Conquer Club

TO; League of Corporals [Winner: jrhulk950]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

TO; League of Corporals [Winner: jrhulk950]

Postby Forza AZ on Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:26 am

TO Table Tennis Tournament
League of Corporals

All Corporals with one open slot are welcome to enter!
If your rank doesn't suit this sub-tournament then go and look up the correct one because there's a tournament for each CC rank.

This tournament is brought to you by 12 organisers who have united together in the Tournament Organizers (TO) forums by head referee amazzony (who got inspired from an idea by barterer2002). To see who are the rest of the referees, take a peek below where are also all other leagues that are part of this bigger tournament. May it be said right away that the winner of each League will advance to Table Tennis Super League where best from the best will be crowned as number one Table Tennis player in CC. Form of the final tournament will be very similar to this tournament.

12 Qualifying Leagues

    TO; League of Cooks [organiser: amazzony]
    TO; League of Cadets [organiser: gameplayer]
    TO; League of Privates [organiser: Serbia]
    TO; League of Privates 1st Class [organiser: barterer2002]
    TO; League of Corporals [organiser: Forza AZ]
    TO; League of Corporals 1st Class [organiser: Lufsen75]
    TO; League of Sergeants [organiser: samuelc812]
    TO; League of Sergeants 1st Class [organiser: MarVal]
    TO; League of Lieutenants [organiser: dittoeevee8888]
    TO; League of Captains [organiser: Gilligan]
    TO; League of Majors [organiser: Natewolfman]
    TO; League of Colonels+ [organiser: killmanic]


  • It's almost like a 16-player bracket tournament but to win your bracket and advance to Super Finals, winning 4 games won't be enough. To win your bracket, you must win at least 44 games! How come, you ask. It's quite simple actually because it has been set up by taking Table Tennis as an example. To win a set (in our tournament set will equal to a table tennis game) you must gain at least 11 points and in our version 1 point will equal to one CC game. So, to advance to next round you will have to win 11 games and the gap between you and your opponent must be minimum 2 points (for example, 11:9). There's a cut off to avoid endless matches: first player to 15 points without 2 point gap wins and advances to next round.
  • Bracket will be set up randomly with the help of List Randomizer of
  • One game will be played at a time and serving order (aka maps order) is like this:
    • 1st serve by player 1
    • 1st serve by player 2
    • 2nd serve by player 1
    • 2nd serve by player 2
    • 3rd serve by player 1
    • 3rd serve by player 2
    • etc etc


      2-player Sequential Casual
      Spoils: Escalating
      Fortifications: Chained
      Serve Order: Selected on
      Maps: Alternating in order of player preference as submitted

**So what are you waiting for, join by filling this form:**
Serve = map; pick a different map for each serve and note that you might not need the last serves!

1st serve:
2nd serve:
3rd serve:
4th serve:
5th serve:
6th serve:
7th serve:
8th serve:
9th serve:
10th serve:
11th serve:
12th serve:

Rules about not showing up:
If a player doesn't join a game within 3 days I will sen him a reminder. If he still hasn't joined the game 3 days later he will forfeit that game. As soon as a player has forfeited 3 games he will forfeit the match and their opponent will qualify for the next round.

List of players:
1.American Civil War
2.Caribbean Islands
4.Dust Bowl
5.High Seas
6.Great Lakes
9.Texan Wars
10.Pearl Harbor

Lord Zod
1.American Civil War
2.Ancient Greece
3.Arms Race
5.British Isles
6.Cairns Coral Coast
7.Caribbean Islands
11.North America

1.Classic Shapes
2.Ancient Greece
3.British Isles
4.Egypt: Upper
5.North America
10.Alexander's Empire
11.Caribbean Islands

1.Classic Shapes
3.British Isles

1.Classic Shapes
2.Feudal War
4.Chinese Checkers
5.British Isles
12.New World

1.Caribbean Islands
3.WWII Western Front
4.WWII Eastern Front
5.Battle Of Actium
7.Draknor - Level 1
8.Extreme Global Warming
9.Supermax: Prison Riot!
10.Poker Club
12.High Seas

