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rbelgrod and Mageplunka [blocked]

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rbelgrod and Mageplunka [blocked]

Postby MOBAJOBG on Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:43 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: rbelgrod has gained a lot of easy points as Mageplunka threw away numerous games.

Game number(s):

Game 3754791
Game 3754777
Game 3754741
Game 3754711
Game 3754649
Game 3754631
Game 3754578
Game 3754555
etc. There are 60 1vs1 games where rbelgrod came out as the sole and outright winner.
F l A w L e S s V i C t O r Y, indeed.

Game 3754649 clearly demonstrates that Mageplunka was leading after having taken one of rbelgrod's castle in Round 1 through sheer luck and then, proceed to attack neutrals as blind as a bat in broad daylight on Round 2 and 3 instead of capturing Xi. lol.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Mageplunka69 on Sun Nov 30, 2008 4:47 pm

i just want to respond to this accusation. mageplunka is my son and i have been training him on some games , mostly AOR games. he did lose most of the games, but he is also 15 years old and trying to learn them. i did earn alot of points from him, but we in no way shape or form ever go into a game and cheat to take the win.if you want to take my name or his or close our accounts, thats up to you. you could ask any of the players i play with and also my clan members to know that i do not play the multi game. i just want him to learn it since he has an interest to do so.better than playing with drugs , but he does not do too good at it. he is constantly going from a high rank to a low huh? i spoke to him about it and he did say that in some games when he saw he could not win the game ( and only in a few) he made it so i would. so i also spoke to him about that .so it is what it is and if cc decides that i should not play with him on any non partner games, then so be it. but he is a kid and he has been spoken to about it. do with me as you may.....
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby gcwca_4_life on Sun Nov 30, 2008 4:57 pm

I play lots of games with Mage on aor also, and won most of them. Does that mean your going to add me to the list also? And for you trying to tell him how to play aor, you might want to map rank yourself sometimes. Your rank on all 3 of them are shit! So I suggest you try not to give tips. ;)
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Mageplunka69 on Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:02 pm

rbelgrod wrote:i just want to respond to this accusation. mageplunka is my son and i have been training him on some games , mostly AOR games. he did lose most of the games, but he is also 15 years old and trying to learn them. i did earn alot of points from him, but we in no way shape or form ever go into a game and cheat to take the win.if you want to take my name or his or close our accounts, thats up to you. you could ask any of the players i play with and also my clan members to know that i do not play the multi game. i just want him to learn it since he has an interest to do so.better than playing with drugs , but he does not do too good at it. he is constantly going from a high rank to a low huh? i spoke to him about it and he did say that in some games when he saw he could not win the game ( and only in a few) he made it so i would. so i also spoke to him about that .so it is what it is and if cc decides that i should not play with him on any non partner games, then so be it. but he is a kid and he has been spoken to about it. do with me as you may.....

and now i am in a game with aeromate, myself and my son. but i am not even going to talk to him about it....this really sucks
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Mageplunka69 on Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:10 pm

how the hell did any of us learn? are all my friends multis that taught me? they are among the elite of cc,s top ranked players, are they all cheaters? i dont think so. sure i did get points, but who has not when someone else is learning from them. last night we played numerous games together and with other players, losing some and winning others. and my accusser won 1 and lost 1. sorry to be going on and on, but someone who wants to tarnish my son and myself really pisses me off.i worked hard and long to get to where i am, and all i am trying to do is teach him? oh well im done with this crazy forum and i hope this all stops real fast cause this is ruining my fun now. when cant someone teach someone else? all these people covering for others all the time. i guess he thinks they cheat also...?
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Megadeth666 on Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:47 pm

rbelgrod wrote:.i worked hard and long to get to where i am, and all i am trying to do is teach him? oh well im done with this crazy forum and i hope this all stops real fast cause this is ruining my fun now. when cant someone teach someone else? all these people covering for others all the time. i guess he thinks they cheat also...?

I know what you mean :evil: ...When I was higher rank I brought some ppl to the site to teach them and lost some big points.
The suggestion for non-ranked games have been floating around for ever but nothing will ever get done about it, Mods and farmers are rejecting the idea because they don't want newbies to learn first. Plus it would be nice for even Higher ranks to just learn some of those wicked maps,and not get killed by ppl that have mastered them.
Oh Well Good Luck hope they make the right decision and you can have fun again :D
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby niMic on Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:28 am

I think the sole fact that rbelgrod is so upset by this allegation should be enough for most, not to mention his completely believable story. I really can't see rbelgrod cheating, he's just not that kind of person. Alright, 60 games is a little extreme, but rbelgrod is a very good player, and that's a complicated map, so it's not a huge stretch to assume rbelgrod would kick his ass for the purposes of teaching him the game.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Spijker81 on Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:11 am

niMic wrote:I think the sole fact that rbelgrod is so upset by this allegation should be enough for most, not to mention his completely believable story. I really can't see rbelgrod cheating, he's just not that kind of person. Alright, 60 games is a little extreme, but rbelgrod is a very good player, and that's a complicated map, so it's not a huge stretch to assume rbelgrod would kick his ass for the purposes of teaching him the game.

