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How about this?

Postby reverend_kyle on Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:04 pm

After his speech yesterday, no one likes Bush. The Republicans are calling Iraq the biggest war blunder since 'Nam. After all of this, he is going into war hawk mode stronger than ever.

What think you?
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Postby P Gizzle on Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:10 pm

Even the most conservative of Republicans hate him now....

i sure don't like him.....
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Postby Sammy gags on Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:15 pm

right now i have no opinion of him cuz i have faith in our president, if he succeeds, i will think he was a great presiden, if he fails i might just have 2 assassinate him
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Postby rathersane on Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:22 pm

Sammy gags wrote:right now i have no opinion of him cuz i have faith in our president, if he succeeds, i will think he was a great presiden, if he fails i might just have 2 assassinate him

You don't want to say such things on an online forum.

Anyway, my opinion? I've been pissed since he stole the election in the coup of 2000. What's even worse is that when Milosevic tried to do that a month earlier, his entire country erupted and he had to step down. This means that as of 2000, Serbia is more politically mature than America is, especially since the rioters in Belgrade returned everything they looted the following day.
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Postby sfhbballnut on Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:49 pm

rathersane wrote:
Sammy gags wrote:right now i have no opinion of him cuz i have faith in our president, if he succeeds, i will think he was a great presiden, if he fails i might just have 2 assassinate him

You don't want to say such things on an online forum.

Anyway, my opinion? I've been pissed since he stole the election in the coup of 2000. What's even worse is that when Milosevic tried to do that a month earlier, his entire country erupted and he had to step down. This means that as of 2000, Serbia is more politically mature than America is, especially since the rioters in Belgrade returned everything they looted the following day.

That is ridiculous, how could he steal an election, and we need to follow through in Iraq or it will be the biggest war blunder in history. We took down Sadaam and are in the process of getting the Iraqis to govern themselves again, but its going to take time, and more troops to keep peace until Iraq can defend itself. We pull out or give up and it'll all be for naught
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Postby HoustonNutt on Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:55 pm

sfhbballnut wrote:
rathersane wrote:
Sammy gags wrote:right now i have no opinion of him cuz i have faith in our president, if he succeeds, i will think he was a great presiden, if he fails i might just have 2 assassinate him

You don't want to say such things on an online forum.

Anyway, my opinion? I've been pissed since he stole the election in the coup of 2000. What's even worse is that when Milosevic tried to do that a month earlier, his entire country erupted and he had to step down. This means that as of 2000, Serbia is more politically mature than America is, especially since the rioters in Belgrade returned everything they looted the following day.

That is ridiculous, how could he steal an election, and we need to follow through in Iraq or it will be the biggest war blunder in history. We took down Sadaam and are in the process of getting the Iraqis to govern themselves again, but its going to take time, and more troops to keep peace until Iraq can defend itself. We pull out or give up and it'll all be for naught

If you honestly believe that 21,000 additional troops will make things better in Iraq, would you please pass the bong?
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Postby stinkycheese on Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:55 pm

sfhbballnut wrote:We took down Sadaam

I'm not a political person by any means, but can you explain to me how "taking down Saddam" is a good thing?

I didn't watch the speech either by the way...I only crept into this thread because the title didn't reveal what was inside.
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Postby strike wolf on Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:58 pm

Technically I haven't heard the new war plan as I have been avoiding it like the plague but right now, stepping out of Iraq would be the worst thing we could do.
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Postby DogDoc on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:06 am

rathersane wrote:Anyway, my opinion? I've been pissed since he stole the election in the coup of 2000. What's even worse is that when Milosevic tried to do that a month earlier, his entire country erupted and he had to step down. This means that as of 2000, Serbia is more politically mature than America is, especially since the rioters in Belgrade returned everything they looted the following day.

"Coup?" "Stole?" Take that rhetorical bullshit and shove it. Please enlighten us as to how Bush accomplished this coup. Do you mean the close results in Florida? The results that were confirmed by independent recounts done by several newspaper organizations in Florida after the elections were over? There was no "coup" and I find it highly offensive that you suggest otherwise, likening the U.S. to a third world country or a banana republic. The United States is governed by the U.S. Constitution, the greatest living document in the world, and it prevailed, keeping our republic intact.
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Re: How about this?

