Conquer Club

risktaker99 [noted]

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risktaker99 [noted]

Postby Strider53 on Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:54 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Explanation>
Abusing the in-chat chat system by entering comments in games where he is not a player for the sole purpose of being spiteful, childish and disruptive.

Game number(s):

Game 3758485
Game 3790078


This person is so immature he has entered each game I am playing (where he is not) and entered comments intended to insult me, and create a negative attitude towards me by other players. He is harassing me by following my game play and inserting himself into games he is not even playing. This has to be stopped! What he is doing is not a flame, it is interfering and disrupting normal gameplay to indulge in his infantile behaviour.
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Re: risktaker99

Postby king achilles on Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:18 am

Game 3758485 has risktaker99 actually in it.

Game 3790078 - he gave one comment. Are there any more of your games where he is not in it and entered the game chat to say something about you?
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Re: risktaker99

Postby Strider53 on Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:05 am

He searched out every game I was in and made comments. if i had been in 20, he would have made 20 comments it seems. I am reducing my games for the Christmas holiday, so only have a few going right now, but it seems he is stalking me. I don't feel he has a right - no matter what his perceived grievance against me - to interfere in games of mine where he is not participating. That's crossing the line.
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Re: risktaker99

Postby blakebowling on Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:33 pm

I don't see what this complaint is about, he stated that you would report someone if you weren't winning (IE. Not getting your way), I believe this thread proves his point.
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Re: risktaker99

Postby Bones2484 on Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:19 pm

blakebowling wrote:I don't see what this complaint is about, he stated that you would report someone if you weren't winning (IE. Not getting your way), I believe this thread proves his point.

Yes, because those two things are related, right? If you can't add to the discussion, stay out.
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Re: risktaker99

Postby porkenbeans on Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:59 pm

Bones2484 wrote:
blakebowling wrote:I don't see what this complaint is about, he stated that you would report someone if you weren't winning (IE. Not getting your way), I believe this thread proves his point.

Yes, because those two things are related, right? If you can't add to the discussion, stay out.
This is, er, WAS, a cool site. I am afraid that a gang of kids have been slowly but methodically, taking over CC. You see it every time you turn around. From the rampant cheating, to the Juvenal attitude in the forums. CC seems to placate to them at every turn. As this is becoming more widely known throughout the "non-forum" CC world, the more mature crowd is starting to leave. The absence of their favorite map does not help this situation. In any case, I just wished that CC would start listening to the silent, and un-represented base of this site. A good first step would be, simply make "SEQUENTIAL" the default when starting a game. Or just make a min. number of a games played, before a noob can start a game. I have seen dozens of good solutions posted. But until CC sees the light, I expect to see, even more of this kind of stuff.
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Re: risktaker99

Postby Strider53 on Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:16 pm

porkenbeans wrote:I am afraid that a gang of kids have been slowly but methodically, taking over CC. You see it every time you turn around. From the rampant cheating, to the Juvenal attitude in the forums.

Well said porkenbeans. Another thread has already suggested keeping non-players out of the in-game chat system. I hope it's one of the suggestions considered.
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Re: risktaker99

Postby risktaker99 on Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:33 pm

Boy Im glad I was bored enough to go looking for entertainment and found I was a topic on here. What happened to the days when folks would let you know that they were pointing the finger in your direction..ah, either way here goes...

So the all powerful, all knowing CC god which will be furthermore referenced as "Strider53" has the audacity to call out another player in round 4 of our game (Game 3758485) cause this other player (the5allens) had attacked him 3 times in his many MANY territories that only had 1's on them.

See Striders infinite wisdom/strategy was to go full force after his target on every turn leaving all his properties with the exception of 1 or 2 with just 1's on them. Now Im no CC god like he is but seems to me on a map like this one (Chart of the Great Seas) where you and your target are soo spread out that anyway you can set yourself up to eliminate your target you should do. And when Strider53 showed his knowledge in chat and asked for everyone's opinion I responded.

Here's what Strider53 Said:
2008-12-06 23:45:39 - Strider53: There is something very odd going on in this game, especially the play of the5allens!
2008-12-06 23:46:17 - Strider53: everyone who is playing a legitimate game here should look very closely at the game log!

So I looked and responded saying that i saw nothing wrong and pretty much what I said above. Long story short Strider53 wasn't too happy about being the idiot he is and decided to show his butt more.

He informed me that his vast knowledge of 366 games under his belt and ability to pay for this junk gives him the much needed wisdom to know a cheater when he sees one. Now my opinion was that it lets him be a dick and look for an excuse why he has such a low win percentage ratio.

Gone are the days when you can actually type and warn others about competitors before they get in a game with them, so I utilized my God given First amendment right to speak out and let others know that were directly involved in games with him to watch out, hes a crybaby and will try to pull the cheating card out to those that dont play by his rules.

Big deal, as the other guy said above you go crying when you dont get your way Strider, point taken and proved over and over. Grow up.
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Re: risktaker99

Postby the5allens on Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:26 pm

Strider53 wrote:That's crossing the line.

funny for striker to talk about someone crossing the line

check the log in game 3758545. strider called me out, and first accused me of cheating. he has never even hinted at any proof, because of course there is none - i have plenty of things to do in my life than cheat at an online game - while being a freemium no less. besides, i am not smart enough to know how to even go about cheating at this game.

but strider needed no proof, he could instead simply assure all of the game players that he, in his infinite wisdom and capacities as conquer club champion (with his 15% winning percentage), as well as the golden color of his rankings as proof of his ability to pay $25 to have a more important opinion than us freemiums, could spot a cheater when he saw one, and by golly - it was I !!!! Alas, my plan for world domination has been foiled. if only I could figure out how to get past the ever vigilant guardian of freedom...

while i was at first offended, i simply became amused when he demonstrated his true character. He quickly resorted to simply calling names, stupid and moron seem to be his favorite. then, when he faced opposition to his rude and false accusations, he has gone silent.

When strider called me out to the group, he got a response all right but it isn't the one he anticipated (lack of forethought?) then, instead of either going silent right away or admitting he was wrong, he then started blasting those who disagreed as stupid and having "the same IQ"????? i mean come on, what kind of insult is that?

if anyone is interested in this *B*S* complaint, simply read the game log and ask yourself one simple question - would i like to play this "champ"? Look at his game strategy - every turn he has attacked until he can't attack any more. If this game wasn't an assassin game, i am sure he would have been dead long ago.

the reason he can't understand my strategy? because it is one

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Re: risktaker99

Postby king achilles on Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:59 pm

This shall be noted. I suggest that you two put each other in your own foes list and rty to keep away from each for awhile. Let cooler heads take control. If you two, or one of you, persists on following the other in their games just to "make an announcement" and irritate the other, we will be stepping in. We hope that you give your attention to other things and move on from this.
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Re: risktaker99 [noted]

Postby risktaker99 on Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:53 pm

lol.. so conquer club doesnt adhere to everyones freedom of speech? Interesting... glad i dont pay for this commy shit
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