3.American Civil War
4.British Isles
5.Cairns Coral Coast
7.Feudal War
8.King Of The Mountains
9.Pearl Harbor
10.South America

1.Classic Shapes
4.American Civil War
5.British Isles
6.Cairns Coral Coast
10.Chinese Checkers
12.Great Lakes

4.British isles
5.Solar System
6.South America
8.Classic Shapes
9.Arms Race
10.Middle East
11.WWII Ardennes
12.WWII Eastern Front

1.Pearl Harbor
3.Feudal War
4.North America
5.8 Thoughts
6.American Civil War
9.British Isles
10.U.S. Senate
11.D-Day: Omaha Beach!
12.WWII Eastern Front

1.Feudal war
2.Age Of Realms 1
3.Age Of Realms 2
4.Age Of Realms 3
5.American Civil War
6.D-Day: Omaha Beach!
7.King Of The Mountains
8.Poker club
9.U.S. Senate
12.Great Lakes

1.American Civil War
2.Feudal War
3.Age Of Merchants
4.Age Of Realms 1
5.Age Of Realms 2
6.WWII Western Front
7.Classic Shapes
8.Classic Art
9.Doodle Earth
10.WWII Eastern Front
12.World 2.1

2.British Isles
3.Pearl Harbor
4.Classic Shapes
6.Classic Art
8.Ancient Greece
10.Dust Bowl
11.Middle East

1.Classic Shapes
2.World 2.1
3.WWII Eastern Front
4.WWII Western Front
6.Great Lakes
8.Feudal War
9.Age Of Realms 1
10.Hong Kong
11.Middle East

1.Draknor - Level 1
2.Duck and Cover
6.Conquer 4
7.WWII Eastern Front
8.WWII Western Front
9.American Civil War
10.Feudal War
11.U.S. Senate
12.Doodle Earth

1.City Mogul
2.Middle East
3.Bamboo Jack
4.Egypt: Lower
5.Berlin 1961
6.Caribbean Islands
7.Duck and Cover
8.Soviet Union
10.Supermax: Prison Riot!
11.World 2.1
12.Battle For Iraq!


1.Feudal War
2.Circus Maximus
3.Age Of Realms 1
4.Age Of Realms 2
5.Age Of Realms 3
6.Chinese Checkers
7.D-Day: Omaha Beach!
8.Classic Shapes
10.Doodle Earth
11.8 Thoughts
12.World 2.1

1.Classic Shapes
4.American Civil War
5.Connect 4
6.Great Lakes
8.Feudal War
10.Hong Kong
11.Middle East
Last edited by Forza AZ on Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:43 am, edited 20 times in total.
Highest score: 3130 (9 July 2009)
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Colonel Forza AZ
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Re: TO; League of Corporals

Postby Forza AZ on Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:26 am

Tournament schedule:

round 1
1.mortarmaggot64 - bobzimmerman 9-11
serve 1a: Feudal War (3768939): 0-1
serve 1b: American Civil War (3798016): 0-1
serve 2a: Age Of Realms 1 (3852679): 1-0
serve 2b: Feudal War (3865716): 0-1
serve 3a: Age Of Realms 2 (3885158): 0-1
serve 3b: Age Of Merchants (3903409): 0-1
serve 4a: Age Of Realms 3 (3918917): 1-0
serve 4b: Age Of Realms 1 (3963004): 1-0
serve 5a: American Civil War (3989501): 0-1
serve 5b: Age Of Realms 2 (4052284): 1-0
serve 6a: D-Day: Omaha Beach! (4079769): 1-0
serve 6b: WWII Western Front (4130377): 0-1
serve 7a: King Of The Mountains (4145241): 1-0
serve 7b: Classic Shapes (4165851): 1-0
serve 8a: Poker Club (4194087): 0-1
serve 8b: Classic Art (4208169): 1-0
serve 9a: U.S. Senate (4250989): 0-1
serve 9b: Doodle Earth (4279967): 0-1
serve 10a: Siege! (4317655): 1-0
serve 10b: WWII Eastern Front (4332160): 0-1

