Conquer Club

anso22 & amna7 [blocked]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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anso22 & amna7 [blocked]

Postby JPD2411 on Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:57 am



2009-02-27 21:31:11 - amna7 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from JPD2411
2009-02-27 21:31:30 - amna7 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from shaitaan73
2009-02-27 21:31:49 - amna7 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from JPD2411
2009-02-27 21:32:15 - amna7 reinforced ? with 2 troops from ?
2009-02-27 21:32:26 - amna7 reinforced ? with 1 troops from ?
2009-02-27 21:32:46 - anso22 receives 4 troops for 14 regions
2009-02-27 21:32:56 - amna7 reinforced ? with 4 troops from ?
2009-02-27 21:32:56 - amna7 reinforced ? with 4 troops from ?
2009-02-27 21:32:58 - amna7 gets spoils
2009-02-27 21:33:11 - anso22 deployed 4 troops on ?
2009-02-27 21:33:16 - anso22 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from JPD2411
2009-02-27 21:33:24 - anso22 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from JPD2411
2009-02-27 21:33:34 - anso22 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from JPD2411
2009-02-27 21:34:21 - anso22 reinforced ? with 4 troops from ?
2009-02-27 21:34:31 - anso22 reinforced ? with 2 troops from ?
2009-02-27 21:34:40 - anso22 reinforced ? with 1 troops from ?
2009-02-27 21:35:04 - anso22 gets spoils

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 4347041

Both were on opposite sides of a region with fog of war, and both knew to attack the zones and take it away right at the start of the round. This isn't the first time they've been accused. Others in game chat have accused them of cheating. See
Sergeant 1st Class JPD2411
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:58 am

Re: anso22 & amna7

Postby king sam on Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:28 pm

JPD2411 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 4347041

Both were on opposite sides of a region with fog of war, and both knew to attack the zones and take it away right at the start of the round. This isn't the first time they've been accused. Others in game chat have accused them of cheating. See

Firstly the last time they were accused of this they were Cleared of being Multi's

king achilles wrote:anso22 and amna7 are cleared of being multi accounts with each other. Probably family or schoolmates. Still, this is noted for possible secret diplomacy reports just in case.

Even so proof to discount the Multiple account notion as follows:

Game 4347041 Log wrote:2009-03-01 19:02:57 - anso22 receives 4 troops for 14 regions
2009-03-01 19:03:00 - anso22 cashed in a group of Hawaii, British Claim, and North East Brazil worth 10 troops
2009-03-01 19:03:06 - anso22 deployed 16 troops on ?
2009-03-01 19:03:11 - amna7 receives 4 troops for holding ?
2009-03-01 19:03:11 - amna7 receives 3 troops for holding ?
2009-03-01 19:03:11 - amna7 receives 4 troops for holding ?
2009-03-01 19:03:11 - amna7 receives 6 troops for 20 regions
2009-03-01 19:03:14 - anso22 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Ozark Yell

That's just a small exert of the log but enough proof to show that they are taking turns at the same time in this freestyle match making it highly unlikely that its one user using both accounts at the same time.

Secondly, last time they were noted as possible "secret alliances".

They play a lot of games together, and from the looks of it in this game it looks like they quite possibly could have coordinated their turns to be done at the same time as each other seeing as every round either their turns were at the same time or right after one another.

But on the flip side 37 games out of the 39 that they have been in together have been on the World 2.1 map, so its obvious they both know the map and are aware of "zones to attack" as you referenced.
And in those games its pretty evenly distributed on who wins.
  • amna7 won 8 times
  • anso22 won 12 times
  • Someone else won 16 times
  • and 3 are still going

It quite possibly could just be that they are friends that enjoy playing together seeing as the results of their games together doesn't lop side or favor just one person.

But if their timing their turns to be in sequence with one another for tactical gain, then I agree that is wrong and in my opinion would warrant a BLOCK. But I think that will be hard to prove.

However I am not the overall deciding authority. Best of luck with your claim. If they are manipulating the system then it will be caught and determined that they cant play together anymore. Good Luck

King Sam
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Re: anso22 & amna7

Postby king achilles on Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:22 am

anso22 and amna7 have been blocked.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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