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Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc [warned]

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Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc [warned]

Postby Namor on Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:18 am


Rob Mc

The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 3939007


Extracts from Nola Lifer's wal;

I went after Chris and you should be able to knock him out he only has the one left....Least I could do since you have been doing most of the fighting. Knock me out of Eastern Europe It's yours I am going to concentrate on Orange....
by Rob Mc
on 22 Jan 2009, 20:21

by Nola_Lifer
on 21 Jan 2009, 09:09

Do you want Western Europe? I don't think anyone has figured out that we have a truce...Nice! If you are going this way I will concentrate going up through Russia....3939007
by Rob Mc
on 20 Jan 2009, 22:02

I'm going to pound Turkey with everything I've got. If I don't actually take it at least it will be totally worn down so you should be able to punch through...3939007
by Rob Mc
on 18 Jan 2009, 12:17

Ahh I had never even seen the wall before! I will leave you be from now on....It might be to late for both of us at this point....Take back the one for your bonus and we can start the truce.
by Rob Mc
on 17 Jan 2009, 13:41

extracts from Rob Mc's wall;

haha funny game huh
by Nola_Lifer
on 03 Feb 2009, 18:41

hello, im not in for secret diplomacy , i'll do what i think is best to win the game.
by chimpymaster
on 01 Feb 2009, 00:26 (different game)

alright cool thanks
by Nola_Lifer
on 18 Jan 2009, 19:46

i should of thought about this before i took your bonus but ill leave you be in game 3939007. cool?
by Nola_Lifer
on 17 Jan 2009, 07:20

Obviously, this cheap tactic is one that Rob Mc applies regularly, thankfully chimpymaster showed that there are honourable players out there.

These extracts from chimpymasters wall are what prompted his reply;
OK..Thanks for letting me know.
by Rob Mc
on 01 Feb 2009, 00:31

I didn't hear back from you but you didn't attack me either....This is our chance to really make a move on this game...Green tore down yellow so I a can rip forward...I have to defend luqua Helipad... but I will not attack you
by Rob Mc
on 31 Jan 2009, 21:57

Hello brother! If either one of us is going to have a chance in Malta 4133092 we are going to have to leave each other alone....Knock me out of there and after that how about a truce?
by Rob Mc
on 30 Jan 2009, 12:24
Last edited by Namor on Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby WOTE on Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:29 am

it seems he has a few secrets , i have also added BigBallinStalin to my foe list. his wall is clear now.
here are more extracts.

I went after Chris and you should be able to knock him out he only has the one left....Least I could do since you have been doing most of the fighting. Knock me out of Eastern Europe It's yours I am going to concentrate on Orange....

by Rob Mc
on Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:21 pm


by Nola_Lifer
on Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:09 am

Do you want Western Europe? I don't think anyone has figured out that we have a truce...Nice! If you are going this way I will concentrate going up through Russia....3939007

by Rob Mc
on Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:02 pm

I'm going to pound Turkey with everything I've got. If I don't actually take it at least it will be totally worn down so you should be able to punch through...3939007

by Rob Mc
on Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:17 am

Ahh I had never even seen the wall before! I will leave you be from now on....It might be to late for both of us at this point....Take back the one for your bonus and we can start the truce.

by Rob Mc
on Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:41 am

Hello brother in game 4148461 (WWII) I am more then willing to vacate the balkans for you if we can work out a non-aggresion pact.....

by Rob Mc
on Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:49 pm

new game 4250387

by Nola_Lifer
on Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:47 am

i got 27 in V5 waiting for spencer dont attack my 1 dudes just yet

by Nola_Lifer
on Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:00 pm

i noticed you were a good player on age of realms so i want to invite you to a double on this map. game no.3984183. oh yeah happy new year.

by riodeishere
on Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:43 am

the smell of win, just like sweet pussy? ahhh, bigstallin-san, ahhh! this is real question! brahahahaha

by Nola_Lifer
on Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:13 am

cook me something good back there too, gettin hungry for some wins smelling that shit snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnfffffffffffff

by Nola_Lifer
on Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:11 am

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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby ironbuttaxe on Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:57 pm

Nola_Lifer and BigBallinStalin play together with remarkable frequency. This might warrant closer inspection.

from BigBallinStalin's wall:

got 27 in V5 waiting for spencer dont attack my 1 dudes just yet by Nola_Liferon Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:00 am
Last edited by ironbuttaxe on Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby sailorseal on Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:14 pm


(In my opinion)
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby chenchen on Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:59 am

If you look at their games Nola_Lifer and BigBallinStalin rarely attack each other. They are definitely communicating by email or PMs. Once this one is concluded, I'm going to open an investigation into these two.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby Johnny Rockets on Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:35 am


My wife and I are playing them doubles atm.

