Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.
Delete any accusations or entries which do not apply.
Be sure before you accuse someone!
The accused are suspected of:
Other: <Explanation>
Rating Abuse
Game number(s):
The following is an account of the reson that i am reporting this incident. ALL pm's between me and the accused are below:
Dear Leek777,
I write to you regarding the rating that you left me. I can't understand why you left me such a low rating. I can understand the 1 star in gameplay but keep in mind that i am a private facing a major. Please pm me back so that I can better understand this.
Thank You.
-MK 1
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:41 pm
Private message
why I left you this rating is, because you are still a beginner. no problem there otherways, exept I dont think it is fair to take a game with someone so high rank, when you are not higher then private. people have to earn they right to play against better players. and this game is about points. you have to understand how many games I must win, when I loose to low grade players. it is frustraiting for me. thats why I give them, you this raiting. thats how I see that game. and I know that you, like many others dont have to be bad players, but I`am tired to fell back to low grades, because they had luck in my games. thats it, hope that you understand me. if not, no problem. have fun with you games.
My dear Leek777,
If I understand your message correctly you are vindicating yourself against lower ranks. This is a serious offense and very troubling to me. Understand that I have nothing against you but that is simply unacceptable. Seeing how I lost to you, you shouldn't have a problem. If a low rank beats you, then they earned it. I lost. I call upon your better judgment to remove this rating or else I will have to approach a higher authority about having it removed. Your insolense is despicable, especially from a major. I would expect more from you. I will give you a choice because I respect your rank and only your rank, you may choose to remove it yourself or have conquerclub do it for you. And I believe that the latter would be most unpleasant.
My best regards Major Leek777,
-MK 1
(from Leek777)
I thell you this, go f*ck you self. wanna scare me, piss off you ant. dont come to teache me, you ignorent as. I dont give a rat ass what you do. go and thell to the hole world you fucking problems, lets see if they give a f*ck.
You are mistaken Major Leek777.
I did not intend to scare you. My intention was simple. My intent was to send you an offer. My offer was plain and simple. Delete the rating or deal with someone else. I do not need to fight you. Conquerclub can do that for me. However, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, I will give you one more chance. Only one Major Leek777. Delete the rating. Oh, and another thing, do you really think your ugly langauge was neccesary. You amaze me. Over a rating, you have cussed me out, made excuses, vindacted your own win because of my rank, and foolishly allowed your temper to get the best of you. Now, please don't waist my time. Will you, or will you not delete the rating. Yes or no will suffice.
My gracious regards,
-MK 1
If I am mistaken and this is not rating abuse, then I apologize.