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WWII - Eastern Front-statistic page 1 [Quenched]5000 finish

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Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:21 pm

Keep all your posts regarding this map, in this thread. Feel free to add a new poll to this thread.

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Postby Qwert on Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:51 pm

andy what will hepend if i dont want to change names in legend.
In my opinion its lool like ultimatum.
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Postby dafranca on Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:12 pm


Your poll in unclear. Is the question about if you like the impassible borders from your map or if you like impassible borders overall?
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Postby DublinDoogey on Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:20 pm

The impassable border is decent, however I think that simply continuing the river would make the map flow more and look better.
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Postby DublinDoogey on Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:21 pm

dafranca wrote:qwert,

Your poll in unclear. Is the question about if you like the impassible borders from your map or if you like impassible borders overall?

It's about the ones in his map
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Postby Qwert on Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:19 am

what will hepend if i dont want to change?
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Postby Qwert on Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:01 pm

whell i wait reply and nothing, but i know answer.
For me it map finish and i satisfy. These thing with letter and compass and umpasabile defense stone(original pictures from WW2), its not like 2-3 players and i refuse to change.
Army Group Nort,Center, and South its original translate from german to england i refuse to change.
Compass i try to find, and i dont find pictures of these and i wont change.
People want to change, but when i say"ok if you want to help send me pictures of your improvment" i dont give reply.
For these, i say strange demand, i must disband map.
I hope that somebody else will make better and great map of EASTERN FRONT. good luck.
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Postby Ruben Cassar on Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:04 pm

qwert wrote:whell i wait reply and nothing, but i know answer.
For me it map finish and i satisfy. These thing with letter and compass and umpasabile defense stone(original pictures from WW2), its not like 2-3 players and i refuse to change.
Army Group Nort,Center, and South its original translate from german to england i refuse to change.
Compass i try to find, and i dont find pictures of these and i wont change.
People want to change, but when i say"ok if you want to help send me pictures of your improvment" i dont give reply.
For these, i say strange demand, i must disband map.
I hope that somebody else will make better and great map of EASTERN FRONT. good luck.

This was looking even better than the 1914 map. As I said in the other thread, don't give up. You are nearly there, the map is nearly finished. It just needs tweaking up. Take a couple days break and when you have a clearer mind get back to work! :) We want to play this map!
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Postby Teya on Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:24 pm

Personally I think if you have the attitude of "I refuse" you need to give up.
People are trying to make your maps better but you dont want the help. You have spoilt brat syndrome.
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Postby Qwert on Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:33 pm

Teya its you see only " i refuse" word.
read all.
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Postby sully800 on Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:40 pm

qwert- every map goes through this process to produce the best map possible. You have constantly been ignoring people's posts, suggestions and criticisms. Perhaps some of this simply stems from the language barrier, but if you read the 'how to make a map' thread andy clearly states:

Developmental maps will be discussed in length in the Foundry, in their respective topics. Cartographers must be open to any advice and suggestions. Be sure that if you do not implement said advice you must have logical reason for doing so. This rebuttal must be stated either by you, or argued by another Foundry poster who sees the drawbacks or shortcomings in said advice. There will be no rebuttals of ‘It’s my map, let me do it my way.’ Waiting for feedback on your map is the one of the most important parts of development.

That seems to have been your attitude through the entire map creation process, so since you are unwilling to create the map in the proper way I think it is wise that you abandon it. However I also think the map was beginning to look alright, so if you decide to continue and create the map properly I would be glad to see it.
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Postby happysadfun on Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:44 pm

Mostly agreeing with the all-wise Sully there.
ImageChildren, this is what happens to hockey players, druggies, and Hillary Clinton.

Rope. Tree. Hillary. Some assembly required.
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Postby KEYOGI on Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:48 pm

qwert wrote:whell i wait reply and nothing, but i know answer.
For me it map finish and i satisfy. These thing with letter and compass and umpasabile defense stone(original pictures from WW2), its not like 2-3 players and i refuse to change.
Army Group Nort,Center, and South its original translate from german to england i refuse to change.
Compass i try to find, and i dont find pictures of these and i wont change.
People want to change, but when i say"ok if you want to help send me pictures of your improvment" i dont give reply.
For these, i say strange demand, i must disband map.
I hope that somebody else will make better and great map of EASTERN FRONT. good luck.

qwert wrote:Teya its you see only " i refuse" word.
read all.