2.ddoggphx - duffster 6-11
serve 1a: Siege! (3768949): 1-0
serve 1b: Europe (3780581): 0-1
serve 2a: British Isles (3823164): 1-0
serve 2b: France (3852680): 0-1
serve 3a: Pearl Harbor (3878485): 1-0
serve 3b: USA (3896870): 0-1
serve 4a: Classic Shapes (3930690): 0-1
serve 4b: British Isles (3944503): 1-0
serve 5a: Arctic (3950469): 0-1
serve 5b: Solar System (3982886): 0-1
serve 6a: Classic Art (4010771): 1-0
serve 6b: South America (4023778): 0-1
serve 7a: USA (4058748): 0-1
serve 7b: Australia (4130380): 0-1
serve 8a: Ancient Greece (4158936): 1-0
serve 8b: Classic Shapes (4194088): 0-1
serve 9a: Montreal (4229155): 0-1

3.digger8205 - TomLocke 12-10
serve 1a: Classic Shapes (3768951): 0-1
serve 1b: Draknor - Level 1 (3791879): 0-1
serve 2a: Australia (3840286): 1-0
serve 2b: Duck and Cover (3859269): 0-1
serve 3a: British Isles (3885160): 1-0
serve 3b: USA (3903410): 0-1
serve 4a: Brazil (3924498): 0-1
serve 4b: Oasis (3968838): 1-0
serve 5a: Scotland (4003755): 1-0
serve 5b: Madagascar (4023779): 1-0
serve 6a: USA (4058750): 1-0
serve 6b: Conquer 4 (4072476): 1-0
serve 7a: Portugal (4109139): 1-0
serve 7b: WWII Eastern Front (4137947): 0-1
serve 8a: Philippines (4152493): 1-0
serve 8b: WWII Western Front (4172974): 0-1
serve 9a: Netherlands (4187023): 0-1
serve 9b: American Civil War (4229157): 1-0
serve 10a: Germany (4243958): 0-1
serve 10b: Feudal War (4272405): 0-1
serve 11a: Iceland (4332163): 1-0
serve 11b: U.S. Senate (4346562): 1-0

4.lrsd - jrhulk950 5-11
serve 1a: Africa (3768956): 0-1
serve 1b: Classic Shapes (3798018): 0-1
serve 2a: Australia (3840287): 1-0
serve 2b: Ancient Greece (3865717): 1-0
serve 3a: American Civil War (3889991): 0-1
serve 3b: British Isles (3912971): 1-0
serve 4a: British Isles (3950472): 0-1
serve 4b: Egypt: Upper (3968842): 1-0
serve 5a: Cairns Coral Coast (3989502): 0-1
serve 5b: North America (4030883): 0-1
serve 6a: Europe (4072479): 0-1
serve 6b: Europe (4101467): 0-1
serve 7a: Feudal War (4130382): 0-1
serve 7b: USA (4152494): 1-0
serve 8a: King Of The Mountains (4172978): 0-1
serve 8b: Discworld (4194089): 0-1

5.toti - zpach 11-7
serve 1a: Pearl Harbor (3768959): 1-0
serve 1b: City Mogul (3803786): 0-1
serve 2a: Charleston (3823169): 1-0
serve 2b: Middle East (3859271): 0-1
serve 3a: Feudal War (3912972): 0-1
serve 3b: Bamboo Jack (3963006): 1-0
serve 4a: North America (4003756): 1-0
serve 4b: Egypt: Lower (4072480): 0-1
serve 5a: 8 Thoughts (4123135): 1-0
serve 5b: Berlin 1961 (4165854): 1-0
serve 6a: American Civil War (4201675): 1-0
serve 6b: Caribbean Islands (4221862): 1-0
serve 7a: Italy (4272406): 1-0
serve 7b: Duck and Cover (4294919): 0-1
serve 8a: Montreal (4353379): 1-0
serve 8b: Soviet Union (4410670): 0-1
serve 9a: British Isles (4466660): 0-1
serve 9b: Arctic (4505981): 1-0