Postby Master Bush on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:07 am

reverend_kyle wrote:no one likes Bush.?

"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Re: How about this?

Postby reverend_kyle on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:23 am

Master Bush wrote:
reverend_kyle wrote:no one likes Bush.?


I like that kind of bush ;)

Call me later. :)
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Postby P Gizzle on Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:03 am

DogDoc wrote:
rathersane wrote:Anyway, my opinion? I've been pissed since he stole the election in the coup of 2000. What's even worse is that when Milosevic tried to do that a month earlier, his entire country erupted and he had to step down. This means that as of 2000, Serbia is more politically mature than America is, especially since the rioters in Belgrade returned everything they looted the following day.

"Coup?" "Stole?" Take that rhetorical bullshit and shove it. Please enlighten us as to how Bush accomplished this coup. Do you mean the close results in Florida? The results that were confirmed by independent recounts done by several newspaper organizations in Florida after the elections were over? There was no "coup" and I find it highly offensive that you suggest otherwise, likening the U.S. to a third world country or a banana republic. The United States is governed by the U.S. Constitution, the greatest living document in the world, and it prevailed, keeping our republic intact.

tell him Doc! woo hoo.
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Postby heavycola on Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:28 am

DogDoc wrote:
rathersane wrote:Anyway, my opinion? I've been pissed since he stole the election in the coup of 2000. What's even worse is that when Milosevic tried to do that a month earlier, his entire country erupted and he had to step down. This means that as of 2000, Serbia is more politically mature than America is, especially since the rioters in Belgrade returned everything they looted the following day.

"Coup?" "Stole?" Take that rhetorical bullshit and shove it. Please enlighten us as to how Bush accomplished this coup. Do you mean the close results in Florida? The results that were confirmed by independent recounts done by several newspaper organizations in Florida after the elections were over? There was no "coup" and I find it highly offensive that you suggest otherwise, likening the U.S. to a third world country or a banana republic. The United States is governed by the U.S. Constitution, the greatest living document in the world, and it prevailed, keeping our republic intact.

Yay! An election awarded to the guy who got the least number of votes by a few judges who shared his political viewpoint! And after a scandalous series of episodes - disenfranchisement of minorities for one - in a state governed by HIS BROTHER!

Yes, god bless the greatest, most superbadass country that has ever existed in the world ever.


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Postby edmundomcpot on Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:35 am

i think the fact that he has some sort of plan now instead of just troops is good
Would you choose supremecy if it lead to isolation?

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Postby Backglass on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:02 pm

edmundomcpot wrote:i think the fact that he has some sort of plan now instead of just troops is good

:lol: And what exactly is that plan? Throw more gas & U.S. body's on the fire?
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Postby P Gizzle on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:10 pm

heavycola wrote:
DogDoc wrote:
rathersane wrote:Anyway, my opinion? I've been pissed since he stole the election in the coup of 2000. What's even worse is that when Milosevic tried to do that a month earlier, his entire country erupted and he had to step down. This means that as of 2000, Serbia is more politically mature than America is, especially since the rioters in Belgrade returned everything they looted the following day.

"Coup?" "Stole?" Take that rhetorical bullshit and shove it. Please enlighten us as to how Bush accomplished this coup. Do you mean the close results in Florida? The results that were confirmed by independent recounts done by several newspaper organizations in Florida after the elections were over? There was no "coup" and I find it highly offensive that you suggest otherwise, likening the U.S. to a third world country or a banana republic. The United States is governed by the U.S. Constitution, the greatest living document in the world, and it prevailed, keeping our republic intact.

Yay! An election awarded to the guy who got the least number of votes by a few judges who shared his political viewpoint! And after a scandalous series of episodes - disenfranchisement of minorities for one - in a state governed by HIS BROTHER!

Yes, god bless the greatest, most superbadass country that has ever existed in the world ever.



it's the constitution.....don't blame bush....
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Postby edmundomcpot on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:14 pm

Backglass wrote:
edmundomcpot wrote:i think the fact that he has some sort of plan now instead of just troops is good

:lol: And what exactly is that plan? Throw more gas & U.S. body's on the fire?

i have no idea what the plan is...but at least your commander-in-cheif has one instead of sitting back watching his troops be killed..and the troops will have a more obtainable objective..not ' just 'be there and lookn hard'
Would you choose supremecy if it lead to isolation?

