General Mojo wrote:Just to be clear, my beef is with the CC admins at this point for their inconsistencies. I could care less if Jeff gets banned, gets a score reset, or anything. What I care about is the fact that the site allows some people to break the rules like this, but yet punishes others when they have next to no proof (e.g., Scott and Bruce).
While I believe that Jeff should have been blocked from William or at least noted/warned, the block between Scott and Bruce was a lenient decision if anything. Before Bruce left for those 2 weeks, Scott had won around 60 of the last 100 8 player speed games they had played together and was hardly winning any other speed game that didnt include Bruce. Fabled can say that he and Scott together win about 2/3 of they games they are both in together, but one person isnt winning all 2/3s. In the three hundred 8-player speed games they played together, Scott won over 3700 points while Bruce won 3, and only won 10% of the time. Those "coincidences" were strong enough to reset Scotts score, let alone block him from playing Bruce.
Jeff only played 2 games against William that are being scrutinized, and as a result the mods feel there isnt enough information to render a fair decision. Whether or not it looks clear cut to the people spectating it, anyone can make any claim in game chat they want and it is unfair to ban Jeff when for all the mods know, William could have been joking around.