I agree on this one here!!! Would never think that rbelgrod is a multi, never ever!
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby hiddendragon on Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:51 am

Both player are solid I see no reason why either would need to cheat.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby TheTrueNorth on Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:44 am

hiddendragon wrote:Both player are solid I see no reason why either would need to cheat.

period :!:

& if bring & teaching your son on this site is wrong, i can promise you that you will lose a lot of accounts :evil:
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Paddy The Cat on Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:51 am

this accusation is obviously false... he wasn't throwing away any games, he's try trying to learn from his dad. rbelgrod hasn't done anything wrong, they aren't multis, theyre not in a secret alliance, and its not point throwing just trying to learn some new maps.

pretty sure this one will be an easy call.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby owenator on Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:04 am

I tire of all this accusations as I've certainly been on the receiving end of many. Mageplunka, prior to us being on the same clan is an honorable player. I've played 27 games with him on the same map, of which he has only won 1 game. So, does that insinuate that we are both automatically cheaters? Or, perhaps he was throwing a game? rbelgrod and I have only played 2 games together, just in case anyone is trying to link something here. So, there is no connection whatsoever. In one of my games, you can clearly see the game chat where I was giving instructions/training to Mageplunka, as he was simply trying to learn the map. Thus, a similar situation as rbegrod has clearly stated that this is his son. Just out of curiosity, if any of the moderators are parents themselves....if you had a child, and you were playing a game with them. Teaching, nurturing, giving them knowledge to be able to finally be competitive, and then one day you realized that they tried hard but it still wouldn't be enough. Would you not simply let your child 'win'? Is that considered cheating? I think you need to consider that before you make your decision.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby DARCOGOAL on Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:24 am

no way! i don't know about his son but Rbelgrod is a great player! and great players do not need cheap points -meaning cheating-!
they are just great players! period!!!!! :x
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby [RFA]Juggalo on Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:32 pm

easy to see that the map is all dice and rbelgrod just got them, i lost on that map once when someone beat my 27 with a 9, i suppose that means i intentionally threw the game? ive been playing with rbelgrod for a long time now and id have to say that if anyone is going to call him a cheater, they are probably just sitting around bored with too much time on their hands and a wild imagination that gets away with them 8-)
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby White Moose on Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:45 pm

There could be some point dumping going on here accually. Mageplunka isnt that bad on AoR to lose so many games so easy to rbelgod
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Frop on Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:24 pm

rbelgrod is a really good triples player and Mageplunka obviously sucks ass at 1v1. These Map Rank stats however are still a tad odd, Mageplunka should've been able to win a few of those 61 games.

Map Rank For Mageplunka
versus rbelgrod | Number of Players: 2
Code: Select all
Map               Points   Win/Loss
Totals            -829     0 from 61 (0%)
Age Of Realms 1   -579     0 from 43 (0%)
Age Of Realms 2   -15      0 from 1 (0%)
Age Of Realms 3   -235     0 from 17 (0%)

Map Rank For Mageplunka
Options: excluding rbelgrod | Number of Players: 2
Code: Select all
Map               Points   Win/Loss
Totals            -1964    91 from 313 (29%)
Age Of Realms 1   -976     39 from 146 (27%)
Age Of Realms 2   -599     30 from 87 (34%)
Age Of Realms 3   -389     22 from 80 (28%)
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Mageplunka69 on Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:59 pm

