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games #4129265, 4129449, 4129550 [Closed]

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games #4129265, 4129449, 4129550 [Closed]

Postby Sasha Grey on Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:32 am

I'm not accusing anyone of anything other than a broken algorithm. This doesnt seem to be based on random probability by my calculations. The same occurrences seem to occur every time. Mhy high ratio attacks result in a loss on the first round against the player in the above listed games. His first attacks are always successful 4 out of 4 games to high value targets (i.e., pres/premier) Mine always fail 4 out of 4 games. It often takes at least 3 turns to conquer. By this time the game is lost. Use of the same tactic was done several times to see if this would change however it does not. the same events unfold everytime. That is a positive occurrence in 16 instances.

It is highly unlikely that there would be some sort of packet interception and changing of values to my packets going back to you. The time has been tested and the values appear to be consistent unless my reporting has been compromised as well. I doubt it. Its not that serious.

Game number(s):


For your reference - There are 1, 2, maybe even three additional games where this has occurred as well. This is random?

Private 1st Class Sasha Grey
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:03 pm

Re: games #4129265, 4129449, 4129550

Postby Sasha Grey on Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:38 am

Add game #4129665 to the profile...I might as well just commit suicide every time.
3 against 1 on the first roll = fail
attempt to get the premier on the first roll = fail
yest he manages to do this every time and defend against my higher ratio attacks

I seriously dont get this
Private 1st Class Sasha Grey
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:03 pm

Re: games #4129265, 4129449, 4129550

Postby Joodoo on Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:39 am

lol just because a player is getting good dice doesn't mean he/she is cheating, it is not unusual to get consecutive crap dice...
TheSaxlad wrote:The Dice suck a lot of the time.

And if they dont suck then they blow.

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Re: games #4129265, 4129449, 4129550

Postby Sasha Grey on Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:53 am

now 7 games with the same player?
C'mon. The instance should not repeat itself if it is truly random. Ive played against several other players and this just does not occur in this frequency.
I get good dice doubt. But not seven games in a row, seven attacks that always fail, and seven attacks from my opponent on the same targets which result in success.

Its just not that random.

I've went 6 vs. 3, 6 vs. 3, then 7 vs. 3 on the same target to take it on the third roll with 2 standing armies left, where he attacks on the first roll 6 vs. 3 and meets success on 7 of 7 occasions against the same targets. the end result occurs in every game. The first roll results in a win against a +2 value target, the second roll results in a win against another +2 target, where both of my attacks fail on the first attack to +2 value targets against this player. That results in 14 for 14 positive instances where a positive action occurs on the first roll for a single player. This is either a broken algorithm, a hack (unlikely), or plain bs.

You call that random? You should check your stats and you'll see that this shouldn't occur based on random probability alone.
Private 1st Class Sasha Grey
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Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:03 pm

Re: games #4129265, 4129449, 4129550

Postby lancehoch on Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:21 am

I am sorry that you seem to be having poor luck with the dice. If you would like to complain about the dice, there is a thread in the Suggestions & Bug Reports forum. This thread is being marked [Closed] and being moved to the Closed Reports forum.
Sergeant lancehoch
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