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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby Namor on Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:18 am

ironbuttaxe wrote:Nola_Lifer and BigBallinStalin play together with remarkable frequency. This might warrant closer inspection.

from BigBallinStalin's wall:

got 27 in V5 waiting for spencer dont attack my 1 dudes just yet by Nola_Liferon Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:00 am

These two have played a lot of games together.

However most of those, until more recently, had been team games. So no problem.

Currently they have around 16 Standard games they are sharing (maybe these need monitoring).

And this is an extract from Game 3683196 ;
2008-12-04 13:58:09 - Amin99: Ok, now, Orange, you should maybe attack GREY, isn't it your wish!? I left you the Northeast...
2008-12-05 05:22:27 - BigBallinStalin: Hah, now you start agreeing; I'm gonna hand this game to grey
2008-12-05 17:16:55 - BigBallinStalin: there ya go, tough guy
2008-12-06 08:07:15 - Nola_Lifer: f*ck it deployed on the wrong area
2008-12-06 11:48:31 - BigBallinStalin: hah im gonna get you
2008-12-06 20:05:26 - Nola_Lifer: gg all
2008-12-06 23:46:25 - BigBallinStalin: god damn son, you gota lotta points

BigBallinStalin and Nola_lifer, is of course a seperate issue, maybe it should be posted as a seperate complaint.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby BigBallinStalin on Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:09 pm

Listen up, ladies and gentlemen. Nola Lifer has been a friend of mine for over 9 years, and we live in the same city. Therefore, it isn't surprising nor is it illegal for us to be in so many games. Of course, that does cause suspicion especially from people who are just sore losers (i.e. WOTE, who's got a real bad attitude by the way).

Regarding the Rob Mc and Nola_Lifer issue: It's been dealt with.

Regarding the evidence from WOTE on my wall:
"on Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:47 am

i got 27 in V5 waiting for spencer dont attack my 1 dudes just yet

by Nola_Lifer"

I didn't care what Nola said, I attacked him anyway. HAHA, got him when he didn't expect it! Thank you, Sun Tzu and your book on war.

Regarding ironbuttaxe's comment about us playing together so frequently: Big deal, see above; hope that explains that. Nothing illegal. Also, this guy seems to not notice how many other people play team games and standard games together.

ironbuttaxe's comment can be attributed to his crappy attitude and his sour position in the game Game 4261603 Imperium Romanum. In Round 10, he's about to get destroyed since he's stuck in N. Africa in between Nola's Iberia and Arabia Patreae, so he leaves a sassy comment about us being the same person, which obviously is completely false. If any of the members of the board of CC Justice wish for further evidence that Nola_Lifer and I are not the same person, then feel free to message me.

"2009-02-25 22:53:47 - ironbuttaxe: Scattered about? Are you speaking as yourself or as Nola_Lifer here? As far as I can see the only scattered army is NL with his odd move to the other side of the map rather than taking Asia..."
Not an odd move at all, good sir; for him to waste his armies taking neutral would allow me to attack his weakened army and get that +1 Asia; Nola Lifer's no fool. After looking at that game, we can now see that ironbuttaxe's anger has gotten the better of him and also understand what motivated ironbuttaxe to spew out such a hostile and vindictive accusation--albeit a weak one.

Regarding chenchen's comment: He's got no evidence, we've done nothing wrong; just another angry customer at his loss to the hands of supreme justice and karma--wrongful accusations will certainly make one suffer in the long run. He mentions how we rarely attack each and this could be noticed if you look at the games. Which ones? No evidence, he only supplies a cheap shot below the belt. Nola and I have played and are currently playing several standards games, and I thoroughly enjoy whooping his ass and kicking him in the ribs when I get a chance. That chance depends on initial placement, so there are definitely some games where we're scattered from each other and haven't been able to attack each other. Also, there's the question of whether or not it's feasible to attack this person or that. This is completely understandable, and I shouldn't waste any further time explaining to people how standard games work.

And last but not least, Namor's comment:
He brings up the standard game of Brazil. He left out the previous conversation which explains much of what was going on--whether or not this was intentional, well... ask him. It was Nola, me, and red. Nola was outproducing us by 2-3x, so I said to red, we gotta team up on this guy; but, red kept attacking me and breaking my bonus. So, I was tired of his childishness and suicided on him. Upon suiciding I said that I'm gonna hand this game to Nola. Nola had the game anyway, hahaha! red already gave it to him by constantly attacking me. Maybe red should be investigated while we're here pointing fingers (just kidding). Besides, there's nothing secret and nothing illegal with going supernova and publicly declaring your intentions; it feels good anyway.

If anyone wants to monitor us in our standard games, then go ahead; there's no foul play and nothing illegal.