White Moose wrote:There could be some point dumping going on here accually. Mageplunka isnt that bad on AoR to lose so many games so easy to rbelgod

now how can you be a fair judge there moose? you played 5 games with him and won all 5?
like i said if i really wanted to cheat, i would have 2 computers , 1 normal and 1 with NS Edit and be in most of his games, or i could have like 15 non-premium names to cheat, then nobody could ever figure it out. i think i would be a field mashall by now, not to be rude with you, but come on. why the hell would i waste my time to get 14 points a game, when i could just join a game with my own ranked players in a private terminator or something like that and get 180 points or more and at the most lose like 39 points? i have much better things to do with my time, not to mention how boring that would be anyway.i am glad to see my friends at my defense, and hopefully this will just go away, and ill tell my son, i can never teach or play with him, ( boy im sure that would spark an interest in him to play this site) and i can send him to someone else, so they can have all his points, and they could be accused of BS.and alot of mageplunkas wins were from 6 player assassins, not 2 player. so he does not understand the concept of getting the win. so think what you may, but this really takes the fun out of this site when someone can accuse someone and just cause so much turmoil
Last edited by Night Strike on Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Don't try to help multis.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Mageplunka69 on Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:11 pm

and i also looked and saw he actually beat me in 7 games, so in turn, i lost points ranging from 26 - 49 points per game. and in Game 3542112 he won a assassin aor1. so is that points dumping too.....figure id give some back? i dont think so.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby gcwca_4_life on Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:21 pm

Frop wrote:rbelgrod is a really good triples player and Mageplunka obviously sucks ass at 1v1. These Map Rank stats however are still a tad odd, Mageplunka should've been able to win a few of those 61 games.

Map Rank For Mageplunka
versus rbelgrod | Number of Players: 2
Code: Select all
Map               Points   Win/Loss
Totals            -829     0 from 61 (0%)
Age Of Realms 1   -579     0 from 43 (0%)
Age Of Realms 2   -15      0 from 1 (0%)
Age Of Realms 3   -235     0 from 17 (0%)

Map Rank For Mageplunka
Options: excluding rbelgrod | Number of Players: 2
Code: Select all
Map               Points   Win/Loss
Totals            -1964    91 from 313 (29%)
Age Of Realms 1   -976     39 from 146 (27%)
Age Of Realms 2   -599     30 from 87 (34%)
Age Of Realms 3   -389     22 from 80 (28%)

Do me next! :lol:
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby scorpion86 on Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:41 pm

both of these guys can join my teams anytime. both play with integrity and i don't believe either was cheating.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby AAFitz on Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:51 pm

this was a fair accusation, and im sure he didnt realize you were father and son... which now im sure he sees is fine...assuming you dont gain 1500 points lol

if i played my dad in as many games...i suspect the win rate would be equally one sided...though hes past the age of i only play him occasionally

edit...60 is too many... you should have kind of known better than to win so many like that...but it doesnt necessarily mean point dumping...but I wouldnt do it anymore to that extent
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby owenator on Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:40 am

White Moose wrote:There could be some point dumping going on here accually. Mageplunka isnt that bad on AoR to lose so many games so easy to rbelgod

White Moose, what about my point about the father-son relationship? He admitted that they are family members, I don't see any problems with that. I think there should be some kind of human approach to the situation. Mageplunka is only a kid. I think this issue is a dead one, personally speaking. I've posted in another thread elsewhere, but will have to put in an e-ticket for a suggestion that CC should create a setting to allow practice maps and still have all maps accessible.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Lindax on Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:44 am

If I'm teaching somebody I play doubles with them, that way you avoid any of this.

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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby White Moose on Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:20 am

rbelgrod wrote:
White Moose wrote:There could be some point dumping going on here accually. Mageplunka isnt that bad on AoR to lose so many games so easy to rbelgod

now how can you be a fair judge there moose? you played 5 games with him and won all 5?
like i said if i really wanted to cheat, i would have 2 computers , 1 normal and 1 with NS Edit and be in most of his games, or i could have like 15 non-premium names to cheat, then nobody could ever figure it out. i think i would be a field mashall by now, not to be rude with you, but come on. why the hell would i waste my time to get 14 points a game, when i could just join a game with my own ranked players in a private terminator or something like that and get 180 points or more and at the most lose like 39 points? i have much better things to do with my time, not to mention how boring that would be anyway.i am glad to see my friends at my defense, and hopefully this will just go away, and ill tell my son, i can never teach or play with him, ( boy im sure that would spark an interest in him to play this site) and i can send him to someone else, so they can have all his points, and they could be accused of BS.and alot of mageplunkas wins were from 6 player assassins, not 2 player. so he does not understand the concept of getting the win. so think what you may, but this really takes the fun out of this site when someone can accuse someone and just cause so much turmoil

Geez... i just said there COULD BE.. not saying it is. But losing 60 in a row is insane... and there almost have to be something fishy about it.
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Re: rbelgrod and Mageplunka

Postby Jeff Hardy on Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:05 am

Megadeth666 wrote:Plus it would be nice for even Higher ranks to just learn some of those wicked maps,and not get killed by ppl that have mastered them.

everytime i want to learn a new map we have to sacrifice a lot of points :(
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