I think you are the one who needs to read again qwert. :roll:

I'm going to agree with Teya and sully800, if you're only going to refuse changes without a good reason to do so, you should abandon the map. I think you were progressing well with this map, but you can't rely on other people to send you pictures of improvement. It's your map and your responsibility.
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Postby Qwert on Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:02 pm

sully800 wrote


qwert- every map goes through this process to produce the best map possible. You have constantly been ignoring people's posts, suggestions and criticisms. Perhaps some of this simply stems from the language barrier, but if you read the 'how to make a map' thread andy clearly states:

[color=green]Developmental maps will be discussed in length in the Foundry, in their respective topics. Cartographers must be open to any advice and suggestions. [color=black]Be sure that if you do not implement said advice
you must have logical reason for doing so. This rebuttal must be stated either by you, or argued by another Foundry poster who sees the drawbacks or shortcomings in said advice. There will be no rebuttals of ‘It’s my map, let me do it my way.’ Waiting for feedback on your map is the one of the most important parts of development. [/color]
That seems to have been your attitude through the entire map creation process, so since you are unwilling to create the map in the proper way I think it is wise that you abandon it. However I also think the map was beginning to look alright, so if you decide to continue and create the map properly I would be glad to see it. [/color]

KEYOGI wrote
qwert wrote:
whell i wait reply and nothing, but i know answer.
For me it map finish and i satisfy. These thing with letter and compass and [color=green]umpasabile defense stone(original pictures from WW2),
its not like 2-3 players and i refuse to change. Army Group Nort,Center, and South its original translate from german to england i refuse to change.
Compass i try to find, and i dont find pictures of these and i wont change. People want to change, but when i say"ok if you want to help send me pictures of your improvment" i dont give reply.
For these, i say strange demand, i must disband map.
I hope that somebody else will make better and great map of EASTERN FRONT. good luck. [/color]

i read development map and i have logical reason way i not change.
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Postby happysadfun on Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:04 pm

Please share this reason with us, and we can propose new suggestions that have the same effect in a different way.
ImageChildren, this is what happens to hockey players, druggies, and Hillary Clinton.

Rope. Tree. Hillary. Some assembly required.
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Postby Qwert on Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:05 pm

I dont understand why you atak me, im personal disband these map becouse all my logical explain, for you not logical.
I think its logical
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Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:27 pm

Sad to see a map discarded...especially after so much work has been put into it.

I think there is still a lot of potential...perhaps there needs to be clearer dialogue on what everyone is trying to achieve with the map. But at this stage, it is ultimately up to qwert if he would like to abandon the map to the pits of the Foundry Furnace.

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Postby Qwert on Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:35 pm

Andy i dont understand you to, for 30 day you dont say nothing about my map visual -playability- bonuses- color, nothing and for other topic you say a loth.
In my topic you lok only when language problem and rest you just say nothing.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:39 pm

I've been more active than that qwert, give me credit. I try to give each map the same amount of time. Even if I wasn't posting, I was still following along.

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Postby Qwert on Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:56 pm

1 example map malta for these map you form 31 dec and 3 januar give 4 a long opinion,these a 1 of my reason why im disband map, you say been more active, yes in language opinion.
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Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:58 pm

I only give a long post if I've got enough to speak on, qwert. Perhaps I should be more active in each little process, but I don't think that is feasible to do, which is why I do it in chunks. If you are discarding the map because of me, I'm sorry for it, but I've done no wrong, and am simply here to help.

