by SirSebstar on Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:30 am
the account that is busted will be able to finish their games. But the bustedaccount cannot make new games unless a premium account is purchased. This is done to verivy the person behind the account. It is thoght one will multi less if charged with real dollars. As to DomQuebec, nothing will happen to him(for the moment) he was found not guilty.
As too why you should not multi, first you will be caught, and your account might be reset or you might be banned, preventing you from returning. In some cases you are banned from CC altogether, and unable to return even if you would purchace a gold account. Second, what is the fun in that? Cheating demeans you, and all the work you have put into this site would be a real waste.
enough, or do you need more?