6.blacky44 - evilweasel8 9-11
serve 1a: American Civil War (3768963): 0-1
serve 1b: Caribbean Islands (3803787): 1-0
serve 2a: Caribbean Islands (3810069): 1-0
serve 2b: Discworld (3829041): 0-1
serve 3a: CCU (3846285): 1-0
serve 3b: WWII Western Front (3885161): 0-1
serve 4a: Dust Bowl (3908775): 1-0
serve 4b: WWII Eastern Front (3937630): 0-1
serve 5a: High Seas (3963007): 0-1
serve 5b: Battle Of Actium (3989503): 0-1
serve 6a: Great Lakes (4052285): 1-0
serve 6b: Centerscape (4072481): 0-1
serve 7a: Madagascar (4094578): 0-1
serve 7b: Draknor - Level 1 (4137948): 0-1
serve 8a: USA (4165858): 1-0
serve 8b: Extreme Global Warming (4194091): 1-0
serve 9a: Texan Wars (4215485): 1-0
serve 9b: Supermax: Prison Riot! (4229160): 0-1
serve 10a: Pearl Harbor (4250990): 1-0
serve 10b: Poker Club (4279972): 0-1

7.Streaker - Vrb 11-4
serve 1a: Classic Shapes (3768965): 1-0
serve 1b: Classic Shapes (3773976): 1-0
serve 2a: Feudal War (3791881): 0-1
serve 2b: World 2.1 (3846291): 1-0
serve 3a: Oasis (3859272): 1-0
serve 3b: WWII Eastern Front (3896873): 0-1
serve 4a: Chinese Checkers (3908777): 0-1
serve 4b: WWII Western Front (3930692): 1-0
serve 5a: British Isles (3956650): 1-0
serve 5b: Europa (3975529): 1-0
serve 6a: Siege! (3989505): 1-0
serve 6b: Great Lakes (3996655): 0-1
serve 7a: Madagascar (4003757): 1-0
serve 7b: Indochina (4010772): 1-0
serve 8a: Archipelago (4023782): 1-0

8.Lord Zod - leen_1980 8-11
serve 1a: American Civil War (3768966): 0-1
serve 1b: Classic Shapes (3780582): 0-1
serve 2a: Ancient Greece (3791882): 1-0
serve 2b: Africa (3798022): 0-1
serve 3a: Arms Race (3816402): 1-0
serve 3b: Australia (3834649): 0-1
serve 4a: Australia (3846295): 0-1
serve 4b: American Civil War (3859296): 0-1
serve 5a: British Isles (3865718): 0-1
serve 5b: British Isles (3872338): 1-0
serve 6a: Cairns Coral Coast (3885162): 1-0
serve 6b: Cairns Coral Coast (3896875): 1-0
serve 7a: Caribbean Islands (3903411): 0-1
serve 7b: Discworld (3924499): 1-0
serve 8a: CCU (3937634): 0-1
serve 8b: Siege! (3944504): 0-1
serve 9a: Iceland (3963008): 1-0
serve 9b: Europe (3975530): 1-0
serve 10a: Malta (4017421): 0-1

9.bobzimmerman-duffster 11-6
serve 1a: American Civil War (4360552): 0-1
serve 1b: Europe (4382585): 1-0
serve 2a: Feudal War (4397038): 0-1
serve 2b: France (4424375): 1-0
serve 3a: Age Of Merchants (4432012): 0-1
serve 3b: USA (4446852): 1-0
serve 4a: Age Of Realms 1 (4460396): 1-0
serve 4b: British Isles (4474086): 1-0
serve 5a: Age Of Realms 2 (4491987): 0-1
serve 5b: Solar System (4499403): 1-0
serve 6a: WWII Western Front (4518537): 0-1
serve 6b: South America (4524808): 1-0
serve 7a: Classic Shapes (4538408): 1-0
serve 7b: Australia (4551945): 1-0
serve 8a: Classic Art (4585476): 0-1
serve 8b: Classic Shapes (4634048): 1-0
serve 9a: Doodle Earth (4648036): 1-0

