Conquer Club


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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby AussieBoss on Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:55 pm

In the month that myself and a few friends have registered for the site, no few than 10 people have accused us of cheating. Whether it be multi-ing or colluding "secretly" or suiciding into an opponent to open the door for someone else. This is all nonsense. First of all, let me clear up who is in our little group of friends who love Conquer Clubbing. They are myself AussieBoss, BeerMeSoon, BeerMeNow(no relation), A_Ivanovich, gabo05, and MadagascarPWNS!!. Now just because we are in the same game, rarely without being partnered up, and one of us wins doesn't mean we are/were cheating. So stop whining. Most recently someone accused BeerMeSoon of cheating because he was on an opposing team of mine and got eliminated quite easily. Guess what, shitty dice and bad opening position does not equal cheating. And that goes for everytime we end up on different teams. We aren't pulling any punches. We want to beat each other, more for the bragging rights than the rank. So I guess this is for the Admins here, a few of us are victims of our own success and I wanted to reassure you that nothing out of the ordinary is happening in our games and if you want us to do something to help lessen the accusations just let us now.

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Postby AK_iceman on Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:58 pm

Suck it up cupcake! :P

Oh yeah, can you please post here to confirm your spot on the St. Louis Team? ... &start=210

Thanks :)
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Postby MadagascarPWNS!! on Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:05 pm

Well I think your saying that to the wrong person... I think the little pussys that refuse to finish a game cuz they "think we're cheating" need to do that... So with my final statement. "People Shut the f*ck up and finish your games."
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Postby nyg5680 on Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:07 pm

YAH i think i joined a game wit 1 of ur friends
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:31 pm

Who cares?...suck it up...Many multis busted this nothing to hide then who cares...
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Postby Buddy Jesus on Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:13 am

hes saying hes tired of getting accused all the time, if he has a rep of being a multi no ones gonna wanna play with them.
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Postby nyg5680 on Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:28 am

^hey i think im in a game wit him 2 there pretty good players
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Postby gerry22 on Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:36 am

Play private games and you won't be labeled a cheater. Don't tell me you already do this because all one has to do is look at your game history.
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Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:45 pm

LetGodSortThem wrote:Who cares?...suck it up...Many multis busted this nothing to hide then who cares...

I CARE Isn't that one of the biggist problems in our world right now? Nobody cares unless it involves them.

Why should people have to defend themselves if there is no proof?

I know you don't have any friends here that you play because I know you would put them on your ignore list, and you said people should not play against their friends. I also know you don't play anybody twice because then you could be accused of being friends and then the next logical step would be accuse you of being a multi.
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Postby nyg5680 on Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:08 pm

he makes a good point tho if he has nothin 2 hide than it doesnt matter
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Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:25 pm

nyg5680 wrote:he makes a good point tho if he has nothin 2 hide than it doesnt matter
Yes it does matter. If you get accused and there is no proof then it is just wrong.

Why don't you guys apply the phiolosphy in real life and see if you still think that way. And don't say that it is different, because if you believe it is ok if you have nothing to hide then what is to stop someone working at a store from accusing you of shoplifting? No harm no foul? Or you get arrested for robbery, would that be ok?
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Postby AK_iceman on Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:45 pm

Evil, most of the time it isn't an accusation so much as someone just asking for an IP check. I agree that if you aren't a multi, then there really is nothing to get worked up about because this is how this system currently works!

You probly think it does matter because you play here with your wife and have been accused several times. The multi hunters have been trained well to determine if it's the same person or 2 different people, even if they play from the same computer.

As long as you get the [Cleared] by your name, and feedback taken off it necessary, then no harm no foul.
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Postby wicked on Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:51 pm

evil, you're implying we bust people w/o proof. :roll: get a clue, would ya? there are thousands of active users at this site. We rely on the community to turn in the cheaters, as there's no way we could police it all ourselves.
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Postby stinkycheese on Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:53 pm

AK_iceman wrote:Evil, most of the time it isn't an accusation so much as someone just asking for an IP check. I agree that if you aren't a multi, then there really is nothing to get worked up about because this is how this system currently works!

You probly think it does matter because you play here with your wife and have been accused several times. The multi hunters have been trained well to determine if it's the same person or 2 different people, even if they play from the same computer.

As long as you get the [Cleared] by your name, and feedback taken off it necessary, then no harm no foul.


I've probably been accused more times than Semp and I don't give a shit. I know that the IP isn't the only thing that's checked; there are other factors. Anything suspicious should be checked because the Multi Hunters are very thorough and the more people that get checked, the cleaner the site will be.
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Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:22 pm

wicked wrote:evil, you're implying we bust people w/o proof. :roll: get a clue, would ya?

I think you should get a clue wicked. I would have thought that as a moderator you would have read what I said earlier. Can you point out where I implied that people get busted without proof?

wicked wrote:there are thousands of active users at this site. We rely on the community to turn in the cheaters, as there's no way we could police it all ourselves.

You state the obvious, but don't you think there should be some proof before people are accused? What is the percentage rate of people being busted and cleared?

But doesn't your reaction support my argument? You thought I was accusing you and the multi hunters of not doing your job. If I had accused you of that I would not have had any proof. So according to the "if you have nothing to hide" then you should not have been offended or needed to defend the multi hunters.

And by the way wicked my Bears just beat your Seachicks.
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Postby wicked on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:27 pm

yes, I watched the game. hardly my seahawks, but whatever.

99% of the people who post accusations truly believe the accussed are cheating, based on how the game was played. That is enough for us to launch an investigation, where we then gather the proof needed.

And no, I didn't think you were accussing us of anything, that was your erroneous assumption, which I see you make a lot of.
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Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:34 pm

Talk about erroneous assumptions, which you seem to make a your fair share of. The 99% that you were talking about, is that not counting the names are similiar, they take their turns or they play in a lot of games together and join right after one another. That one was last week.
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Postby wicked on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:37 pm

Semp, doesnt' matter. We're not going to ask people to stop making accusations, so you're wasting your breath.
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Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:39 pm

Again with the erroneous assumption. I didn't ask people to stop making accusations. I just asked them to have some proof.
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Postby wicked on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:42 pm

I know what you're saying. All someone needs is a suspicion to report someone, and that happens the majority of the time. The PROOF comes from the investigation.
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Postby AK_iceman on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:45 pm

Evil Semp wrote:Again with the erroneous assumption. I didn't ask people to stop making accusations. I just asked them to have some proof.

How do normal users get actual proof?
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Postby joeyjordison on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:48 pm

why not just run an IP check on all of them and clear it up once and for all then if u r ever accused of being multis we know u aren't.... as for alliances then play on the same team in a doubles or triples game but not against each other or set up games with only people u know...
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Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:51 pm

Maybe I use the wrong word. But I hope you understand what I am saying.

When the member named Multi was accused, was it a good enough reason just because of his name? I don't think so. Did he do anything suspicious in a game?
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Postby AK_iceman on Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:53 pm

But when the member named Wicked_ and and the fake "Lackattack" showed up they were both accused right away and found guilty.
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Postby wicked on Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:04 pm

Believe it or not Semp, some multis are stupid enough to use similiar names, like Semp1, Semp2, etc.. or just plan stupid names, like "IhackConquerClub". So yes, sometimes names are suspicion enough. :roll:
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