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TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc. [warned]

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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby aliakber1001 on Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:30 pm

demonfork you are what we can ah how u say son of bi.tch.
bitch you think because you won one game against me it make you good. punk ass.
and yes you are a cheater and so is your whole damn clan.oh yea and bi.tch i still have the emails where i asked you to play me, and u kept refusing to play with different reasons every time which were as stupid as your excuse here that u were baby sitting.
you know your chicken and so do i, so no need to prove other wise, and if you like ill post the emails where
one time i ask u to play, u say. oh i have to go to bed. then when i play tdan hour later, your ass is in the game chatting again. where did your sleep go?
and then again i asked u next day, and u replyed with... i am trying to get to general. i dont want to play a 50/50 game.
althought it wont be fifty fifty because i would beat the shit out of your ass.
oh yea and my i say, as a side not. at the same time you had set up a private game for farming, and were looking for a farming person. which you did find.
hey wait wasnt farming outlawed. i guess not as long as your TNT.
anyway punk ass your not even worth my time, i just layed out things they why they are.
and your chicken ass is afraid. i got emails to back it up. and you farming for low ranks at the same time by setting private game to prove it. because u knew i was on line and if u had made an open game i would have joined.
wait let me post it here. for anyone else who wants to take action and make a seperate thread for farming by demonfork. because i frankly dont want to waste my time with this fool.
let me post game number for the record
oh wait. here is another one right too short after that
4239393 farming number 2
oh wait shit damn i thought farming wasnt cool. wait heress another one short after that one
4242443 farming game number 3
wait arent the mods supose to take action ? i guess not because demonforks wasnt farming. he was just inviting his friends to play. lmfao. what a joke, this site is starting to become a joke.
Last edited by aliakber1001 on Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TNT cheating part 3 EVIDENCE!!!! terresgarrard, demonfork

Postby demonfork on Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:36 pm

Fruitcake wrote:

...It means that a clan with a rep such as the TNT (with a lot of ex farmers guild members) are able to manipulate the system to their advantage. It matters not if it didn't work in this case, what you have shown is that it can happen.

a lot of ex farmers guild members in tnt?

There are 37 members currently in tnt, out of that 37, 3 maybe 4 of them were in the FG.

You think that less than 10% is "a lot"?

Fruitcake wrote:I do have to ask....why are you surprised? TNT have a bad reputation anyway, and provide little positive input to the site except to try to use loopholes in the system. This begs the question as to why you joined a game with one of them in the first place.

You mean positive input like one tnt member lanyards, who has participated in the creation of 3 maps that we all enjoy playing on?

Or like myself who has bought countless premium memberships for other players who did not have the means to buy them for themselves?

Or another member, King_herpes, who has had many many players of all ranks and skill levels thank him for making them better players, either through observation or playing against/with him.

here are just a few......

2009-02-02 22:19:32 - achilles63: this is like watching poetry
2009-02-02 22:24:28 - achilles63: Thanks for letting me watch

2009-02-11 23:55:54 - Witt13: Honor to play you once again, even though you don't have the red star...'

2009-02-09 22:15:48 - Birdyspice: no, still learning the board
2009-02-09 22:15:51 - Birdyspice: any tips?
2009-02-09 22:16:32 - King_Herpes: The S
2009-02-09 22:16:41 - King_Herpes: Is a port and they all connect
2009-02-09 22:16:52 - King_Herpes: Those are important later


I'm not sure what your motivation for trying to spread misinformation about TNT is Fruitcake but I will call you on your BS.
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Re: TNT cheating part 3 EVIDENCE!!!! terresgarrard, demonfork

Postby Fruitcake on Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:56 pm

There are 37 members currently in tnt, out of that 37, 3 maybe 4 of them were in the FG.

You think that less than 10% is "a lot"?

How many is it? 3 or 4 or more perhaps? Please be precise and do not try to obfuscate the matter. if it's 4 then it is more than '10%'...please do not try to manipulate the numbers.

You mean positive input like one tnt member lanyards, who has participated in the creation of 3 maps that we all enjoy playing on?