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Postby Qwert on Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:07 pm

you here for help Ok.
firs you post 20 day of my proces you dont say noting only that coment when you more time.
I look my topic and see these 5 short coment of language problem and 5-6 post of map foundry problem.
These what i tell you dont say nothing of map.
My apology i don drag you more soory.
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Postby DublinDoogey on Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:18 pm


Andy isn't here to walk people through the map making process, neither are the members of the foundry. Everyone is here to simply help the development go in the best direction, ultimatly leading to the map being put up on the site to play.

What I'm going to say next, is with all honesty and sincerity, I hope you take this in a good way...

Throughout the development of you're maps you have been tempermental and difficult for the foundry members to work with. Suggestions have been ignored, simple ideas blown out of proportion, and tempers have flared on both sides. With all of this, as is usual, your map has improved, both visually and in playability. Making a map is difficult, it involves insane amounts of revisions, compromises, and double-checking. Sometimes you've gotta stick to your gut instinct, but more often than not you must at least try what people suggest. We aren't here to make the map or its elements for you, you are the mapmaker.

Take a step back and look at how much your map has improved, think about how much time you've spent on it... do you really want to give up and quit? That is what it would be, you'd be quitting.

Take the opportunity of the New Year and continue making this map with a fresh outlook. Keep the map, but clear all pre-existing hostilities and frustrations from it. You've gotta take it one step at a time, one map at a time, and this is the map to finish first.

Anyway, whatever you decide, its your decision, but if you do decide to quit making this map, send the file to andy so someone can finish it up, don't just let it fall into the foundry fire.

If, however, you do decide to continue, start fresh, post the map as it is, in a new thread (I'm sure andy will understand) and continue where you left off. Take the foundry's input, implement it, or don't, but if you don't you must say and show why you havn't. When people ask questions about why something is this way or that, don't jump down their throat, they probably havn't followed the map entirely, it's easy to miss a couple of posts, just answer their question.

I say all this because this map is shaping up to be a good one, and it'd be a shame to see it die.
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Postby Marvaddin on Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:02 am

qwert wrote:you here for help Ok.
firs you post 20 day of my proces you dont say noting only that coment when you more time.
I look my topic and see these 5 short coment of language problem and 5-6 post of map foundry problem.
These what i tell you dont say nothing of map.
My apology i don drag you more soory.

What would you want him to post? Cant you assume that possibly all things he was wanting to suggest were already suggested by other members? I dont understand why, but looks like Andy has some magic influence about some mapmakers... I comment, they ignore... Andy comments, they try it. Now, the guy had lots of feedback (many maps were constructed with less than 10 pages of posts), and he was still looking for ANDY'S opinions? I have an idea, next time I want suggest something about a map, I will pm Andy and ask him to post. So, the suggestions will be tested and those sensible makers will not have hard feelings about Andy. :roll:

You dont need try another maps, qwert, if your time limit is 30 days and you dont intend to test the suggestions or refuse them with a good reason to do it. Many times we change a texture, or a legend, just to try imporve the map, and the result is not good... then you can need 10 tries to find a proper texture or font... Whats the problem? If people dislike the changes, there is the old version to help you. Just save the new ones with another names :wink:

Veredict: its a shame this map wont be finished. But one lesson stays... if I dislike one of your maps, I will try retard the process for 30 days and done: its dead :lol:
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Postby reverend_kyle on Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:29 am

Marvaddin wrote:
qwert wrote:you here for help Ok.
firs you post 20 day of my proces you dont say noting only that coment when you more time.
I look my topic and see these 5 short coment of language problem and 5-6 post of map foundry problem.
These what i tell you dont say nothing of map.
My apology i don drag you more soory.

What would you want him to post? Cant you assume that possibly all things he was wanting to suggest were already suggested by other members? I dont understand why, but looks like Andy has some magic influence about some mapmakers... I comment, they ignore... Andy comments, they try it. Now, the guy had lots of feedback (many maps were constructed with less than 10 pages of posts), and he was still looking for ANDY'S opinions? I have an idea, next time I want suggest something about a map, I will pm Andy and ask him to post. So, the suggestions will be tested and those sensible makers will not have hard feelings about Andy. :roll:

Note to map makers: Ignore marv. ;)
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