The Account \\\"English Patriot\\\" was closed about a week ago for unknown reasons. I recived an Email saying I was banned for Abuse, and must Buy Prem to reactivate my account.
I did how ever recive a warning from James Vazquez a chat mod on Conquer Club about 2-4 hours before my being banned, sayng I must not flame on Chat. However to mine and James Vazquez minds the matter was resolved and we remain freinds, I have scince spoken to James Vazquez and told him of my being banned, James Vazquez advised me to report this matter to you, saying this is unusual as I can find no reason as to why you were banned.
I also have no idea as to why this happend, I was told by James Vazquez this was probly a technical mistake and should be resolved quickly.
I do hope this matter will be resolved.
PS, I had to create a second account \\\"CoDublin\\\" as My former Account \\\"English Patriot\\\" was incapable of acessing this help line or any messages on my profile wall or inbox for that matter. I Hope you understand as to why i created this account, I had no choice, and do not wish to start again on CC or lose my ranking on my banned Account \\\"English Patriot\\\".
Thankyou for your time.