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Masterkage777, towin12 [cleared/noted]

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Masterkage777, towin12 [cleared/noted]

Postby Heart of Space on Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:03 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):4211253

Comments: The game was an 8 player assassin freestyle on doodle earth. Masterkage777 admitted in the game chat to killing me, towin12s target, deliberately, thus throwing the game and giving towin12 an undeserved win. He did so without provocation. Please check the game chat to verify my claims,

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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby lozzini on Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:12 pm

just foe and move on not much more yu can do
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby owenshooter on Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:01 am

what?!!! masterkage?!!! i haven't seen that kid around in forever!!! say it ain't so, masterkage!!! say it ain't so!! the black jesus is praying this is a false accusation...-0
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby Megadeth666 on Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:53 am

owenshooter wrote:what?!!! masterkage?!!! i haven't seen that kid around in forever!!! say it ain't so, masterkage!!! say it ain't so!! the black jesus is praying this is a false accusation...-0

Say it isn't so!! masterkage I have not seen you like forever, and I am not spamming, btw love them new black jesus's you are selling thank you so much.
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby owenshooter on Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:28 am

Heart of Space wrote:Comments: The game was an 8 player assassin freestyle on doodle earth. Masterkage777 admitted in the game chat to killing me, towin12s target, deliberately, thus throwing the game and giving towin12 an undeserved win. He did so without provocation. Please check the game chat to verify my claims,

just read the chat... no such thing is stated... you just didn't like the outcome of the game. if you don't like the way he plays, put him on foe and move on. i don't really think you have any proof of a secret diplomacy. people can't get in trouble for playing in a manner that doesn't help you win or for playing badly (according to how you think a turn should be played by them) it just simply isn't against the rules. i truly doubt there was any secret diplomacy... the black jesus has put in his 2 cents...-0
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby Bruceswar on Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:16 am

Owen did you miss this..

2009-02-07 15:52:54 - towin12: im not going to deloy
2009-02-07 15:53:03 - towin12: to teach u a lesson
2009-02-07 15:53:14 - towin12: wow
2009-02-07 15:53:16 - masterkage777: gg pink ;)
2009-02-07 15:53:21 - Heart of Space: blue
2009-02-07 15:53:31 - Heart of Space: was that deliberate?
2009-02-07 15:53:38 - Heart of Space: someone report that...
2009-02-07 15:53:39 - masterkage777: sure was
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby owenshooter on Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:28 am

Bruceswar wrote:Owen did you miss this..

2009-02-07 15:52:54 - towin12: im not going to deloy
2009-02-07 15:53:03 - towin12: to teach u a lesson
2009-02-07 15:53:14 - towin12: wow
2009-02-07 15:53:16 - masterkage777: gg pink ;)
2009-02-07 15:53:21 - Heart of Space: blue
2009-02-07 15:53:31 - Heart of Space: was that deliberate?
2009-02-07 15:53:38 - Heart of Space: someone report that...
2009-02-07 15:53:39 - masterkage777: sure was

nope, i sure didn't... still not against the rules... where is the proof of a secret alliance as
he is stating? where did masterkage and the other accused member meet in secret to discuss
masterkage's move? you know, sometimes people don't like how other people are playing a game
and when they can't win, they make sure that individual won't win either. that isn't against any
written rule. poor play? sure... bad sportsmanship? possibly... against the rules? i don't think so.
i just do not see how you can fathom from that tiny bit of chat that they were involved in a secret
alliance. it just isn't possible... besides, masterkage is a regular church goer and true believer...
and we all know how the black jesus feels about that. the black jesus has defended a member of his
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby FabledIntegral on Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:07 am

According to King_achilles, this counts as an "abuse of the rules." It does not constitute a "gross abuse of the rules" until repeated situations are found (it's found to be regular in that person's gameplay). Thus this might get noted, at the very worst, and I'm not even sure of that.
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby owenshooter on Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:09 am

FabledIntegral wrote:According to King_achilles, this counts as an "abuse of the rules." It does not constitute a "gross abuse of the rules" until repeated situations are found (it's found to be regular in that person's gameplay). Thus this might get noted, at the very worst, and I'm not even sure of that.

