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Large Version 5Graphically, I think this is pretty much on the money. I love the new A symbol in the title, although I think it looks too orangey/red. I think the circle graphic could be made a little darker and less bronzed too.
As far as region names go, I'm not overly worried about the names you have used... although some of the territory names really seem to grate with me (for no real reason, I hasten to add)... but here are my suggestions...
Icy Tundra ->
Glacial ShiresThis is the region with names that bug me the most... Prodigal, Absentia, Bad Lands and Hallogallo... blurg!
I'd suggest going with names that sounds made up, but are related to glaciers in some way... Drumlin, Moraine, Ogive and Esker
North Desert ->
Northern PlainsPersonally I think that this sounds a lot easier on the ear, and gives a nod to the region of the same name from the former Middle Earth map. I'm not too keen on Hubcity and Highlands as terr names... there's no reason we couldn't keep Withered Heath, Iron Hills, Northern Waste from the old map??
Golden Fields -> The Lost Realm?
Liegon to me looks like a misspelling of Legion... the names of territories here don't really do anything for me... particularly not Onset, Avalon, Shell... once the region name is agreed/decided, I'll have another think about alternative terr names for the ones that irritate me... How about shades of yellow, or words that mean yellow? Ecru, Ochre, Gamboge, Geolwe, Marillo, Geel, Zuto, Rumen, Gul, Mauvang...
Central Forest ->
Enting ForestWhy not name the forest after the tree-folk of Middle Earth? Granted, Treebeard would look a bit out of place, but why not use names referred to by the Ents, such as Wellinghall, Derndingle, Fangorn, Bregalad, Finglas, Fladrif .... If the region name
is changed, I definitely think that the Isle of Nugs should be renamed Entmoot Isle
Death Marsh ->
Dead MarshesSleab is good (nice one RJ
), but I'm not keen on the names Alexandria, Cynic, or Orchid... it would be good to try and find names that feel a bit more dead or marshy... This is a mixture of LOTR and made-up words: Dagorlad, Wetwang, Rauros Falls, Mirklight, Rotweed, Shadowmist
Crossroads - > Wilderland? Wasteland?
The only territory names that I would urge you to change are Vega and Bonde Cove
Dragon RealmI like this region name, although I don't know how 'red' it sounds...
I'm not sure whether Balrog fits here that well, and I think that Kette looks too similar to Kettle