This would be the same lanyards who enjoyed suckering new members (many of whom still haven't returned to the site) on one of those maps he created would it?
Or like myself who has bought countless premium memberships for other players who did not have the means to buy them for themselves?

This is meant to impress? Well here's a tip, never talk about what you have done for others, it makes you look small.
Or another member, King_herpes, who has had many many players of all ranks and skill levels thank him for making them better players, either through observation or playing against/with him.

This would be the same King Herpes who glorified in the way the FG conducted themselves would it? This would be the same player who's actions, along with those of the FG' brought about a change in the way this site was structured earlier this year would it? if you are to pick an example, do try to pick one with some kind of reputation that hasn't been completely burnt by previous actions.

This thread (now merged) was started because of the actions of one of the players in your clan. I would not have mentioned it had you not seen fit to dive into the game as an observer and post. That only served to exacerbate the situation.

Finally, as if to confirm the kind of people you are...not one of you actually admitted to the change of player ever during the whole time. Ali had a screenshot of the flag changing midgame! Yet not one of you (and god knows how many were involved by this least 3 with yourself included) had the decency to even say, "Hey. sorry, this should not have happened without someone telling you...."

And you ask me why your bunch have the kind of reps I mention?

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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby demonfork on Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:31 pm

aliakber1001 wrote:demonfork you are what we can ah how u say son of bi.tch.
bitch you think because you won one game against me it make you good. punk ass.
and yes you are a cheater and so is your whole damn clan.oh yea and bi.tch i still have the emails where i asked you to play me, and u kept refusing to play with different reasons every time which were as stupid as your excuse here that u were baby sitting.
you know your chicken and so do i, so no need to prove other wise, and if you like ill post the emails where
one time i ask u to play, u say. oh i have to go to bed. then when i play tdan hour later, your ass is in the game chatting again. where did your sleep go?
and then again i asked u next day, and u replyed with... i am trying to get to general. i dont want to play a 50/50 game.
althought it wont be fifty fifty because i would beat the shit out of your ass.
oh yea and my i say, as a side not. at the same time you had set up a private game for farming, and were looking for a farming person. which you did find.
hey wait wasnt farming outlawed. i guess not as long as your TNT.
anyway punk ass your not even worth my time, i just layed out things they why they are.
and your chicken ass is afraid. i got emails to back it up. and you farming for low ranks at the same time by setting private game to prove it. because u knew i was on line and if u had made an open game i would have joined.
wait let me post it here. for anyone else who wants to take action and make a seperate thread for farming by demonfork. because i frankly dont want to waste my time with this fool.
let me post game number for the record
oh wait. here is another one right too short after that
4239393 farming number 2
oh wait shit damn i thought farming wasnt cool. wait heress another one short after that one
4242443 farming game number 3
wait arent the mods supose to take action ? i guess not because demonforks wasnt farming. he was just inviting his friends to play. lmfao. what a joke, this site is starting to become a joke.

It's hard to make any sense of the above diatribe, but I will try and fish through it and make some sense of what is mostly nonsense.

First off 99% of the games that I play are public games, that are hosted by myself, that most anyone can join.

Next, I have the 2nd highest relative rank out of the top 100 or more players (currently .923) so if I am a farmer then everyone is a farmer.

3rd, if you were to remove your head from your ass for maybe 2 or more minutes, you would discover that the anti-farming statement, made by Lack, only applies to those that participate in the "systematic targeting of new recruits".
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby Megadeth666 on Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:49 pm

demonfork wrote:
3rd, if you were to remove your head from your ass for maybe 2 or more minutes, you would discover that the anti-farming statement, made by Lack, only applies to those that participate in the "systematic targeting of new recruits".

OP caught your clan cheating, but there is nothing Twill or Lack can do, your cheating the system that's all, there was enough proof with the screen shots of different countries , and obvious lies...Good Luck at your abusing a game site, Max got away with it for a while...shit King Herpes was even doing good at it...Most are here for fun , but if you have to cheat, to have fun go for it =D>
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Re: TNT cheating part 3 EVIDENCE!!!! terresgarrard, demonfork

Postby demonfork on Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:01 pm

Fruitcake wrote:
There are 37 members currently in tnt, out of that 37, 3 maybe 4 of them were in the FG.