how is bad play "abuse of the rules"? i don't see the two conspiring in secret as the OP is claiming. the OP angered masterkage, and he retaliated by keeping him from winning the game. i don't see how that is abuse. just because someone looks like they are going to win the game, doesn't mean they HAVE to win the game. right? this ruling will be interesting, because there is no evidence of them conducting secret diplomacy, whatsoever. one flippant remark in game chat from masterkage is hardly proof. that could have been sarcasm. that could have been him pushing the OP's buttons, that could have been him telling the OP to "F" off... there just isn't any evidence of conducting secret diplomacy, period... the black jesus is eagerly awaiting this verdict...-0
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby towin12 on Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:06 am

maybe he just wanted to lose less points and that's why he did it. I dont even know him :roll:
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby Artimis on Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:11 am

owenshooter wrote: this ruling will be interesting, because there is no evidence of them conducting secret diplomacy, whatsoever.

I'm afraid I'm going to side with Owen on this one. It's not secret diplomacy, but a possible case of deliberately throwning the game instead.

Masterkage777 is also guilty of being a bad sport, my lords, exibit A: Game 3953932

Not an actionable offence unfortunately, though sometimes I wish it was.....
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby masterkage777 on Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:56 pm

towin12 had no idea i was going to kill his target, i knew it was his because he nearly killed him the first round, i made that choice on my own will :roll: it's a assassin doodle ffs

bitch about a real game
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby owenshooter on Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:07 pm

masterkage777 wrote:towin12 had no idea i was going to kill his target, i knew it was his because he nearly killed him the first round, i made that choice on my own will :roll: it's a assassin doodle ffs

bitch about a real game

yeah, that was some mega fast secret diplomacy for a speed game that lasted 5 minutes!!! ha!!! thanks for coming in here and explaining yourself, master...-0
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby wcaclimbing on Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:04 pm

So it looks like its not secret diplomacy, but I still don't get why masterkage made that kill...
It does fall under the 'throwing games' part of the rules, though.
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby owenshooter on Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:10 am

wcaclimbing wrote:So it looks like its not secret diplomacy, but I still don't get why masterkage made that kill...
It does fall under the 'throwing games' part of the rules, though.

even that is debatable, and he isn't accused of that, he is accused of secret diplomacy in a speed freestyle game that lasted 5 minutes. and if poor play or bad decisions that cause others to lose games are considered cheating, you just nailed about 89 percent of the site!! i don't think masterkage is guilty as charged... i think you have a sore loser looking to even the score.-0
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby hiddendragon on Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:13 pm

towin12 wrote:maybe he just wanted to lose less points and that's why he did it. I dont even know him :roll:

towin, you dirty rotten cheat j/k.
I don't see anything foul in this game only a dumb move
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby king achilles on Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:44 am

Poor sportsmanship is more likely. Masterkage777 may have chosen who should win the game since he thinks he wasn't going to and towin12 is the highest rank among his other opponents, so less points to lose for him.

If you can come up with more games where these two allegedly made moves that is suspect of a secret alliance between them, then we shall look into this further.
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12 [cleared/noted]

Postby masterkage777 on Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:57 pm

which won't happen
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12 [cleared/noted]

Postby owenshooter on Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:39 am

masterkage777 wrote:which won't happen

not with that sexy avatar you are sporting!!! is that from the '08 band calendar?!! whooo!!!-0
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Re: Masterkage777, towin12

Postby Scott-Land on Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:54 am

king achilles wrote:Poor sportsmanship is more likely. Masterkage777 may have chosen who should win the game since he thinks he wasn't going to and towin12 is the highest rank among his other opponents, so less points to lose for him.

If you can come up with more games where these two allegedly made moves that is suspect of a secret alliance between them, then we shall look into this further.

Does pming a [current] Mod conducting secret diplomacy during a speed game count ? It went somewhere along the lines of-- Errr, you're already dead will you take a card and end so I can mid-turn off you?

EDiT: At the time, I told them to fill out a cheating thread but it didn't get very far.
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