Woodruff wrote:Yes, you're hijacking it. You've made your points, which were fine. But you continue to go on and on as if I am accusing you. You seem FAR more upset by it than anybody really should be, to be honest.
HAHAHA. So countering your arguments is hijacking? I guess having a debate, ever, is hijacking a thread. Perhaps you DO need to look up the definition of hijacking. Basicly, it's when someone changes the topic that was designated by the Original Poster, or Thread Starter (OP/TS). So, countering your arguments is
not hijacking, it's called outsmarting.
Woodruff wrote:
Wow...I had no idea you were so touchy as to consider that a flame. You're grasping at straws, Kotaro.
Nothing you said hurts my feelings, mate. That doesn't make it any less of a flame.
What? Flame? Keep that straw around...you'll need it for the camel's back.
haha. Thanks, love you too.
Since the presumption is that you're speaking of Tammy DeLee and Poisonous86 (from my other thread), I would simply say that I don't believe it has affected their enjoyment of the site in the slightest. And I know from my own personal experience of having been accused that it didn't affect my enjoyment of the site in the slightest. Perhaps you have some data of your own?
Haha. I need data? Since when do people enjoy getting accused of cheating?
Huh...so your not reading my initial post wasn't because you were too stupid? What was the reason for not reading it then?
I read your initial post, and it made me LOL because it was unintelligibly posted. Not spending a half an hour to pick apart your thread at the time doesn't give you the right to flame.
You WERE being an ass. And it DOES seem to be your usual mode of activity. I was making a statement of fact.
Oh, I'm sorry. Proving you wrong is a hard job, and if it makes me look like an ass, well, I guess I'll take the job.
Woodruff wrote:And here our dear Mr Kotaro reveals his dishonesty. I immediately apologized PUBLICLY IN THAT THREAD for having unintentionally mis-spelled his name (in a way that I recognized he could take as being intentional). And yet, he wants to try to use this as me flaming. Find some integrity, Kotaro...if your case is actually as strong as you want to pretend that it is, you shouldn't need to be dishonest about it.
Haha. yes, because it's sooo hard to read someones name and sooo hard to spell. Bullshit smells like bullshit.
I hijacked my own thread by implying that someone made a post that was of no use to the thread? How dare I!
Spamming your own thread is against the rules.
As another man once said: Grow up.
Already done, thanks for showing interest.
I really find it quite amazing how much you really allow to fly over your head. Surely, this has to be intentional. First of all, I really didn't have a problem with your on-topic points about why I was wrong regarding Tammy DeLee and Poisonous86. It was your going ON AND ON AND ON as if I had offended you personally that I find ridiculous. I certainly had no intention of "ruining anyone's reputation" (what a ludicrous statement) by my thread. And finally, I certainly WAS NOT doing so out of revenge, for if you had READ MY INITIAL POST (yes, you still seem to be having trouble with that tidbit), you would have seen that the game was still VERY MUCH in doubt at the time when I made my thread initially. So basically...everything you've said here is silly and irrelevant to the point.
Everything I've said? Haha. You mean like proving that well over 3/4's of your evidence was crap? And you didn't want to sully their reputations, so you accused them and their good friend wrexham of being multi's or conducting secret diplomacy? Sorry, I seem to forget, when someone is called a cheater, their reputation does what?