The accused are suspected of: Severe PM Abuse
Comments: was browsing the forum and came across a thread that Neptune1 started in which a member was busted for admitting to having multis in a game in game chat:
having just gone through the jeff hardy thread, where admission in game chat was initially not
enough, my curiosity was peaked. so, i went into the game and read the chat. and sure enough,
the accused admitted it, and rightly so was busted. however, within the same chat, neptune1 stated that he would be given his points backs due to the offender being a multi. i posted in chat that it was not true, just to let neptune1 know. my statement follows:
2008-11-26 04:38:43 - owenshooter: hey, neptune, even though he is busted, he gets to finish his games, if he wins he keeps your points. and counter to your statement, you do not get the points back...
now, this was simply an informative post to let neptune know he was incorrect in his statement. i then received this pm from him:
Neptune1 wrote:who the f*ck are you ? ZIADAZAR'S BOYFRIEND ? f*ck OFF AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS
now, i in no way made rude, offensive or off colour remarks to Neptune1, and i was truly trying to offer him a bit of knowledge about CC and the fact that he would not receive his points back if he lost to a busted multi. i have just come off of a 6 day ban for allegedly PM'ing a member that they sucked, and this is far worse than what i allegedly said. surely he won't receive a ban for this. but i do think a mod should contact him to make him aware that abusive PM's can and will get you into trouble on CC. you know one of those "friendly warnings" that so often clutter up my inbox or a disciplinary warning... anyway, i'll live, and i'm a big boy so i am done crying about it. but i will follow this with great interest, especially having been given a 6 day ban myself...-6cd