10.digger8205-jrhulk950 10-12
serve 1a: Classic Shapes (4382587): 0-1
serve 1b: Classic Shapes (4432014): 0-1
serve 2a: Australia (4474087): 0-1
serve 2b: Ancient Greece (4538409): 0-1
serve 3a: British Isles (4585477): 1-0
serve 3b: British Isles (4612467): 1-0
serve 4a: Brazil (4640899): 0-1
serve 4b: Egypt: Upper (4668191): 1-0
serve 5a: Scotland (4690219): 1-0
serve 5b: North America (4717724): 0-1
serve 6a: USA (4738858): 1-0
serve 6b: Europe (4765371): 0-1
serve 7a: Portugal (4787077): 1-0
serve 7b: USA (4813793): 1-0
serve 8a: Philippines (4855321): 0-1
serve 8b: Discworld (4890544): 1-0
serve 9a: Netherlands (4915305): 1-0
serve 9b: Australia (5006082): 1-0
serve 10a: Germany (5024986): 0-1
serve 10b: Alexander's Empire (5080671): 0-1
serve 11a: Iceland (5092782): 0-1
serve 11b: Caribbean Islands (5118292): 0-1

11.toti-evilweasel8 10-4
serve 1a: Pearl Harbor (4524810): 1-0
serve 1b: Caribbean Islands (4558742): 1-0
serve 2a: Charleston (4585480): 1-0
serve 2b: Discworld (4627311): 0-1
serve 3a: Feudal War (4661700): 0-1
serve 3b: WWII Western Front (4682959): 1-0
serve 4a: North America (4703719): 0-1
serve 4b: WWII Eastern Front (4765372): 0-1
serve 5a: 8 Thoughts (4793670): 1-0
serve 5b: Battle Of Actium (4834474): 1-0
serve 6a: American Civil War (4908522): 1-0
serve 6b: Midgard (4959188): 1-0 forfeit
serve 7a: Italy (4997905): 1-0 forfeit
serve 7b: Draknor - Level 1 (5036395): 1-0 forfeit

Because evilweasel8 didn't show up for 3 games toti is qualified for the semifinal

12.Streaker-leen_1980 11-8
serve 1a: Classic Shapes (4052287): 0-1
serve 1b: Classic Shapes (4079770): 1-0
serve 2a: Feudal War (4101471): 1-0
serve 2b: Africa (4145242): 0-1
serve 3a: Oasis (4194092): 1-0
serve 3b: Australia (4236551): 0-1
serve 4a: Chinese Checkers (4250991): 1-0
serve 4b: American Civil War (4294922): 1-0
serve 5a: British Isles (4339516): 0-1
serve 5b: British Isles (4360554): 0-1
serve 6a: Siege! (4404104): 1-0
serve 6b: Cairns Coral Coast (4446854): 0-1
serve 7a: Madagascar (4474088): 0-1
serve 7b: Discworld (4505982): 1-0
serve 8a: Archipelago (4538410): 1-0
serve 8b: Siege! (4551947): 1-0
serve 9a: Luxembourg (4585481): 0-1
serve 9b: Europe (4599191): 1-0
serve 10a: Iberia (4640903): 1-0

semi finals
13.bobzimmerman-jrhulk950 8-11
serve 1a: American Civil War (5164490): 1-0
serve 1b: Classic Shapes (5208244): 0-1
serve 2a: Feudal War (5232125): 1-0
serve 2b: Ancient Greece (5264831): 0-1
serve 3a: Age Of Merchants (5293329): 1-0
serve 3b: British Isles (5327178): 0-1
serve 4a: Age Of Realms 1 (5354956): 0-1
serve 4b: Egypt: Upper (5371115): 0-1
serve 5a: Age Of Realms 2 (5398818): 0-1
serve 5b: North America (5416310): 0-1
serve 6a: WWII Western Front (5442286): 0-1
serve 6b: Europe (5459276): 1-0
serve 7a: Classic Shapes (5485668): 0-1
serve 7b: USA (5505574): 1-0
serve 8a: Classic Art (5525885): 1-0
serve 8b: Discworld (5536013): 1-0
serve 9a: Doodle Earth (5563286): 1-0
serve 9b: Australia (5583185): 0-1
serve 10a: WWII Eastern Front (5609933): 0-1

