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alstergren farming [warned]

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alstergren farming [warned]

Postby bildodagreat on Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:37 am


The accused are suspected of:

Other: farming

Game number(s):


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Re: alstergren farming [busted]

Postby SirSebstar on Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:06 am

very nice adding [busted] to the title.
Ofcourse someone has to prey on ? to be accused of farming, a single game does not make farming ofcourse. Considering you are a multi, i'd say you are out of luck and out of time.
Have a nice day
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Re: alstergren farming [busted]

Postby Artimis on Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:24 am

Do a game finder search by entering the following parameters:

Name = alstergren
Check Active Games only.

Done that? Good, scroll down and look at the 1 vs 1 games he's joined, almost all of the game hosts are ?'s.

Here are some examples:

Game 4065879
Game 4066919
Game 4067172
Game 4068621
Game 4068637
Game 4068649
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Re: alstergren farming [busted]

Postby SirSebstar on Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:35 am

true, I stand corrected on the one does not a farmer make. The rest is still true though.
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Re: alstergren farming [busted]

Postby alster on Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:50 am

LOL... yeah, this guy is bound to be a multi.

Dunno about his post though, I've considered the new farming rule but figured it won't be used in a case like this. Basically I have a slow period at work and join bunches of 1 v.1 games. Playing fairly inexperienced players don't make me move up on the scoreboard since I loose now and then wiping out any possible gains from any deadbeats and too poor players. But it allows me to practice new maps and settings I normally don't play. So its a nice way to learn without loosing the overall score. Besides, not there's no end in itself to play generals and people should be me more concerned with themselves than whining about other people's public games.

But to be honest I don't know how they figure the no farming rule to be applied. Seems far-fetched here though looking at the notification:
- It's not extensively (and certainly no pm's) looking at all games.
- It's no abuse and no poor first experience is handed out.
- It's no systematic targeting of new recruits.

Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby SirSebstar on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:14 am

Alstergen, I'd have to agree, but only partly.
I am assuming you are not specificly targetting ?marks, I am further assuming you just start in the 1vs1 where you find them, and that you do not pick and choose those you can win over (even if you do not always win)
First of, pickong on newbie's is not just about mass spamming or setting up games, it is also about joining them. Your reply has an opening that you might be choosing newbies over generals. Although you are not restricted on playing generals, playing noobs in their first 5 games is rather daunting. Sure one might win, but the majority will lose. I assume the same is true if you were to face majors for that matter, but then, that would pose a smaller risk to players quiting altogether.

on the other hand, Lack wrote that playing a game here and there with many new recruits will not get you into trouble. Lack is speaking about the systematic targeting of new recruits. It is my contention that such is not the case, although you might want to consider leaving question marks alone altogether or sparingly. If anything, being beating by the resident 'super'powers is not really fun, for most.

lackattack wrote:"Newbie Farming" is the technique of setting up as many games as possible (either by starting or joining them) with New Recruits to gain easy points by taking advantage of difficult game options and the fact the New Recruits are more likely to deadbeat. Some players have been farming extensively - even sending hundreds of PMs to the latest members to get them into their games.

This is a gross abuse of the game. It gives the New Recruit "victims" a poor first experience and reduces the chances of them sticking around. As farmers move up the scoreboard it also harms the competitive nature of Conquer Club - the scoreboard is meant to measure skill in the game, not "harvesting" techniques.

In accordance with the desires and feedback of the majority of the community, our rules and as a new leaf for 2009, it is our New Years resolution to make Newbie Farming forbidden. Members who continue this practice will receive point resets and then progressively longer website bans.

This does not mean you will get in trouble for joining a game here and there with many new recruits. We are only talking about the systematic targeting of new recruits.

We have taken the following measures to stop Newbie Farming:

  • For New Recruits, we filtered out game options from the join page if they reduce the chance of new players reaching their 1st promotion (see here here and here).
  • We shut down any usergroups with a focus on Newbie Farming.
  • We are sending individual warnings to the Farmers Guild and select other users who have practiced farming in the past. These should be arriving soon.

If you don't officially receive a warning, consider this it...we may have overlooked you once, but we won't do it again.

Thanks and have a nice day :)
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby Jeff Hardy on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:18 am

so alstergen, youre saying its ok to play a lot of new recruits as long as we play other ranks too?
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby sailorseal on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:31 am

I guess this guy has not heard about the new rule
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby alster on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:40 am

Jeff Hardy wrote:so alstergen, youre saying its ok to play a lot of new recruits as long as we play other ranks too?

As far as I can tell it's ok to play with anyone. That's kind of the idea with public games. I can't see that anything else has been baneed except the systematic targeting of new players. That makes sense as some players have made a point of only playing new guys.

E.g. in 4066919 I'm getting beaten pretty badly by a new player. But that's mainly because I don't know the map, having misdeployed and not realizing the non-attack routes. Doesn't make sense to join an experienced player on this map as I obviously don't know it for shit.