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Postby P Gizzle on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:16 pm

it's a sticky situation. we stay, we die. we leave, Iran gets Iraq, Iran gets nukes, we die, along with other countries in WWIII....that's what i see happening
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Postby Genghis Khant on Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:38 pm

P Gizzle wrote:... Iran gets nukes, we die, along with other countries in WWIII....that's what i see happening

If Iran did get nukes, they wouldn't use them on the US. If they did use nuclear weapons on anyone, it'd be Israel and the rest of the world would retaliate. Nuclear war is a game of bluff, no one dares start the war because of the Mutually Assured Destruction, but you must have nukes for the other nuclear powers to respect this.

I believe Iran's biggest reason for wanting nuclear technology is to make the West think twice before invading them. They saw what happened in Afghanistan (partly justifiable) and in Iraq (wholly indefensible) and they don't want to be next.
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Postby Backglass on Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:36 pm

P Gizzle wrote:it's the constitution.....don't blame bush....

That's right...he's just the guy who walks all over it.

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it's just a goddamned piece of paper" - George W. Bush (as reported by several white house aids.) ... 7779.shtml
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Postby Stopper on Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:43 pm

edmundomcpot wrote:i have no idea what the plan is...but at least your commander-in-cheif has one instead of sitting back watching his troops be killed..and the troops will have a more obtainable objective..not ' just 'be there and lookn hard'

But, if you don't know what the plan is, how do you know there is one?
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Postby Backglass on Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:45 pm

Stopper wrote:But, if you don't know what the plan is, how do you know there is one?

Because King George proclaimed there to be one! :lol:
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Postby P Gizzle on Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:37 pm

Backglass wrote:
P Gizzle wrote:it's the constitution.....don't blame bush....

That's right...he's just the guy who walks all over it.

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it's just a goddamned piece of paper" - George W. Bush (as reported by several white house aids.) ... 7779.shtml

it's true he's walking all over it, but i was talking about the election....he couldn't have walked over it, if he didnt have the power to at the time
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Postby DogDoc on Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:30 pm

heavycola wrote:
DogDoc wrote:
rathersane wrote:Anyway, my opinion? I've been pissed since he stole the election in the coup of 2000. What's even worse is that when Milosevic tried to do that a month earlier, his entire country erupted and he had to step down. This means that as of 2000, Serbia is more politically mature than America is, especially since the rioters in Belgrade returned everything they looted the following day.

"Coup?" "Stole?" Take that rhetorical bullshit and shove it. Please enlighten us as to how Bush accomplished this coup. Do you mean the close results in Florida? The results that were confirmed by independent recounts done by several newspaper organizations in Florida after the elections were over? There was no "coup" and I find it highly offensive that you suggest otherwise, likening the U.S. to a third world country or a banana republic. The United States is governed by the U.S. Constitution, the greatest living document in the world, and it prevailed, keeping our republic intact.

Yay! An election awarded to the guy who got the least number of votes by a few judges who shared his political viewpoint! And after a scandalous series of episodes - disenfranchisement of minorities for one - in a state governed by HIS BROTHER!

I love all these non-Americans commenting on American politics when they don't have a freakin' clue what they're talking about. You've been spending too much time on the Democratic National Committee's website.

Please tell me where you got your information on disenfranchisement of minorities?? From the Dems? Because that's where the story originated and has since not been substantiated. These same charges come up every election and every election it's proven false. So stop perpetuating these myths that simply aren't true. And please outline for me the scandalous series of episodes.

The truth of the matter is that we had a very close election, which, more than anything proves how important each person's vote is. The truth is that there were charges of impropriety on both sides, moreso from the Democrats because they lost the election. The truth is the U.S. Constitution was followed and we had a President legally and rightfully elected. Because of how close the election was, emotions ran high and yes, our country was divided. But the transfer of power occurred without a "coup," without "stealing" and without it being "awarded."

Yes, god bless the greatest, most superbadass country that has ever existed in the world ever.

Why is it that every goddamned thread on this site turns into "Bash America"? You're not being clever or funny and it grows tiresome.
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Postby s.xkitten on Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:31 pm

because apperently the US is the only bad country there is on this planet.... :roll:
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