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Storzzcakes [cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Storzzcakes [cleared]

Postby king sam on Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:39 pm

Accused: Storzzcakes


The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Throwing Game
Intentional Deadbeating

Game number(s):Game 3857096

Game 3857096

Comments: Look first off let me start this by saying I understand people are dumb and have different strategies on this game, but something aint right with what went down in the following rounds in this game. This was a standard game with standard rules with the exception that it had the fog of war, at the end of round 18 I had this guy (Storzzcakes) or(green) stack a huge army right up against my only bonus, I was aware of how many troops he had and how many territories cause of the log so the very next turn i cashed in a set of 10 and went after him, cornering him in hopes that the other player would go after his other properties that he was guarding not knowing i left 2 so i could eliminate him for his cards.

Of course either the other player was smart enough to know better, or knew Storzzcakes (green) and was communicating with him cause he didnt do it, and come to think about it all game their attacks on me were quite planned out, them both running at me at the same spot and backing out so the other could come through.

Either way after that round Storzzcakes (green) stuck around in the game long enough to get 5 cards in his pocket. On his next go after he had 5 cards he intentionally deadbeated. He was around, but didnt play. He started his turn with 33 seconds remaining on the clock in this speed game had plenty of time at that point to play 3 mandatory cards and lay troops at the very least but refused to. Of course the very next go the other guy was able to eliminate him and use the cards. Now would the outcome have been different, probably not. The other guy was well established because of the help Storzzcakes (green) had provided him all game long.

Im not sure what kind of cheating/abuse this is, with the exception of definitely being intentional deadbeating/throwing a game. Maybe these 2 know each other, maybe they are one and the same, I dont know. I just wanted to bring it to MODS attention, cause it was something fishy.

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Re: Storzzcakes

Postby lancehoch on Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:11 pm

Deadbeating is when someone misses three consecutive turns and is kicked out of the game for missing those turns. Did this happen in that game?
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Re: Storzzcakes

Postby king sam on Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:58 pm

no he purposely missed a a turn when he was cornered by another player so he could give his cards to him..

if thats not illegal as an unsaid rule then it should be. as i said he started his turn and had plenty of time to deploy and play a mandatory 3 cards but just sat there and waited for his time to run out
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Re: Storzzcakes

Postby king achilles on Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:58 am

I checked if b00060 (the other player) and storzzcakes, are multis and they are not. This is also their 2nd game played together so far and the other game does not show anything out of the ordinary to indicate they may also have some secret agreement between them..

He 'purposely' missed his turn can be subjective. He could also had some personal stuff to attend to at that time of his turn? Furthermore, storzzcakes would have lost less points if you won the game, won't he? Anyway, we would need more than this to have a clear case of secret diplomacy between players or of intentionally giving a game to another.
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