The whole thread is becoming pretty tedious though. There is no systematic abuse as mentioned in the new year's thread so it doesn't really makes sense to discuss it. But this new rule is obviously gonna be a problem if people are crying "foul" to the left and right.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby Megadeth666 on Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:10 pm

:shock: Your full of shit alstergren :lol: you have 10 games YOU joined with ?, and the excuse " I was bored" doesn't cut can easily set games 1 vs 1 and have the ? join it just as fast....and it is true that a multi reported you , but that is because he is being vigilante against people like you.....and that game you mentioned where your getting your ass kicked, frickin eh , serves you right =D>
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby ibleedorange on Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:45 pm

10 games is hardly cause to start a witch-hunt...
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby prismsaber on Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:52 pm

The fact that these are sequential games should be considered. The noobs have a fair shot at winning as long as they show up to take their turns.
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby owenshooter on Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:07 pm

the big man stands accused of this? really? alster has so much good will built up within the community, i highly doubt this will even be questioned. i was bored last night and played a private in a sequential speed game, because it was the only game available. was that farming? i totally believe his rational behind his motives, and i doubt he truly did anything wrong... the black jesus has spoken...-0

p.s.-alster, jag alskar dig!!!!
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby happy2seeyou on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:08 pm

Alstergren doesn't need to pick on lower ranks to get points, he can get them from anyone. I doubt he is a "farmer"
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Re: alstergren farming [busted]

Postby gcwca_4_life on Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:08 am

SirSebstar wrote:very nice adding [busted] to the title.
Ofcourse someone has to prey on ? to be accused of farming, a single game does not make farming ofcourse. Considering you are a multi, i'd say you are out of luck and out of time.
Have a nice day

The multi has been busted already, hence he is in the "Guest" usergroup.

SirSebstar wrote:Alstergen, I'd have to agree, but only partly.
I am assuming you are not specificly targetting ?marks, I am further assuming you just start in the 1vs1 where you find them, and that you do not pick and choose those you can win over (even if you do not always win)
First of, pickong on newbie's is not just about mass spamming or setting up games, it is also about joining them. Your reply has an opening that you might be choosing newbies over generals. Although you are not restricted on playing generals, playing noobs in their first 5 games is rather daunting. Sure one might win, but the majority will lose. I assume the same is true if you were to face majors for that matter, but then, that would pose a smaller risk to players quiting altogether.

on the other hand, Lack wrote that playing a game here and there with many new recruits will not get you into trouble. Lack is speaking about the systematic targeting of new recruits. It is my contention that such is not the case, although you might want to consider leaving question marks alone altogether or sparingly. If anything, being beating by the resident 'super'powers is not really fun, for most.

lackattack wrote:"Newbie Farming" is the technique of setting up as many games as possible (either by starting or joining them) with New Recruits to gain easy points by taking advantage of difficult game options and the fact the New Recruits are more likely to deadbeat. Some players have been farming extensively - even sending hundreds of PMs to the latest members to get them into their games.

This is a gross abuse of the game. It gives the New Recruit "victims" a poor first experience and reduces the chances of them sticking around. As farmers move up the scoreboard it also harms the competitive nature of Conquer Club - the scoreboard is meant to measure skill in the game, not "harvesting" techniques.

In accordance with the desires and feedback of the majority of the community, our rules and as a new leaf for 2009, it is our New Years resolution to make Newbie Farming forbidden. Members who continue this practice will receive point resets and then progressively longer website bans.

This does not mean you will get in trouble for joining a game here and there with many new recruits. We are only talking about the systematic targeting of new recruits.

We have taken the following measures to stop Newbie Farming:

  • For New Recruits, we filtered out game options from the join page if they reduce the chance of new players reaching their 1st promotion (see here here and here).
  • We shut down any usergroups with a focus on Newbie Farming.
  • We are sending individual warnings to the Farmers Guild and select other users who have practiced farming in the past. These should be arriving soon.

If you don't officially receive a warning, consider this it...we may have overlooked you once, but we won't do it again.

Thanks and have a nice day :)

Hell, if you call joining 1v1 games that are the settings you like farming, then why in the hell haven't I been busted yet?
I join any Age of Realms game that is set up (if the person doesn't have me on foe alreayd for kicking their ass, or something of the sort), so go ahead and make a thread for me! I haven't had any good fun in C&A for a while.
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby alster on Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:11 am

Dunno. But fair enough, maybe it's not kosher to selectively join 1 v. 1 games then even if the motive is not farming. So fine, but I do find the new rule somewhat problematic then. If I wanna join games for fun and select opponents to make sure that the overall score won't take a plunge (which it indeed will if I join a 1 v. 1 game against one of the many experts on that particular setting/map etc.) that seems fairly reasonable to me. If it's an issue, then the ?'s shouldn't be allowed to set up any new games anyways - who on earth should join them then anyways? But all in all, fair enough then. Just waiting though seeing someone cry "farming" for playing team games on particular map with specific settings. Geez... preying on inexperienced players likte that... :shock:
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby Jeff Hardy on Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:53 am

prismsaber wrote:The fact that these are sequential games should be considered. The noobs have a fair shot at winning as long as they show up to take their turns.

klobbers games were sequential too
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby alster on Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:59 am

Jeff Hardy wrote:klobbers games were sequential too

:!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

It's really not in any way comparable. Don't be an ass. Nobody likes that.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren farming

Postby Twill on Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:46 am

Joining 11 games against NRs in a 6 day period does look suspiciously like the start of farming.

To make sure that people don't continue to accuse alster of farming we've asked him to be more careful about joining games that could be seen in this light, even if the intent is legitimate. Sadly I can't read users' minds (yet).

So, Alstergren has gotten a warning and we will watch to see if this continues, but hopefully he'll be picking games that are less "dubious" in the future :)

Case Closed.

Please don't PM me about forum stuff any more.

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Re: alstergren farming [warned]

Postby pinkflaminko on Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:26 pm

that is messed up maybe u should report him already! everyone agrees that he is cheating now just tell the site whats happening!
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