Please Note- This is Only a resize from the working document, text sizes and fonts will be adjusted once gameplay is sorted
What im trying to work out here is do the territories work, is the number of them ok, is the map now non-liner enough that it won't bottle neck. wayy back in one of the concepts, i had the army circles on, with the names of places in there final areas and a well defined way to show what name is for what territory, i am still working under that premise. But, for now i want to know if the playability of the layout of territories is ok. Because im working with a huge document here, i don't want to get to a point where im going to have to re-draw the whole thing, again. I asked a question about the extra territory and link between islands a month ago, and didn't get much of a response, so this is more to do with a graphical representation of these questions more than anything else.
So, Yes, long-lat lines and scales will be on all maps including insets (it will be an atlas page) and the colour overlay of areas was dropped by 5% i will put it back up to keep the definition, but probably only in the northern areas. Area names, the area names are the same as some of the underlying territories, so i am trying to avoid using them just to avoid confusion.
Does anyone see any playability/layout issues?