Willgfass wrote:screw you fags
Oh man, looks like we all just got owned.

Moderator: Cartographers
Willgfass wrote:i don't speak fluent greek, but my grandparents speak greek, my best friend speaks greek, Microsoft Sam even pronounces it my way.
Mjolnirs wrote:I have not read all 9 pages of this thread, but is there some hidden power on the island of Xios? I am currently in a game where I was trying to secure Asia Minor and attacked Xios from Lydia and lost 5 armies to 1. Then the next turn I lost 3 to 1. Since the rest of the game is moving on past me I have made it my mission to take that freaking island.. I have now spent the last 4 turns deploying armies on Lydia and throwing them at Xios and nothing!
Four freaking turns and I deploy, I attack, I end my turn licking my wounds.
Black Jack wrote:The name of the map is Ancient Greece... not Modern Greece
In keeping with the theme that the author was creating... he decided to spell the names as they would have been during that time-period.
Everyone understands this... except for you.
This means that the problem lies with you... not MrK.
MrK... bravo on an excellent map.
Willgfass wrote:what does the lack of a c have to do?
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