This is a suspected.....cheater of some kind....multi, maybe??
Suspect users: portraitist63
Game number:
Comments: If you're looking for a real mystery, here ya go. Really weird stuff. I got together three people for a four person realtime game, set it up, and pm'ed the game #/password to ONLY those three people. They are: DirtyBirdy, trestain, and hopesail. Birdy and tres entered game, but lo and behold, another person entered instead of hopesail. It was a noob named portraitist63.
Hopesail pm'ed me as the game was starting to say: "Someone jumped in before I could! I have dialup, it's too slow!"
The mystery: how did portraitist get in the game? As trestain pointed out, he could have guessed the password, as it was a common one, "realtime." But, portraitist was obviously looking for a realtime game. Though he could have guessed the password, he could not have picked our game randomly from the private list as a rt game.
So, is portraitist63 a multi of hopesail? Hard to say, they have no common games. Would hopesail be so devious as to enter a multi account into this game just to build up the score/profile of the multi, for more effective use later? Damn, that would be devious.
I certainly don't think Birdy or trestain have portraitist as a multi, so what might some other options be here? Andy, please help us figure this out!!
Finally, if you're looking for entertainment, read the chat of this game. Portraitist is a weird motherfucker. Some things he said made me feel like I had played him before; other things indicated a guy who has never played this game at all. But the main problem: throughout the game he refused to tell us how he got in, how he knew the game was rt and knew the password. I am right befuddled myself. Read the chat!