This has gone on for long enough. Aradhus, the link was pronographic, even youtube says so:
youtube wrote:This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community.
To view this video or group, please verify you are 18 or older by signing in or signing up.
But, ignoring that for a minute, I want to go back to the Community Guidelines:
Community Guidelines wrote:Nudity and sexual material are not allowed.
I believe that a link to "Real Sex - Lady has real orgasm caught on video!" would clearly fall under sexual material. Now, there are two cases to consider here, as some people here might be members at youtube and others might not. If someone has a youtube account, then they are directly linked to a page where there is sexual content on the side bar, which is a bannable offense. The other case, if someone does not have an account, they are brought to a page that declarers the video inappropriate for certain demographics, so then it should not have been linked. Either way, pimpdave was wrong and was banned for it. You then decided to argue with the mods and were flaming in Off Topics. You got multiple warnings for this. You continued to flame the mods in the forums and received a three day ban. These actions are well within the limits of moderator actions within the Community Guidelines, which you like to cite.
Now to your further accusations of abuse of power and lack of professionalism by the moderators. I would like to start with another quote from the Community Guidelines:
Don't be intentionally annoying!
As a few people might have noticed lately, there have been a lot of people disregarding this request in the forums (you all know who you are). People like to push the limits of what is allowable on this site. Asking about a rule is one thing, questions should be posted in the Q&A forum, where a lot of people are willing to offer their advice. One person posting a porn link and others then bitching about it is not how to question a rule. In this case, someone should have made a post to the effect of "Can someone (please) explain how this link was considered pornographic?", not "How the f*ck can you assholes consider this pornographic, it was clearly educational?" People are pushing the limits and wondering why they get banned. To quote Newton:
Sir Isaac Newton wrote:To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
People push the rules and the site has to push back. If this did not happen, then the forum would deteriorate within days. So, to push back, the mods need to enforce the rules. The more people push, the more strict, and potentially over the top, the mods will need to be. If someone wants to act like an obnoxious prat and keep pushing for their agenda, then the mods will help you realize the fallacy in your logic, either by repeatedly punching holes in your arguments or by using your own arguments to show how you have broken the rules and then giving you a ban. What was done in this case in no way crossed any lines. People were being intentionally annoying, were looking to get their views declared as correct, and were looking for others to be banned for disagreeing. First, you were being annoying and deserved a warning which you received. Second, you were wrong and in being wrong, you broke the Community Guidelines and earned yourself a ban. Third, people are not going to get banned just because you want them to. Sorry, but there is nothing wrong with how any of this was handled. Marked [Closed] and moved to Closed Reports.