I'd like to thank Johnny Rockets for bringing this post to my attention. I rarely attend to the forums, and I simply don't care enough to wrongfully accuse people after losing to them or for feeling bitter in general. Many of these people just need to calm down and think clearly before speaking, or typing.

Much of this could've been easily explained before it was publicized. Most of this was completely unnecessary and a waste of time for the CC monitors (but not a waste for anyone looking for some entertainment--hehe). If anyone at all has any problems with me, then feel free to give me a private message so that we can both come to a level understanding and restore our mutual respect for one another.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby Namor on Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:41 pm

This seems to be steering away from the original issue.

BigBallinStalin, you say, "Regarding the Rob Mc and Nola_Lifer issue: It's been dealt with." I would be interested to know where I could find the verdict.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby ironbuttaxe on Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:26 am

Regarding the Rob Mc and Nola_Lifer issue: It's been dealt with.

LOL, by whom, you and your conscience?

Long-winded reply basically saying everyone who complains is a sore-loser. CC is game which is excellent when played according to the rules, but cheats like you and your other half destroy what would otherwise be good games - sore about losing a game you can only win by cheating? Hell yeah!
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby Nola_Lifer on Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:35 am

Hey, look. The problem with Rob Mc and I are dealt with. It was a one time mistake and a warning was issue. Now calling my friend into this issue is another subject and if the accusations are serious then it should be posted in another thread. But I suggests you stop wining and just play the game.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby ironbuttaxe on Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:45 am

It's not over 'til the Fat CC lady sings mate. And don't confusing whining with exposing - cheats, that is you. Would you like to do the right thing then, and apologise to the people you cheated out of points?
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby Nola_Lifer on Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:54 am

In the one game I played in against Namor, yes, I do apologize, but I have not cheated in any other game. If you are serious about accusing us then post a new thread like I said.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby king achilles on Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:14 am

If this case is only pertaining to game 3939007, they have already been issued a warning about this game. We can consider Rob Mc and Nola_Lifer on a very short lease from being blocked together.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby Namor on Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:25 am

king achilles wrote:If this case is only pertaining to game 3939007, they have already been issued a warning about this game. We can consider Rob Mc and Nola_Lifer on a very short lease from being blocked together.

Thanks King

I am satisfied that the issue I raised has been put to bed.

However I do have a suggestion. If the matter was dealt with quietly/privately, then it would have been helpful if Nola & Rob had been advised to clean up the messages on their walls. It would have saved anybody else (me), from thinking they had been the 1st to spot the infringement and feel compelled to act upon it.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc [warned]

Postby Nola_Lifer on Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:30 am

Haha. I only played one game with that dude and it was an honest mistake. Wow. Some people need to realize this is a game and things were handled as they should of been.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby king sam on Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:30 am

king achilles wrote:If this case is only pertaining to game 3939007, they have already been issued a warning about this game. We can consider Rob Mc and Nola_Lifer on a very short lease from being blocked together.

I doubt this will stop there activity in games together. Maybe they wont be dumb enough to publicly show their secret diplomacy from now on, maybe they will do this via an offsite messenger or PM on this site.

Either way thanks for bringing these guys out in the open so i could FOE them.

I suggest all do the same

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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby BigBallinStalin on Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:43 pm

king sam wrote:
king achilles wrote:If this case is only pertaining to game 3939007, they have already been issued a warning about this game. We can consider Rob Mc and Nola_Lifer on a very short lease from being blocked together.

I doubt this will stop there activity in games together. Maybe they wont be dumb enough to publicly show their secret diplomacy from now on, maybe they will do this via an offsite messenger or PM on this site.

Either way thanks for bringing these guys out in the open so i could FOE them.

I suggest all do the same

King Sam

What rash words.
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Re: Nola_Lifer and Rob Mc

Postby ironbuttaxe on Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:15 am

king sam wrote:
king achilles wrote:If this case is only pertaining to game 3939007, they have already been issued a warning about this game. We can consider Rob Mc and Nola_Lifer on a very short lease from being blocked together.

I doubt this will stop there activity in games together. Maybe they wont be dumb enough to publicly show their secret diplomacy from now on, maybe they will do this via an offsite messenger or PM on this site.

Either way thanks for bringing these guys out in the open so i could FOE them.

I suggest all do the same

King Sam

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realise that Nola, (not so)BigBallsStallin and Rob Mc are serial cheats who got so brazen they thought they could even carry it out on the Wall. Obviously, as there's no punishment they'll just continue, but as you say by PM/email.

They should lose all rank (admittedly though not far to fall for Bigballs), and/or have some sort of black mark around their name. Failing that the best one can do is name and shame, foe and forget.
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