Moderator: Cartographers
ustus wrote:hmm... you could have a decided large mass of neutrals titled "safe door" representing the difficulty of this barrier... it just seems odd to me to get to the safe only from outside...
ustus wrote:also there's a blank space, an alarm, and a money cart to the left of the upper entrance that don't appear to be connected to anything..... how do you get there?
ustus wrote:nice solution on the vaultthis is the point that I can't help much anymore. Not the kind of map i'm used to playing. I don't see any obvious criticisms except dealing with the alarms / guns in the vault itself... which you already saw...
Thxand ill get to fixing that
also, there is no reason I would ever take the alarm just south-east of the front door (i'm reffering to the top entryway as the front door, is that confusing??)
i understood, and the alternate path should be a gun![]()
and you can get to the car without triggering an alarm, did you mean to do that? i do note that the path that way is longer, so it might be worth it to get the car...
well the length and that the guns have more neutral on them a the start of the game
are all the terits that are colored now going to be poss starting positions? cuz that one next to the car may give someone an unfair advantage. idk...
this is true, since the guns have a larger neutral count i should prolly just eliminate this
but on top of that the car and the vault wall are going to have fairly large neutral caounts
that's all i've got, if I'm wrong on anything someone point it out!
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.
rishaed wrote:I like the idea of another entrance outside of the vault because it makes it be more than one choke point... or you could have the CEO or director...maybe lack if he'll agree..refering back to suggestion 4 players names... being able to bombard the money carts?
ustus wrote:I have to admit, i lose interest in a map as soon as i see the word "bombard". But that's just me....
I think the concept of a bank lends itself to the idea of a chokepoint. So it makes sense that the bank would be a chokepoint
and having a single terit that would be able to attack all of the money carts would eliminate the whole idea of the alarms, so that wouldn't work as an idea to relplace bombardment. it's up to a.sub tho, we'll see what he thinks...
ustus wrote:hey, i found two more alarms i'd never take in a game, as well as a cart with no alarm
idk if you wanted ALL the carts on alarms, but the cart all the way to the right in the room above the room in the bottom right corner with a gun doesn't have one. BTW i think you really need some kind of more specific name, at least test1 test2 etc and cart1 cart2 neway, you get the idea... I feel very confusing trying to tell you what cart or alarm i'm talking about....
haha yeah in the next major update ill use legit names or something, put out a thread. and yeah ill number the carts lol
First alarm is in the room with a divider down the middle, though this one is, again, a shorter route and if the neutrals on the gun are enough higher than the neutrals on the alarm, still might take it, but unlikely.
i think ill leave this one so people have to chose between a short term loss or a long term one
Second alarm is the next space you come to if you travel due east of the first alarm. No reason i'd ever take that alarm, so it's kind of a wasted space.
i agree with this one, ill remove one of the guns from that room and put it where this alarm is
Btw, thanks a bunch for supporting no bombardments, i feel like every draft i've visited recently has somebody saying "what? classic gameplay? add bombardment!" and, though i realize you're making a scenario map, it's good to see that someone else finds bombardment annoying...
QFT sooooo many people think adding bombardments makes their map have unique game playthere are only a few maps that have done them well my favorite is D-Day:Omaha Beach.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.
ustus wrote:it's A.sub's map
a.sub wrote:ustus wrote:it's A.sub's map
1) its a shared effort, not my map, or even my idea
2) but even then the map should reflect what the players want
3) thank you for ur humble-ness (that a word?)
a.sub wrote:well either way thx for your critique so far, its has been greatly helpful to the map
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.
rishaed wrote:there should be an alarm next to the C4 entrance b/c it'd be pretty obvious that part of the building just got nailed with an explosive
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