You think that less than 10% is "a lot"?

How many is it? 3 or 4 or more perhaps? Please be precise and do not try to obfuscate the matter. if it's 4 then it is more than '10%'...please do not try to manipulate the numbers.

ok, lets say that it's 4 out of 37 that would equate to 10.8%, do you believe that 10.8% is "a lot"

You mean positive input like one tnt member lanyards, who has participated in the creation of 3 maps that we all enjoy playing on?

This would be the same lanyards who enjoyed suckering new members (many of whom still haven't returned to the site) on one of those maps he created would it?

Out of the 3 maps that lany helped create, there are currenty 21,985 completed/active games that were/are being enjoyed on these maps by CC members. Is this not a positive contribution?

How may maps have you helped create my fruity friend?

Furthermore, who are these players that you claim he suckered, and if they did leave the site can you prove that it was due to lanyards suckering?

Or like myself who has bought countless premium memberships for other players who did not have the means to buy them for themselves?

This is meant to impress? Well here's a tip, never talk about what you have done for others, it makes you look small.

Not meant to impress, the only reason why I brought it up was to challenge your accusation that TNT members don't contribute positively to CC

Or another member, King_herpes, who has had many many players of all ranks and skill levels thank him for making them better players, either through observation or playing against/with him.

This would be the same King Herpes who glorified in the way the FG conducted themselves would it? This would be the same player who's actions, along with those of the FG' brought about a change in the way this site was structured earlier this year would it? if you are to pick an example, do try to pick one with some kind of reputation that hasn't been completely burnt by previous actions.

Nothing that KH did was against any rules and the fact still remains that KH is very well respected amongst the vast majority of his opponents/team mates.

This thread (now merged) was started because of the actions of one of the players in your clan. I would not have mentioned it had you not seen fit to dive into the game as an observer and post. That only served to exacerbate the situation.

In no way was my chat participation meant to exacerbate the situation, I was trying to offer some diffusion and perspective.

Finally, as if to confirm the kind of people you are...not one of you actually admitted to the change of player ever during the whole time. Ali had a screenshot of the flag changing midgame! Yet not one of you (and god knows how many were involved by this least 3 with yourself included) had the decency to even say, "Hey. sorry, this should not have happened without someone telling you...."

There is no rule that states that one must announce that they are sitting for another player, I agree it might be a courteous action to do so, but not mandatory.

And you ask me why your bunch have the kind of reps I mention?

I am proud of the many positive contributions that my fellow TNT clan mates and I have made to this community, your opinion on the matter does not alter the truth of this.
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Re: TNT cheating part 3 EVIDENCE!!!! terresgarrard, demonfork

Postby Megadeth666 on Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:33 pm

demonfork wrote:There is no rule that states that one must announce that they are sitting for another player, I agree it might be a courteous action to do so, but not mandatory.

Right there you are stating ,you are using, and abusing the system, way to go =D>


this suggestion could be used in a case like this specially a certain post

like sign in player :soka
password:password/ not needed if only a sub/babysitter
baby sitter password-player:sub one

then you can only pick 2 baby sitters
and it automaticly list the babysitters id in game chat

2008-12-27 06:00:00 - Megadeth666:/is subbing for soka

This way it is automatically posted that there is a so-called "babysitter"

as soon as someone is babysittng it automatically tell the room in chat
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Re: TNT cheating part 3 EVIDENCE!!!! terresgarrard, demonfork

Postby demonfork on Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:44 pm

Megadeth666 wrote:
demonfork wrote:There is no rule that states that one must announce that they are sitting for another player, I agree it might be a courteous action to do so, but not mandatory.

Right there you are stating ,you are using, and abusing the system, way to go =D>


this suggestion could be used in a case like this specially a certain post

like sign in player :soka
password:password/ not needed if only a sub/babysitter
baby sitter password-player:sub one

then you can only pick 2 baby sitters
and it automaticly list the babysitters id in game chat

2008-12-27 06:00:00 - Megadeth666:/is subbing for soka

This way it is automatically posted that there is a so-called "babysitter"

as soon as someone is babysittng it automatically tell the room in chat

I have no idea what you just said!

