by Gutshots on Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:16 am
I have involved myself in a large amount of matches (still ongoing) concerning the instant matter: Games vs. coded. I entered into these matches when my rank was Captain and coded was Major. I entered into the same thinking that since our ranks were close and he was posting matches of boards “maps” I like to play and that playing a “bulk series” would be entertaining and challenging. I did receive correspondence from coded asking only if I mind if we play slowly and an unclear reference to the fact that he was experimenting with a large amount of games. To which I replied… “No, please take your time, I am happy to involve myself in matches where rank is closely matched". I entered into those matches in good faith believing they would be played out in linear order and was not part of what turned out to be an unethical point gaining scheme.
Because of the point gaining “sling-shot effect” that will result, I will likely lose a minimum 200 points that would not have been lost had those games been played in linear fashion as they were intended and in good faith entered into.
Although we strive to simulate a “battle” or “war” game, it could be argued that this was simply a “smart tactic”. I would however have to strongly disagree. Point dumping is what it is and the definition thereof is clear: Any act or action whereby a player deliberately dumps points. There can be no other definition or interpretation and I would proffer that the judgment should be based on this and this alone. If a legitimate argument can be brought-forth whereby it can be shown that “point dumping” did not occur, then no exact or instant offense has been committed; not-withstanding that the rule does exist that a player may be punished if he or she does anything to undermine the integrity of the site and game play leaving the question open “does malicious intent exist by this action?” In this case, point dumping did occur… i.e. the evidence is clear: the offending player dropped from Major to Private in a 24 hour period by dumping points NO MATTER the method or reason. Additionally, the very fact that the offending player deferred his wins may also be defined as point dumping.
As to retribution, I would respectfully request that since no precise precedent exists (though I am sure point dumping methods of other sorts have occurred) that all games and matches be RESET!
The options before you are:
1. To do nothing: And, if you “do nothing” copy-cats will soon adapt the same technique and in an unprecedented manner, undermine the entire CC community.
2. Give a warning: If you do, again, this would not deter copy-cats and the same technique and in an unprecedented manner, undermine the entire CC community.
3. Banishment of player as a “premium”: Too harsh a punishment in this event but a viable option that would set a proper precedent and likely deter copy-cats.
4. Reset all games and set a precedent that would likely deter copy-cats.
5. Suspend player for an appropriate period of time, and likely deter copy-cats.
6. Eliminate all "bulk games" entered into.
In my view, as an affected victim, resetting causes no harm to all who may have been victimized by this unethical play as his tactic would not work now that I, or any other victim have fore-warning. As to punitive measure, I would leave that to site authorities to judge. Resetting alone is not a punitive measure, it is a protective action.
I would therefore request that at the least a reset occur and measures be taken to assure that this does not occur again or spread.
Last edited by
Gutshots on Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.