14.toti-Streaker 0-4
serve 1a: Pearl Harbor (5075130): 0-1
serve 1b: Classic Shapes (5111747): 0-1 forfeit
serve 2a: Charleston (5147636): 0-1 forfeit
serve 2b: Feudal War (5182023): 0-1 forfeit

Because toti didn't show up for 3 games Streaker is qualified for the final

jrhulk950-Streaker 11-3
serve 1a: Classic Shapes (5636966): 1-0
serve 1b: Classic Shapes (5658278): 0-1
serve 2a: Ancient Greece (5685846): 1-0
serve 2b: Feudal War (5713248): 1-0
serve 3a: British Isles (5739619): 1-0
serve 3b: Oasis (5754917): 1-0
serve 4a: Egypt: Upper (5800110): 1-0
serve 4b: Chinese Checkers (5822836): 1-0
serve 5a: North America (5834920): 1-0
serve 5b: British Isles (5859572): 1-0
serve 6a: Europe (5890683): 0-1
serve 6b: Siege! (5919410): 1-0
serve 7a: USA (5949303): 0-1
serve 7b: Madagascar (5965184): 1-0

Winner: jrhulk950
Last edited by Forza AZ on Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:44 am, edited 183 times in total.
Highest score: 3130 (9 July 2009)
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Colonel Forza AZ
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [0/16]

Postby Army of Achilles on Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:29 am

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Re: TO; League of Corporals [0/16]

Postby Forza AZ on Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:37 am

Army of Achilles wrote:sure

This part is only for Corporals (1100-1200 score). If you want to play, then you have to sign up in another subtournament.
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [0/16]

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:08 pm

Forza AZ wrote:
Army of Achilles wrote:sure

This part is only for Corporals (1100-1200 score). If you want to play, then you have to sign up in another subtournament.

killmanic should post his subtournament soon and his will be suitable for your rank :)
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [0/16]

Postby blacky44 on Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:47 pm

Hey I will join if there is only one spot needed. If not no thanks.

1st serve:American Civil War
2nd serve:Caribean Islands
3rd serve:CCU
4th serve:Dust Bowl
5th serve:High Seas
6th serve:Great Lakes
7th serve:Madagascar
8th serve:USA
9th serve:Texan Wars
10th serve:Pearl Harbor
11th serve:madness
12th serve:Oasis
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [0/16]

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:07 pm

I will play.

1 Classic
3 Canada
4 American Civil War
5 Connect 4
6 Great Lakes
7 Indochina
8 Feudal War
9 Siege
10 Hong Kong
11 Middle East
12 Germany
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [1/16]

Postby Forza AZ on Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:21 am

1 player in so far (Evil Semp is not a Corporal, so I moved you to the Sergeants topic). Still 15 spots open!!!
Highest score: 3130 (9 July 2009)
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [1/16]

Postby Lord Zod on Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:01 am

I'm in---Lord Zod

American Civil War
Ancient Greece
Arms Race
British Isles
Cairns Coral Coast
Carribbean Islands
North America
All kneel before ZOD!!!
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [1/16]

Postby AtreidesHouse on Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:15 am

Prohibition Chicago
Texan Wars
San Francisco
Sydney Metro
New World
City Mogul

Oh yeah, did I mention I'm in?
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [1/16]

Postby Forza AZ on Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:24 am

2 players in so far (AtreidesHouse is a Corporal 1st Class, so I moved him to the other Subtournament).
Highest score: 3130 (9 July 2009)
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [2/16]

Postby whitestazn88 on Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:32 pm

do you need to be premium?
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [2/16]

Postby Lufsen75 on Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:42 pm

whitestazn88 wrote:do you need to be premium?

