggenda means popular story, myth.
from word reference
Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali:
legenda (spiegazione) nf legend (explanation)
DJ Teflon wrote:Hi
This map is labelled as Beta, although I cant find it.
AndyDufresne wrote:It and other maps are up.
obliterationX wrote:Thank you very much for this map, Ruben Cassar! As you can see, I've enjoyed some freestyle speed games on this map already. The bonus system appeals to me a lot, not to mention that the map is a great size (and very playable!).
thenobodies80 wrote:In XML i read "serraville", on the map "serravalle"
in Game 4428748 i read:
2009-03-10 02:23:20 - thenobodies80 reinforced Serraville with 1 troops from Le Coste.
serravalle is right
obliterationX wrote:Thank you very much for this map, Ruben Cassar! As you can see, I've enjoyed some freestyle speed games on this map already. The bonus system appeals to me a lot, not to mention that the map is a great size (and very playable!).
Ruben Cassar wrote:Grazie amico. Ma tu non dormi mai? :p
ahote wrote:Hi,
Don't know if this is the right place for this, but the San Marino map has a Pearl harbour problem. The size of the bonus territories means that often one of the players starts with a bonus and can then either kill the other person's potential bonus (by taking a torri, say) or can extend his bonus easily.
Not sure what the answer is, but maybe by making the bonus territories larger, so that the chances of someone starting with 6 troops is reduced.
Just my thoughts.
The present case almost always leads to the one who goes first, winning.
MrBenn wrote:You could add starting position tags for the Torri, so that they are evenly distributed? Although I'm not convinced it's a really big problem so far??
Ruben Cassar wrote:
Are you talking about 1vs1? Because I think in team games, especially triples and quads it's much more difficult to get the bonuses.
The bonuses are easy to attack though once conquered...maybe your game was just bad luck or a bad drop.
However if many think the bonuses are too easy to hold a possible solution could be making the torri regions start with 1 or 2 neutral units on them.
What do other people think? Is this necessary or is the map fine as it is?
ahote wrote:Ruben Cassar wrote:
Are you talking about 1vs1? Because I think in team games, especially triples and quads it's much more difficult to get the bonuses.
The bonuses are easy to attack though once conquered...maybe your game was just bad luck or a bad drop.
However if many think the bonuses are too easy to hold a possible solution could be making the torri regions start with 1 or 2 neutral units on them.
What do other people think? Is this necessary or is the map fine as it is?
The solutions with the torri regions could work and yes, sorry, I was talking just about the 1 on 1 situation. I like the map when more players are involved and having said that, I should just probably stfu and not play one on one games on it
Thanks for taking the time to reply - I didn't expect that quite frankly!
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