by Blitzaholic on Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:41 am
Welcome to the Trips tournament hosted by Blitzy!
The tournament will feature 8 Trips teams who will face off in a single elimination bracket. All games in the tournament will be on the Super Max-Prison Riot map, with the following settings: Sequential, NO Cards, Unlimited, Fog
All rounds will be best of 3, except championship will be best of 7. Teams will play in the order of this sign up, 1 plays 8, 2 plays 7, etc. All will need to join the 3 games simultaneously.
Sign Ups:
Signing up is very simple, all you have to do is post with your name and the name of your partners. I don't need any other information from you. I will do the rest of the work and pm you. Anyone on your foe list, you must remove or do not enter.
When we have all the teams needed I will set up the games and then send them to one team first, and the second team after the first team has joined to reduce confusion. You will have 24 hours to join your game before you risk forfeiting to the other team.
1. blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, nephilim
2. ronc8649, sc man, howielong
3. zombie73, satenialynn, millertime13
4. colossus, uncle death, juls
5. chemefreak, snakedoctor, gordito
6. rbelgrod, spijker81, nimic
7. soldier4Christ, soccerghost, chaoticwizard
8. ryall55, lfaw, bridge2far
First Round: Winning Team Highlighted in RED
Games 1-3: (4129793, 4129794, 4129795)
Team: blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, nephilim
Team: ryall55, lfaw, bridge2far
Games : 4-6 (4129796, 4129798, 4129799)
Team: ronc8649, sc man, howielong
Team: soldier4Christ, soccerghost, chaoticwizard
Games : 7-9 (4129800, 4129801, 4129802)
Team: zombie73, satenialynn, millertime73
Team: rbelgrod, spijker81, nimic
Games: 10-12 (4129804, 4129806, 4129807)
Team: colossus, barbieb, juls
Team: chemefreak, snakedoctor, gordito
Second Round:
Games : 13-16 (4320798, 4320801, 4320803)
Team: (blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, nephilim)
Team: (ronc8649, sc man, howielong)
Games : 17-19 (4283410, 4283412, 4283413)
Team: (zombie73, satenialynn, millertime73)
Team: (chemefreak, snakedoctor, gordito)
Games : 20-26
(4481833, 4481835, 4481836, 4481837, 4481838, 4481839, 4481841)
Team: (ronc8649, sc man, howielong) won 3
Team: (chemefreak, snakedoctor, gordito) won 4
2 games remain!!!!!!!
The winners are chemefreak, snakedoctor, gordito and are crowned champions!!
Last edited by
Blitzaholic on Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:43 am, edited 27 times in total.