No you dont have to be a prem.
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [1/16]

Postby AtreidesHouse on Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:08 am

Forza AZ wrote:2 players in so far (AtreidesHouse is a Corporal 1st Class, so I moved him to the other Subtournament).

?.....looks like corporal to me, but where ever you want me I'm good.
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [1/16]

Postby Forza AZ on Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:08 am

AtreidesHouse wrote:
Forza AZ wrote:2 players in so far (AtreidesHouse is a Corporal 1st Class, so I moved him to the other Subtournament).

?.....looks like corporal to me, but where ever you want me I'm good.

Yes, you are a Corporal again now. When I checked your post yesterday you had a higher ranking. So I just put you in the tournament of the rank you had when I checked your post.
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [2/16]

Postby jrhulk950 on Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:50 pm

I'm in...

1st serve: classic
2nd serve: ancient greece
3rd serve: british isles
4th serve: egypt: upper
5th serve: north america
6th serve: europe
7th serve: usa
8th serve: discworld
9th serve: austraila
10th serve: alexander's empire
11th serve: caribbean islands
12th serve: france
Highest ranking to date:
Rank Score
2313 Feb 5, 2008 1617 Jun 24, 2010

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Re: TO; League of Corporals [3/16]

Postby Forza AZ on Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:29 am

3 players in so far. Still 13 spots open!!!
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [3/16]

Postby barterer2002 on Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:38 pm

Hey, as we discussed I've asked some of my guys to move up. As they respond I'll cut and paste their map stuff so you have it.

HardAttack wrote:Hello,
i wud like to participate in this, and i will provide the necesary additional info in very soon,
regards + thanks

classic art
british isles
berlin 1961
arm race
Conquer 4
doodle earth
duck and cover
circus maximus
dust bowl
chinese checkers
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [3/16]

Postby barterer2002 on Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:36 pm

digger8205 wrote:I'm in. Details below.

1st Serve: Classic Shapes
2nd Serve: Australia
3rd Serve: British Isles
4th Serve: Brazil
5th Serve: Scotland
6th Serve: USA
7th Serve: Portugal
8th Serve: Philippines
9th Serve: Netherlands
10th Serve: Germany
11th Serve: Iceland
12th Serve: Malta
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [3/16]

Postby Streaker on Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:55 pm

I'll be joining...

Streaker wants to play...
1st serve: Classic Shapes
2nd serve: Feudal War
3rd serve: Oasis
4th serve: Chinese Checkers
5th serve: British Isles
6th serve: Siege!
7th serve: Madagascar
8th serve: Archipelago
9th serve: Luxembourg
10th serve: Iberia
11th serve: Netherlands
12th serve: New World
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [3/16]

Postby barterer2002 on Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:15 pm

evilweasel8 wrote:1-Caribbean,2-disk world,3-ww2 western front,4-ww2 eastern front,5-battle of actinium,6-centrescape,7-Drakner level 1,8-Extreme global warming,9-supermax,10-poker club,11-montreal,12-highseas
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [7/16]

Postby Forza AZ on Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:26 pm

7 players in now. Need 9 more Corporals. So sign up now!!!
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [7/16]

Postby lrsd on Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:31 am

I'm game

1) Africa
2) Australia
3) American Civil War
4) British Isles
5) Cairns Coral Coast
6) Europe
7) Feudal War
8) King Of The Mountain
9) Pearl Harbor
10)South America
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [7/16]

Postby leen_1980 on Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:16 am

Leen wants to play:

1st serve: Classic Shapes
2 nd serve: Africa
3th serve: Australia
4th serve: American Civil War
5ft serve: British Isles
6th serve: Cairns Coral Coast
7 th serve: Disc World
8 th serve: Siege
9 th serve: Europe
10th serve: Chinese Checkers
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Re: TO; League of Corporals [7/16]

Postby Forza AZ on Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:03 am

9 players in now. Need 7 more. So sign up now!!!
Highest score: 3130 (9 July 2009)
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