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Thomas J / johloh [Cleared]

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Thomas J / johloh [Cleared]

Postby Cervantes on Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:25 am

I really don't like pointing fingers, but this just seems really weird.

Johloh has Africa, and ThomasJ got Australia. ThomasJ has kept 1 army in the Midlde East the whole time he's been taking Asia, and johloh has done nothing. Even when ThomasJ got to the point of taking all of asia, and johloh had 7 or 8 armys on each of the 2 territories vs 1 in the Middle East to break his bonus... he did nothing. ThomasJ has an empty territory, all 1's almost, but johloh uses his bonus cards to attack me in South America vs my 7 in Brazil.

If ya'll think he's just got tunnel vision, that's one thing, but does it seem strange to anyone else that you'd let someone take asia, not break their bonus (or attack them at all, from what I can see), but you'd keep fighting back and forth for south america?
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Postby AAFitz on Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:30 am


Thomas J is my dad

his score is on the last page... he is not especially talented, but i guarantee you he is not in a secret alliance or a multi

i cant back up whatever he's doing, but its not cheating

hes in his 70's...i beg of you to remove this before he sees it and responds

i beg of you

i looked at is crazy. I pmed him to find out if he talked to the other players...
Last edited by AAFitz on Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Z00T on Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:13 am

AA, if i write something nice now, do i get a biscuit ???

and yes, i do it sometimes too, in mutual interest without having an alliance, if 2 start fighting each other they both get weaker, and the others obviously stronger .....

and, dcc1220 is with them too because he doesn't attack green either ........ tunnelvision ???

when someone starts playing CC it always seems to him everybody allies against him, you just have to understand that it is in no one's interest when everybody has his little continent and nobody attacks nobody ..... (i'm in a couple of those games since october ...... and they're not likely to finish soon .....) (and i must say that i would not have let green get this far, but that's my opinion and my way of playing ......)
and when you get higher ranked with more games it always seems everybody else allies against you from the start, just because you are the highest ranked one in the game ....
that's what makes the game fun, trying to get back from a hopeless position and make the best of it .....
Always look on the bright side of life !!
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Postby AAFitz on Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:08 pm

he responded:

No! a new guy asked for my reason for doing one of my moves and I told him!

Yes he was in the same game.

He neither asked nor did I offer any agreement.


thank god...i looked at the game and was nervous

they are not cheating...i dont know what they are doing, and i think i might question it myself, but he would never say yes if someone offered, and i think he would report it quite frankly

took another look

hard to say the logic, but i think lt blue was trying to hold africa..only had a few on east africa to attack, and may have even tried and then lost and stopped..probably hoped another would take away the bonus before TJ went he had a 3 to attack a one, and was more concerned about keeping africa...cant justify the logic per-se, but it has to have been his rationale

freestyle borders do go unprotected sometimes because of timing...if you know you can take it before the other person goes, sometimes you leave it

he did hit it next turn at least


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Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:16 pm

Thomas J / johloh are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. Regarding secret alliances, feel free to leave the appropriate feedback and/or add them to your ignore list.

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Postby Cervantes on Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:46 pm

That's fair enough... I thought it was strange, but if other people look at it and can see some logic somewhere, I'll happily accept their verdict. Thanks for looking guys!
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:04 am

thx all

poor guy's on the last page

id hate to think people thought he was cheating and was still there

id kill to have him as a partner, my point advantage would be huge, but it didnt go so well the times we tried....his strategy differs from mine as it turns out...........

hard to say whos is better
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Postby johloh on Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:25 pm

ha. i just found this through a google search of my name.

didnt even know I was being suspected...

good to hear Ive been cleared =)
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Postby johloh on Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:29 pm

he did nothing. ThomasJ has an empty territory, all 1's almost, but johloh uses his bonus cards to attack me in South America vs my 7 in Brazil.

of course i didnt attack thomasj, he was attempting to hold asia with no countries above 1. used my cards to break the guy who was holding a continent, then took out the person who 'almost' had a continent with no defense. attack the strong well defended person first, then take out the poorly defended person.

sounds like normal strategy to me...
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:51 pm

lol...better late than just glad its this one...when i saw it, i thought he got suspected not even sure if he plays anymore...
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