by Jork on Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:19 am
Well......if they ARE brothers, I hope others that read this thread will avoid playing with them. Besides the fact that they play like one (still dont totally believe they are brothers), they trash-talk so derisively that I put them on ignore.
Think about it; (IF they ARE brothers - one sits at the computer controlling both accounts and makes decisions as ONE player would at the same point in time - just as a multi-account player would do.
An obvious disadvantage to that single player out there who coordinates with his teammates all over the world, with differing time zones, differing time scenarios, differing strategies, etc.
Ya know what? put multi-account players like these in their own little CC world where they can play against other multi-account players - and leave the "real" game to the "real" players!
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: --O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.-- And God granted it."