Can anyone here besides Fruitcake put together a clearly written rebuttal?
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby Megadeth666 on Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:15 pm

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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby Megadeth666 on Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:19 pm

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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby BaldAdonis on Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:22 pm

nagerous wrote:Wow, the members of this clan are developing quite the reputation for cheating.

Group Leader: King_Herpes
What did you expect?

All of those players should be banned. And nothing of value will be lost.
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby Megadeth666 on Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:31 pm

BaldAdonis wrote:
nagerous wrote:Wow, the members of this clan are developing quite the reputation for cheating.

Group Leader: King_Herpes
What did you expect?

All of those players should be banned. And nothing of value will be lost.

Until Lack changes the rule, or the code...where if someone else signs in to there account, it automatically says it is a babysitter, or in their case a cheater...they will continue to abuse the system
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby BaldAdonis on Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:38 pm

Megadeth666 wrote:Until Lack changes the rule, or the code...where if someone else signs in to there account, it automatically says it is a babysitter, or in their case a cheater...they will continue to abuse the system

With the evidence they have, they can block them from playing with each other. At least that solves the problem that initiated this thread.

I think the outline of "abuse" by account sitters was made clear when SkyT got written up for it. They all know that they're cheating, but they're happy to keep doing it, because that's the only way they can play.
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby Megadeth666 on Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:44 pm

BaldAdonis wrote:
Megadeth666 wrote:Until Lack changes the rule, or the code...where if someone else signs in to there account, it automatically says it is a babysitter, or in their case a cheater...they will continue to abuse the system

With the evidence they have, they can block them from playing with each other. At least that solves the problem that initiated this thread.

I think the outline of "abuse" by account sitters was made clear when SkyT got written up for it. They all know that they're cheating, but they're happy to keep doing it, because that's the only way they can play.

I Think that Maxstuy dude got banned for babysitting abuse too? Didn't he :?:
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby Gold Knight on Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:50 pm

Megadeth666 wrote:
BaldAdonis wrote:
Megadeth666 wrote:Until Lack changes the rule, or the code...where if someone else signs in to there account, it automatically says it is a babysitter, or in their case a cheater...they will continue to abuse the system

With the evidence they have, they can block them from playing with each other. At least that solves the problem that initiated this thread.

I think the outline of "abuse" by account sitters was made clear when SkyT got written up for it. They all know that they're cheating, but they're happy to keep doing it, because that's the only way they can play.

I Think that Maxstuy dude got banned for babysitting abuse too? Didn't he :?:

That was over multiple occaisions over several different players accounts, dont think these few instances mentioned would be enough for an outright ban on a player if they are found guilty.
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby Xav1er on Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:08 am

How about someone that works for this site and can do something speaks instead of filling up my topic with utter garbage?!?! lol simple way to fix things, improve the clan aspect and stop clan members from playing with eachother vs others in standard games. its a hidden alliance even though its F*CKING OBVIOUS that they are helping eachother maintain or gain rank.. damn
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby king achilles on Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:11 am



Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: Running into there own clan members away from me, to get killed so the other clan member gets cards cash's and wins, hence saving there rank. Twice it happened in the game, somehow i still won but still it should be prohibited somehow for clan members to play together in standard games unless its Vs each-other. If nothing is done i strongly will consider deletion of my account and stop promoting the game to friends.

For this case, I do not think it would be a good idea to prohibit clan members from playing in a standard/non team games with other players. We have too many clans right now and I do believe that most of them are still honorable enough to respect others when playing a game.

Granted, let's say, that coded, tdans and JCKing attempted to hand the game in the end to any of them who may be capable of doing so. Based from this game alone, would that be conclusive enough to incriminate their clan as a whole just because they all happen to be in the same clan? Do all TNT clan members also act suspiciously as if they would rather have only co-TNT members win in every game they are in? At the most, I would consider this more of a secret diplomacy for now.

