oaktown wrote:I think I am in the camp of not liking the one-way exits, but i appreciate the fact that there would be more options available to each player. I agree with the above concerns about everybody's first opponent being more or less pre-determined, which means that in games with an odd number of players somebody will have an advantage by being paired with a neutral. Could the same effect be had by giving each realm to gates in/out, or just scattering some more bridges around?
And I also nod my head to yeti's astute comment about the the victory condition being meaningless - hold all of the castles and the game is over regardless of whether or not it's a victory condition. Right now the victory condition just saves a round of mopping-up, which is kind of fun after a hard-fought game.
The victory condition can go then. Although it can be fun to use in a freestyle speed to gain a quick win while their is stills strong opposition?
The point you make on being paired with a neutral is a good one. We could increase the number of neutrals on a neutral castle so that the balances out that sort of start. Would that be an option worth considering?