Good graphical changes while I've been away, must say. The god temples are very nice, and the emperor palaces even more so.
- Pompeia Sulla(2) has the red background behind his columns, Calpurnia (2) and Cornelai Cinnai (3) have a gray background. Germanicus and Lucius Caesar also have the gray background whilst the majority of the other buildings retain the red. Consistency pleasie.
- Marcellus still has his wannabe roof popping out from underneath his lovely columns. I assume "in-transition" graphics, but it might have slipped notice.
- Some of the new Roman numerals aren't centered (Livia Drusilla, Drusus/Antonia, Gnaeus Ahenobarbus, Scribonia).
- Any chance of looking up the Roman symbol for Nothing instead of using Zero for Cleopatra? The concept of Zero was utterly alien to Roman culture (heck, to everyone 'cept the Arabs until nearly the 2nd millennium AD)
Overall theme change: U didn't exist in Roman times, it was all about the V. So Julius Caesar would be more properly inscribed as Jvlivs Caesar. I make this suggestion following your changing of bonuses from Arabic to Roman numerals. Nothing says Romanum like Romanvm.
And once again, your map has been
Have a nice day!