Not to nit pick, but since thats what andy does in the map forum I figured i'd get my pay back
but is bare a play on words meaning that update had nothing yet.. or did he mean bear.
bare1 /bɛər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[bair] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, bar·er, bar·est, verb (used with object), bared, bar·ing.
1. without covering or clothing; naked; nude: bare legs.
2. without the usual furnishings, contents, etc.: bare walls.
3. open to view; unconcealed; undisguised: his bare dislike of neckties.
4. unadorned; bald; plain: the bare facts.
5. (of cloth) napless or threadbare.
6. scarcely or just sufficient; mere: the bare nece
bear1 /bɛər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[bair] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, bore or (Archaic) bare; borne or born; bear·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to hold up; support: to bear the weight of the roof.
2. to hold or remain firm under (a load): The roof will not bear the strain of his weight.
3. to bring forth (young); give birth to: to bear a child.