jaseleo wrote:he is definately not a farmer
bulllshit, didnt you look at the games?
jaseleo wrote:it needs a 16+ catergory warning on the home page of the site
more bullshit, a lot of the players here are younger than that
jaseleo wrote:The other biggest change should be within the score/opponent game, either no games with a player 400-500 points above or below your own score
even more bullshit, i get a choice of about 15 players and herpes and sjnap can only play each other???
why do you people complain all the time about high ranks playing low ones? when i was a low rank i loved it when good players joined and happily lost 5-10 points in exchange for learning how to improve, i even asked them to play me again everytime allthough i knew i had as good as 0 chance of winning!