i fixed the tower's names positions, and changed the texture of castle and towers, and of the bridges too.
version 8.1
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i'm thinking that it could be a good idea if the castle and towers are neutral at the start, and the castle gains automatically 2 army each turn, if it's neutral too. in this mode, it's important to conquer it early, and then, if someone bombard it and made it neutral territory again, it's important to re-conquer it early!
and maybe the game will be winning only when a player hold castle and towers for 3 consecutive rounds..
for the little doors in the towers, i think that it's very difficult to draw it clearly, especially in the northern towers, that have a little part visible out of the walls.. draw doors in the walls it's the same, cause it's impossible to draw it in the east and west walls, cause of the prospective.. (keep in mind that this is the large map!)
the only thing i can do for this idea, it's to draw only one big door on the front wall, and made an access to the castle only from baron and bishop. obviusly the catapults and the towers still bombard (but not conquer) the castle, but there are no passable connections from thoose territories.
the problem still remain is if the courts may attack the towers or not.. i mean, if it's clear which courts can attack each towers, or it's better to eliminate this connection and keep only the bombardament from towers to courts (all courts or adjacent courts or east and west courts..) but in this mode, the only way to conquer towers is by the castle.. what do you think?
personally, i don't like this idea and i would keep the situation like now, cause i think it's quite clear that the courts adjacent the base of the tower can attack it and viceversa (if you look, the up of southern towers are adjacent only to one court, but i mean it's obviusly that you should look at the base to understand which court is adjacent.. i'm right or not?)..