As for aliakber1001's report about torresgerrard having somebody else take his turn for game 4243235, I will have to discuss this first with the other hunters and admin for this. Who knows, it could also affect the other case too.
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc. [pending]

Postby HardAttack on Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:10 am

Xav1er wrote:stop clan members from playing with eachother vs others in standard games

Prohibiting clan members to play in same standard games together.... I love the idea lol. Then what ?
Ppl are coming around with pathetic and funny suggestions nowadays more and more.
One clan, and abusing something does not mean other clans do this in this way. What kinda way of thinking, plus logic is that ?
I have an offer : Lets play no game after now(lets prohibit playing games). Then no farming will take place, no one gonna account sit for someone else, nothing gonna happen...How is this ? How much more prohibitions are we going to taste just because a group of ppl's abusing the system.
There is one necesary action to be taken, 1/ define what is abuse 2/ then find the abusers 3/ take necesary action just on them....
do not burn all the farm just because of a section of farm is infected.
autobans, ppl make high speed there and make accidents...lets move autobahns...
high speed railroads, sometimes accidents happen, and those accdents leaves high causilties. lets remove high speed railroads.
airplanes, sometimes they crashes to lands. most of time no one stay alive. Hihgly deadly...Lets not use airways.
titanic sunk in early 1900s, lets not use sailways. how is this ?
with prohibitions there you have got only one place to reach. the comfort ! of dark ages.
Last edited by HardAttack on Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc. [pending]

Postby jarrett155 on Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:11 am

dont you guys have better crap to do then write really long posts all day arguing(king achiles doesnt count)
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby HardAttack on Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:15 am

Xav1er wrote:How about someone that works for this site and can do something speaks instead of filling up my topic with utter garbage?!?! lol simple way to fix things, improve the clan aspect and stop clan members from playing with eachother vs others in standard games. its a hidden alliance even though its F*CKING OBVIOUS that they are helping eachother maintain or gain rank.. damn

this is a B.S. idea. How dare you suggesting to limit my freedome on playing my clan members in same standard games ?
you have options, you can foe them, report their names maybe, but it makes me angry if you trry to take my fun from my hands.
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc. [pending]

Postby BaldAdonis on Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:23 am

jarrett155 wrote:dont you guys have better crap to do then write really long posts all day arguing(king achiles doesnt count)

We just can't cheat the same way you guys do, so instead we talk about it.
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc.

Postby owenshooter on Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:03 am

Megadeth666 wrote:Until Lack changes the rule, or the code...where if someone else signs in to there account, it automatically says it is a babysitter, or in their case a cheater...they will continue to abuse the system

what these guys are accused of doing is pretty underhanded and sad... i'll let the hunters, king and the admins decide if it is going on, if it is abuse, and if something will be done (other clans have been disbanded over severe abuse/cheating, right? not suggesting it, just showing that the site does come down harshly on clans when necessary)... as far as your suggestion of automatically saying when a babysitter is logged in, how would that work? i play from home, various studios, 2 coffee shops, the library, on the cities wireless system, friends homes/apts, phones, etc... how could they possibly monitor each and every one of my access points and be able to accurately declare when someone is sitting for me? it should be a standard rule to announce when one is sitting, not a courtesy. and this entire thing is truly interesting, can't wait to see the outcome...-0
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc. [pending]

Postby JCKing on Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:39 am

Responding to your post Owenshooter. And the one before, it would be great to show if a baby sitter is logged on and I'm all for it. Hmm possibility is that they have baby sitting passwords implemented in the system so basically a 2nd password where the person baby sitting can only sign into make moves. I would love to see this implemented to clear my name from what I shouldn't be included in.
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc. [pending]

Postby Xav1er on Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:51 am

There is another game out there that actually has a baby sitter option, you can designate 1-2 baby sitters, if they login for u no harm done, but if someone logs in that is not on your list, that is considered abuse, not saying you'd need 5-6 people but still lol... might be an idea?
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Re: TnT - Alliances in Standard/Esc. [pending]

Postby Megadeth666 on Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:54 am

JCKing wrote:Responding to your post Owenshooter. And the one before, it would be great to show if a baby sitter is logged on and I'm all for it. Hmm possibility is that they have baby sitting passwords implemented in the system so basically a 2nd password where the person baby sitting can only sign into make moves. I would love to see this implemented to clear my name from what I shouldn't be included in.

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