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kiddicus maximus [Eticket]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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kiddicus maximus [Eticket]

Postby kiddicus maximus on Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:40 pm


kiddicus maximus

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

well there aren't any, but that doesn't seem to matter.


I hereby accuse myself of being a multi. My first post on here was in Flame Wars, explaining how my brother used to come on here and ruin the general integrity of the game. I explained how during his tenure here (two years ago, mind you) he repeatedly logged in from MY place of employment, violating our virtual media policy, to post his lame-brained rants on the forums and play games.

I've played Risk in the board-game form since I was old enough to roll dice. I found this site when doing a google search for my moniker, kiddicus maximus. I've been using this moniker on sports forums for years. I signed up, liked the format and decided to go premium in a day or two.

I searched through the CC forums for anything related to "kiddicus" and found out that my brother had been busted as a multi. I promptly disassociated myself from him to the best of my ability.

Now, it appears that the mighty mods have decided that I am indeed the person that I CAME OUT AND SAID I WASN'T. I find this to be a slight to my intelligence, for if I was going to try to hide out and hold multiple accounts, I wouldn't out myself from the beginning. They have revoked my premium membership (two weeks after paying) and refuse to provide me with an explanation.

I like this site, some of the people are funny, but this is an abuse of power. The accounts in question have been banned for two years.
Last edited by kiddicus maximus on Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sergeant 1st Class kiddicus maximus
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Re: kiddicus maximus

Postby Hotdoggie on Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:44 pm

Wow thats fucked defo should get your prem back if those are the facts....its practically theft
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Re: kiddicus maximus

Postby obliterationX on Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:29 pm

Shocker mate... :(
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Re: kiddicus maximus

Postby lancehoch on Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:40 pm

It seems that you were busted with six other accounts earlier this week. If you believe that this was a mistake, please submit an eticket (found at the bottom of the help page) and the case will be looked into.
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Re: kiddicus maximus

Postby kiddicus maximus on Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:11 pm

lancehoch wrote:It seems that you were busted with six other accounts earlier this week. If you believe that this was a mistake, please submit an eticket (found at the bottom of the help page) and the case will be looked into.

I have already done so. King Achilles ruled that I was busted with six other accounts, however the accounts in question were busted & banned two years ago. My formal complaint is on ticket 795117.

I even played along, admitting I was Vonnegut (though I'm not) and pointed out that if I were in fact Vonnegut, and I was busted, then I have already upgraded to premium membership twice (once as Vonnegut, once as kiddicus maximus), and therefore should have my premium reinstated, per your rules.

Thought I would post this here to inform others of my plight.
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Re: kiddicus maximus

Postby owenshooter on Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:26 pm

kiddicus maximus wrote:I even played along, admitting I was Vonnegut (though I'm not) and pointed out that if I were in fact Vonnegut, and I was busted, then I have already upgraded to premium membership twice (once as Vonnegut, once as kiddicus maximus), and therefore should have my premium reinstated, per your rules.

this may have been your downfall... didn't anyone ever teach you to never admit to doing something you have never done? you admitted it, period. good luck with your e-ticket...-0
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Re: kiddicus maximus

Postby kiddicus maximus on Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:26 am

owenshooter wrote:this may have been your downfall... didn't anyone ever teach you to never admit to doing something you have never done? you admitted it, period. good luck with your e-ticket...-0

at this point i'm willing to try anything to get my point across. nothing seems to be working, and I've all but given up hope.

Seriously. If there are any mods looking at this, I'm not him. We speak the same (he's less eloquent) but that's because he's the closest biological thing there is on this planet to me. We share similar DNA. We even look alike... but I do not share his affinity for bucking the system. If anyone knows Kurt is a dick, it's me. Hell, I probably would've picked a literary-referenced moniker if there were any good writers with the first name of Kevin.

I'm not even that pissed that I lost the $25. I just want to be able to join speed games at two o'clock in the morning stoned blind. eff you see kay ing ess-hit. would twenty-five more of your coveted american dollars give me this ability?
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