Conquer Club

Jeff Hardy [Blocked]

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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby Cundy on Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:54 pm

General Mojo wrote:I am done trying to explain to you the many ways that you are are too retarded to grasp even the most basic fundamentals of the justice system.

I do however look forward to Twill's take on all of this.

game =/= real life

Seriously tho... why are you going to so much trouble to ban someone you dont even know in a game?... did i mention its a game?

what kind of a person are you...
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby owenshooter on Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:56 pm

Cundy wrote:what kind of a person are you...

actually, what kind of person has newbs throw games for him, so he doesn't lose points?...-6cd
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby prismsaber on Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:21 pm

Why anyone would try to defend this pretty blatant cheating attempt is beyond my comprehension.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby General Mojo on Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:41 pm

Cundy wrote:
General Mojo wrote:I am done trying to explain to you the many ways that you are are too retarded to grasp even the most basic fundamentals of the justice system.

I do however look forward to Twill's take on all of this.

game =/= real life

Seriously tho... why are you going to so much trouble to ban someone you dont even know in a game?... did i mention its a game?

what kind of a person are you...

Just to be clear, my beef is with the CC admins at this point for their inconsistencies. I could care less if Jeff gets banned, gets a score reset, or anything. What I care about is the fact that the site allows some people to break the rules like this, but yet punishes others when they have next to no proof (e.g., Scott and Bruce).
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby maxatstuy on Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:51 pm

General Mojo wrote:Just to be clear, my beef is with the CC admins at this point for their inconsistencies. I could care less if Jeff gets banned, gets a score reset, or anything. What I care about is the fact that the site allows some people to break the rules like this, but yet punishes others when they have next to no proof (e.g., Scott and Bruce).

While I believe that Jeff should have been blocked from William or at least noted/warned, the block between Scott and Bruce was a lenient decision if anything. Before Bruce left for those 2 weeks, Scott had won around 60 of the last 100 8 player speed games they had played together and was hardly winning any other speed game that didnt include Bruce. Fabled can say that he and Scott together win about 2/3 of they games they are both in together, but one person isnt winning all 2/3s. In the three hundred 8-player speed games they played together, Scott won over 3700 points while Bruce won 3, and only won 10% of the time. Those "coincidences" were strong enough to reset Scotts score, let alone block him from playing Bruce.

Jeff only played 2 games against William that are being scrutinized, and as a result the mods feel there isnt enough information to render a fair decision. Whether or not it looks clear cut to the people spectating it, anyone can make any claim in game chat they want and it is unfair to ban Jeff when for all the mods know, William could have been joking around.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby Twill on Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:54 am

OK, with the info that I have, I'm going to leave the block in place between willam-wallace and jeff, just in case.

A formal warning has also been issued to Jeff regarding requesting games be thrown. Again, this one case is not enough to take further action. If more games, players or information comes forward then further action may be taken depending on the severity of the case.

Just to be clear - with the initial decision from King and Lance it was consistent with the information they had at the time. Yes, more in depth investigation could have and perhaps should have been taken, but a post in a game chat is so easy to fabricate that to punish someone for it would have been irresponsible. As t the game he "threw", from looking at both games, the game could easily have been him giving up because of bad dice (look at it, his strategy is consistent throughout the game until jeff breaks his bonuses hard, probably because of bad defenses...he never reinforced them), it was not "clearly a thrown game"

Can we close this case now?

Please don't PM me about forum stuff any more.

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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby Cundy on Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:28 am

General Mojo wrote:Just to be clear, my beef is with the CC admins at this point for their inconsistencies. I could care less if Jeff gets banned, gets a score reset, or anything. What I care about is the fact that the site allows some people to break the rules like this, but yet punishes others when they have next to no proof (e.g., Scott and Bruce).

that does make alot more sense, well put
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby pimpdave on Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:16 pm

Wow, I had no idea this thread had achieved such celebrity status. -jbl
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Re: Jeff Hardy

Postby ManBungalow on Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:26 pm

White Moose wrote:
General Mojo wrote:Id be happy to post a screenshot of William's PM to me, but am not sure how.....can anyone explain to me the easiest way to post a screenshot here?

Open the PM.

Press "Print Screen" on your keyboard.

Open Paint

Press Ctrl + v (or just right click and press Paste)

Save the Picture

Post on the forum with a [BigImg]picurelinkhere[/BigImg] code.

Upload to imageshack (or others like it)
That's what I normally do...
I've seen quotes brought into threads like this from PMs though : \
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby Willam-Wallace on Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:47 pm

Everyone i have told twill about this thing to and allso sorry i had to delete it because mi inbox was full so sorry. :(

Also one thing it is true that jeff asked me to throw 2 games and i swear on my life that i am not lying. (in court terms on the declaration of independence)
Last edited by Willam-Wallace on Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby The Neon Peon on Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:50 pm

Willam-Wallace wrote:Everyone i have told twill about this thing to and allso sorry i had to delete it because mi inbox was full so sorry. :(

Ah, yes, the best, most common excuse for not being able to get yourself a ban that has ever existed. In any case with a PM, the answer has always been and will always be "I deleted it."

Also, the sad part is that it does not work. If your inbox is full, old messages delete themselves when a new one comes in. You NEVER have to delete a single message.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby Willam-Wallace on Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:53 pm

I didn`t know that. sorry :(

also this thing is hot i mean the thread
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby BaldAdonis on Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:11 pm

The Neon Peon wrote: If your inbox is full, old messages delete themselves when a new one comes in.
That doesn't happen. They get put on hold until you make space.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby Timminz on Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:25 pm

BaldAdonis wrote:
The Neon Peon wrote: If your inbox is full, old messages delete themselves when a new one comes in.
That doesn't happen. They get put on hold until you make space.

You can choose to have it that way. I'm pretty sure auto-deletion is standard though.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby blakebowling on Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:26 pm

BaldAdonis wrote:
The Neon Peon wrote: If your inbox is full, old messages delete themselves when a new one comes in.
That doesn't happen. They get put on hold until you make space.

You can set it to automatically delete old messages OR to hold new ones OR to move new ones to a new folder
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby lancehoch on Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:27 pm

With the inbox, there are three settings if it gets full: 1) delete oldest (I believe this is the default setting); 2) manually delete (what WilliamWallace is apparently using); 3) move to Saved. People can have theirs set differently, so you cannot just assume that everyone is using the same.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby BaldAdonis on Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:28 pm

lancehoch wrote:With the inbox, there are three settings if it gets full: 1) delete oldest (I believe this is the default setting)

I don't think that is the default, cause I've never changed mine (didn't even know settings existed) and they get put on hold.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby The Neon Peon on Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:56 pm

Might I ask this: What good does the PM do?

A person broke the rules, and admitted to it SEVERAL times, including, he said, to Twill. so, if someone confesses several times to breaking the rules, but they do not have the concrete evidence to prove it... nothing happens?

Are you telling me that he is lying about having the PM sent to him, and agreeing to throw the game? You think that never received a PM and did not throw the game then, and is lying to say he broke the rules?

The Text in Italics below has already been discussed, but I still think it needs to be brought up again.

As said before. Lets take away the chat, and the confession. Now, lets pretend someone put this in secret diplomacy, that they were working together. This means all we have to go off of is the log. Seems pretty obvious from that point too.

Okay, so maybe he got some really bad dice... okay, fair enough. Now, explain to me why a person would deploy all on a territory not bordering his enemy 3 rounds in a row and attack a neutral.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby maxatstuy on Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:02 pm

The Neon Peon wrote:Might I ask this: What good does the PM do?

A person broke the rules, and admitted to it SEVERAL times, including, he said, to Twill. so, if someone confesses several times to breaking the rules, but they do not have the concrete evidence to prove it... nothing happens?

Are you telling me that he is lying about having the PM sent to him, and agreeing to throw the game? You think that never received a PM and did not throw the game then, and is lying to say he broke the rules?

The Text in Italics below has already been discussed, but I still think it needs to be brought up again.

As said before. Lets take away the chat, and the confession. Now, lets pretend someone put this in secret diplomacy, that they were working together. This means all we have to go off of is the log. Seems pretty obvious from that point too.

Okay, so maybe he got some really bad dice... okay, fair enough. Now, explain to me why a person would deploy all on a territory not bordering his enemy 3 rounds in a row and attack a neutral.

I have to agree with Neon, there seems to be a huge double standard. When JCKing admitted to being JesusReigns, there was no proof of it and the IPs were completely different, the only thing connecting them was JCKings confession; why should the rules be different for multis as they are for this case? Just as much evidence exists here as it did in that case and in many others as well.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby lancehoch on Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:10 pm

Guys, not sure if you missed it or something, but Twill has instated a block. What else are you looking for?
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby maxatstuy on Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:13 pm

Twill wrote:OK, with the info that I have, I'm going to leave the block in place between willam-wallace and jeff, just in case.

A formal warning has also been issued to Jeff regarding requesting games be thrown. Again, this one case is not enough to take further action. If more games, players or information comes forward then further action may be taken depending on the severity of the case.

Just to be clear - with the initial decision from King and Lance it was consistent with the information they had at the time. Yes, more in depth investigation could have and perhaps should have been taken, but a post in a game chat is so easy to fabricate that to punish someone for it would have been irresponsible. As t the game he "threw", from looking at both games, the game could easily have been him giving up because of bad dice (look at it, his strategy is consistent throughout the game until jeff breaks his bonuses hard, probably because of bad defenses...he never reinforced them), it was not "clearly a thrown game"

Can we close this case now?


It sounded more like he was just leaving the block in place until this is resolved
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Re: Jeff Hardy [Blocked]

Postby jbrettlip on Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:26 pm

Sounds like th eblock should be against ANY new 1 v1 games...since he admitted to swaying people to throw them.
nothing wrong with a little bit of man on dog love.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby lancehoch on Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:41 pm

maxatstuy wrote:
Twill wrote:OK, with the info that I have, I'm going to leave the block in place between willam-wallace and jeff, just in case.
Can we close this case now?


It sounded more like he was just leaving the block in place until this is resolved

Twill was the resolution; when a decision gets appealed, it goes to him. He put in place a temporary block then decided to leave it in place.
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Re: Jeff Hardy [appealed]

Postby hulmey on Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:44 pm

lancehoch wrote:
maxatstuy wrote:
Twill wrote:OK, with the info that I have, I'm going to leave the block in place between willam-wallace and jeff, just in case.
Can we close this case now?


It sounded more like he was just leaving the block in place until this is resolved

Twill was the resolution; when a decision gets appealed, it goes to him. He put in place a temporary block then decided to leave it in place.

bet jeff cries to all the noobs when he is losing!!
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Re: Jeff Hardy [Blocked]

Postby Geger on Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:38 am

Agree, chat log can't proof anything, everybody can say what he wants. Posting the screenshot can't help too, because it can be modified before (with Photoshop for example).

I played tribalwars for more than 2 years (I know cc from highborn). What that site have, but this cc doesn't : We can forward an ingame message (PM) without the ability to modify it. I think this will be a good addition to this site, to avoid the same problems in the future.

Just my 2 cents :)
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